Macro Jacksons (LOLGraphics) *mature language*



Is that still Lunapic you use, Amy? If it is, Which font it that it's cool! :giggle:

Cream-puff indeed :D :lol:

OMG> thats so cute. did you read what it says.

Michael's ALWAYS had love for small children and animals.

"If you'd like to drop Mike a line, and let him know you understand him":cry:

thats kinda ironic.:( (i think i used that word right:scratch:)

awwww, :weeping:

Yeah I was thinking the same thing... :(

Holy f*ck that's hot!!!!!!!!! :swoon:

I know!
I find a new one every day.

Here's the original:


And no, I don't think it's photoshopped. Could be wrong, but don't think so.
What does it say?? Who speaks French in here?? :jump:
its bed time because you guys FREAKED ME OUT i hate spiders ew ew ew and one on his beautiful face omg. LOL

I don't like them either, but on pictures (far away from me..) the big ones are kinda beautiful :yes: And on Michael... well... :swoon:

Night night :hug: