Macro Jacksons (LOLGraphics) *mature language*

look what I found!


OMG nooo so wrong! :lmao:

OMG :lol:

I wouldn't mind fucking him but I don't know about his life though:fear:

Yeah me too!

Campari's story! :swoon:
Me likey!
I want to read more of those! :clapping:

Thank you :D I don't have any more at the moment, but Lena has one with golfballs that she doesn't want to share :lol:

Ok, anything that helps me have dreams of Mike, I gotta see!! LOL

please share the love... :wub: :praying:

OK, check your PM's in 30 sec.. :D
Thank you :D I don't have any more at the moment, but Lena has one with golfballs that she doesn't want to share :lol:
haaaaaaaay don't put me under the bus :lol:
its not even finished yet
but if you want I can send you the whole four lines I wrote :lol:
I'm kinda at a dead end:fear:
It's just the same thing that goes on every day.
Yelling, complaining, fighting.
My Dad keeps getting angry at me for just being on the computer doing MJ stuff, listening to MJ and I tell him it's because it's my escape from all the yelling and crap like that and he tells me to stop doing MJ stuff to forget about it and do something else.
Well when I do go to do something else he has to complain about that too. I quit cleaning up the house because I was basically cleaning up after everyone else and I'm just not going to do that anymore since I clean up my messes and my Dad keeps complaining about everything to me about my brothers about the car and he keeps degrading Michael and telling me "forget about that stupid Michael Jackson" and it's just recently just starting to get to me. I've been through this for years and my brother being a drug addict keeping us all up at night with falling over and getting up and down and making huge messes around the house. I'm just sick of it all. I would move out but with the economy I can't find a job and I've tried to.
I just wish I could go somewhere where I could find a job, and be around people who don't judge Michael like people around me do.

I've found that so many people lie about what they like to fit into society. They will say they like things they don't and deride things they do like just to fit in. People here know what it is like to love Michael, that is rare.