Macro Jacksons (LOLGraphics) *mature language*

nice one .
they all rock :punk:
a little help here please :D HEE HEE
with what?
sorry I really don't have it in me to go through all you're conversations you're just gonna have to fell me in :ph34r:
Hey girl! :waving:
How are ya?!
alive :sleep:
(sorry I'm a little Emo today thats just the beautiful effect school has on me :lol:)
Hey Lena! :D Back from school this early? Where are you from? I don't think I have asked you that yet..

Lebanon hun :)

Edit: bye Sils :waving:
oh no
not you too :girl_weeping:

i managed to have each one of them good for one day of the week :dancin: HEE HEE
i still have Seven, Charlie & you :p
pick a day hun :p :happy_dance:

I'm not bad like them, if I were a girl, I Definitely would be like them :D

but I'm BAD Michael Jackson style, but i can AND will go so far to being bad like the gurls hehehe:giggle:
I'm not bad like them, if I were a girl, I Definitely would be like them :D

but I'm BAD Michael Jackson style, but i can AND will go so far to being bad like the gurls hehehe:giggle:

this is gonna be harder than i thought :scratch:

as long as you don't try to make me Badder :D
& i don't think you hang out in the manhood thread, now do you? HEE HEE :giggle:
:bugeyed Ahahahahahaha!!!

Ewww come on don't tell me you believe that I ain't that pervy I was trying to make Applehead join the dark side :devil:
there isn't much you can do to a poster anyway :sleep:
but I wander how that poor taddybear is doing after you're visit to the manhood thread I think it ain't that well or should I say "dry"?
Ewww come on don't tell me you believe that I ain't that pervy I was trying to make Applehead join the dark side :devil:
there isn't much you can do to a poster anyway :sleep:
but I wander how that poor taddybear is doing after you're visit to the manhood thread I think it ain't that well or should I say "dry"?

Scuuuse me it wasn't me who needed a change of pants! :pth: :lmao:

You know what, that is so true! None of the dolls ever made look even a tiny bit like Michael. Not even the wax figures that are made by proffesionals! They get everyone else halfway right, so why not Michael?? [/rant finished..]
You know what, that is so true! None of the dolls ever made look even a tiny bit like Michael. Not even the wax figures that are made by proffesionals! They get everyone else halfway right, so why not Michael?? [/rant finished..]

hey i'm back :waving:
have you seen the new thriller one?
the zombie looks :eek:k: but the normal one :no:
i don't know why they can't get one right
i think the one Blanket has looked somewhat more like him??
or may be coz i just couldn't see its face? :scratch:

oh yes & don't get me started on the wax figures !!! :ranting: