Luka Neskovic: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror [6/13/2012 Vindication Anniversary]


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2011
The Huffington post article regarding 2005 verdict:
June 13 is the 7th Anniversary of Michael's vindication day

It was seven years ago when the twelve jurors of Santa Barbara County liberated Michael Jackson of the heinous charges for sexual abuse, conspiracy and giving alcohol to a minor. Interesting, 12 jurors of the most conservative California County, with not a single Afro-American among them, after more than four months of the trial, hundreds of witnesses interviewed and 30 hours of deliberation, reached an unanimous "not guilty" decision on all 10 counts.

Except for this trial was declared a "trial of the century" and displayed media at their worst. Sensationalism, exclusivity, negativity, excentricism, chaos, and hysteria were some of the features. After all, that was the thing that interested them and us the most (and unfortunately there are few who do not fit into stated majority).

While working on the biography of Michael Jackson, a few weeks ago I spoke with his lawyer Thomas Mesereau, who was the most credited for the legal victory. We also talked about the media coverage of the case:
The more of these kind of post the better.
Sadly Journalists Code of Ethics was thrown in to bin when they did their reporting about the case and Michael.

I noticed this:
Luka Neskovic
Luka Neskovic is author of the book Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson’s Case. Currently he is working on Michael Jackson’s ultimate biography, where he interviews Jackson’s close friends, business associates, music collaborators, tour members and other associates. As a relative Jackson expert he has been interviewed for numerous media houses in Montenegro and around the world. He resides in Podgorica, capital city of Montenegro, where
he is a student of diplomacy and international relations at UDG University.
How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror ?

It was seven years ago when the twelve jurors of Santa Barbara County liberated Michael Jackson of the heinous charges for sexual abuse, conspiracy and giving alcohol to a minor. Interesting, 12 jurors of the most conservative California County, with not a single Afro-American among them, after more than four months of the trial, hundreds of witnesses interviewed and 30 hours of deliberation, reached an unanimous "not guilty" decision on all 10 counts.
Except for this trial was declared a "trial of the century" and displayed media at their worst. Sensationalism, exclusivity, negativity, excentricism, chaos, and hysteria were some of the features. After all, that was the thing that interested them and us the most (and unfortunately there are few who do not fit into stated majority).
While working on the biography of Michael Jackson, a few weeks ago I spoke with his lawyer Thomas Mesereau, who was the most credited for the legal victory. We also talked about the media coverage of the case:

It was horrible. I learned very quickly that the media was the enemy, that the media had an agenda, and their goal was not justice, it was not fairness, it was not truth [...] Because the media likes things that shock people, they like drama, and to have him found guilty and have him hold of the jail would have made a great stories for them. So I didn't trust the media, I felt they were trying to sabotage me, I felt they thought I was an obstacle to them, and they also knew they could not seduce me or even find me. They could not find me in a restaurant, they could not find me in a bar, they could not try and put me in a compromising positing

Although the media have not managed to put Mesereau in a compromising position, they did it with a few people that were close to Jackson. Statements of his ex-wife Debbie Rowe have been twisted and remodeled. The media chased the former employees from his Neverland ranch to find the smallest particle of doubt.
They have written about the fact that he wasn't the father of his own children and looked back at his plastic surgery (publishing an increasing number of operations with each new publication), finding all that you might call "strange," "twisted" and "depraved." Bjork described it best in a 2003 interview: " the US right now, it's illegal to be an eccentric."
In the mildest sense the statements of people who defended Jackson were drawn from the context. The case of wrong information transmission was often. For example, when the heterosexual porno magazine was found on Neverland (Jackson admitted that occasionally leaf through such content) most of the media referred to it as pedophile material.
Many would say that we can't put all media representatives in the same mold. True, there have been several media outlets and authors who were following it objectively without any bias or prejudice, and reporting was based on court transcript and official documents, but they are, of course, a tiny minority. Our media (in Montenegro) have not been a part of that minority, but rather have served as a copy / paste mechanism which borrowed information from it's foreign colleagues, of course, only in the translated version.
And what to expect after these reports? June 13, 2005 came, and most of the general public
was surprised by the verdict after all they had read and heard in the media.
And a victim of the whole story? A 46-year-old musical genius, who has devoted his entire life helping others, without asking anything in return. Eventually he became a victim of people whose only motive -- money, of people who took advantage of his generosity and humanity, and those who were inventing sensational headlines in order to earn from the same.
Re: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror ?

Great objective article!
Re: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror ?

It's good to see that more and more people begin to see the light. I will never forget that day. Horrible and wonderful at the same time. Horrible because of what Michael had to go through. Wonderful because justice has been served. I can't imagine what he must have gone through as he left his home and his children that day, not knowing if he will return to see them... :cry:
All because of a bunch of greedy bastards and an incompetent, stupid and heavily biased prosecution. And because of a media that was unable to remain factual. When it came to MJ, even so called "serious" newspapers became tabloids.

That day:

Re: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror ?

It's so sad to read about all that again. :(
Re: Luka Neskovic: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror

The media was dispicable in its portrayal of Michael and the Trial. Non the less they didnt stop a non guilty verdict but they did exploit and try to publically destroy MJs reputtion in the minds of the general public. Those who knew him and his fans continued to support him and get he truth out as best they could through the social media sites at that time

June 13 is the 7th Anniversary of Michael's vindication Day
This was posted on Tom Mesereau website in 2005 and remains there to this day

I use to love celebrating that day each year but now it just brings
tears and bitterness over what they did to our precious Michael :cry:

You're doing wrong - Vengeance is mine ~ God
Adressing Michael Jackson's 2005 Trial his Death and other injusitices.
Make that change or suffer the consequences.. Vengeance is mine ~ God
Re: Luka Neskovic: How the Media Shattered the Man in the Mirror

They better have liberated Michael Jackson for these false allegations. It makes me furious that some bastard children and their leech parents would lie on Michael and cause him great distress just so they could steal his money that he worked hard for. God I pray they get what they've sown, and they either repent or go to hell for all enternity. Sorry for they bad language, but people just don't realize how evil they are, how whould they feel if it happened to them? I'm so glad God is in control of this world and not evil people. It only takes one hit from God with a tornadoe, earthquake, etc. and all you worked for is gone in an instance, God can take your life and you'll never be no more. I love the acts of God, specifically for evil people.
Bubs;3654976 said:
The more of these kind of post the better.
Sadly Journalists Code of Ethics was thrown in to bin when they did their reporting about the case and Michael.

I noticed this:
Luka Neskovic
Luka Neskovic is author of the book Invincible Sabotage: Inside Michael Jackson’s Case. Currently he is working on Michael Jackson’s ultimate biography, where he interviews Jackson’s close friends, business associates, music collaborators, tour members and other associates. As a relative Jackson expert he has been interviewed for numerous media houses in Montenegro and around the world. He resides in Podgorica, capital city of Montenegro, where
he is a student of diplomacy and international relations at UDG University.

He lives in my town..Thank you Luka!
Remembering that time makes me upset and really sad. I remember feeling like I was only person who knew Michael was innocent. It felt like the whole world was against him. He had such strength and courage to get through that. I don't know how the people who tried to hurt him and the media too live with themselves.
Wonderful article, and I am so grateful that TMez is always available to set the record straight. I remember him speaking about how disappointed the media was after the verdict. Mez claimed that one of them had even told him how they had plans to write about Michael's meals in prison, what he was doing each day, etc., so they were unhappy with this verdict which prevented them from milking the story further. What a bunch of "you know whats." There are still people who say that "where there is smoke there is fire," so I am glad that such articles are continuing. Of course the fools out there do not read such articles, but only listen to the tv reports.
I remember on this day in 2005 pretty much everyone in my life said " yep he will be found guilty so get over it!" oh boy were they shocked when that didnt happen. I felt such relief & joy but at the same time anger as well cuz it did take away his spirit and trust in the world away . One of the scences from that that i have taken away with me is when that lady that has been dubbed " the dove lady" let those doves out of their cages as a sign of freedom and love , and also joy that we all felt. I hate what that family, sneddon and all the people were involved did to michael and i to pray that they will get what they've sown and that god will punish them as he sees fit cuz god knows they deserve it
Thanks Respect77 for posting those clips.
They made me cry, seeing the pain in Michael's eyes when he went to court room to hear the verdict:cry:
I'm thankful for every single fan who was there that day, Michael needed to see you there, that you were supporting him and believing in him. I''m thankful that God sent T Mez to Michael's way.

It was truly awful how he was treated and still is by media vultures. I wish I could go back in time and get rid off J and his disgusting father. Without them, I doubt this trial would have happened.
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A difficult time for the fan community...

I know what I was feeling, I can't even imagine what was going through Mike's head everyday as he faced that BS.

I remember being on what was the MJJForum reading and discussing what took place each day, mostly just being COMPLETELY frustrated with the media for not reporting the truth of what was taking place in that courtroom.

I couldn't watch most of the coverage because it was just disgusting...the media wanted a guilty verdict. They all salivated at the thought of a conviction, not because they actually thought he was guilty, simply because it would "make a good story".

Seeing Mike going into the courtroom that day........even seeing him after he was acquitted. He was completely devastated. I'll never forget the look on his face just before he went into that courtroom. It breaks my heart every single time.

SMH...I don't know what my point is, I'm just rambling about that one should have to endure what they put Mike through.
This statement by the Jury was read after the verdict. They stated they were confident in their verdict.

"Statement from the Jury

We the jury, feeling the weight of the world's eyes upon us all, thoroughly and meticulously studied the testimony, evidence, and rules of procedure presented in this courtroom since January 31, 2005.

Following the jury instructions, we confidently came to our verdicts.

It is our hope that this case is a testiment to the belief in our justice system, integrity, and truth.

We respectfully request that the world allows us to return to our private lives as anonymously as we came.

Thank you."
I couldn't watch most of the coverage because it was just disgusting...the media wanted a guilty verdict. They all salivated at the thought of a conviction, not because they actually thought he was guilty, simply because it would "make a good story".

When it came to MJ it became open season for the media. They totally forgot fairness and also that he is a human being too, someone's father, son and brother. It became a bullying game for them. It just goes to show that when someone is vulnerable humans are still the animals who carried out the witch hunts, the lynches and everything like that.
Miachal Jackson Is Innocent Trends On Twitter Fans are still backing singer's innocence

Michael Jackson fans have taken to Twitter to the news that seven years ago today (June 13) the singer was been found not guilty of all charges at the end of his four-month-long child abuse trial.

Prosecutors had charged the singer with four counts of lewd conduct with a child younger than 14; one count of attempted lewd conduct; four counts of administering alcohol to facilitate child molestation; and one count of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment or extortion back in 2005.

'Michael Jackson Is Innocent' began trending on the social network site this afternoon leaving many confused and some angry.

''Why is Michael Jackson is innocent trending? Isn't that completely irrelevant now?'' posted one user.

Another added: "Michael Jackson Is Innocent? why don't you just let him rest in peace instead of bringing up the bad stuff. remember him for his music."

While fans praised the news: ''13 June 2005 - Michael Jackson was found innocent against the disgusting allegations made against him. Michael Jackson Is Innocent ? ''

The court case, which took place before Jacksons' passing, was one of the most publicised in music history.
Who here has seen this Documentary entitled 'The Trials of Michael Jackson'?? It airs exclusively on The Documentary Channel in the U.S. Anyone else see this in any other countries? It shows the bias of the media against Michael (and his fans) during the trial. It's a really good documentary, sad too though.

I believe they are going to show it again as June 25th gets closer.

^ Re those tweets - MJ's innocence is not irrelevant. He may have got 14 not guiltys in that courtroom but he is still continually put on trial in the court of public opinion and the media. It's essential for his legacy that fans continue their efforts to show his innocence.

I find this video really moving, it's taken by i think some french fans who are in the convoy of cars which are driving mj home to neverland on june 13th after the verdict . It's uplifting but at the same time so sad as you know that it is the last time he ever returns to neverland. You can see all his neighbours out to show their support and all the global media set up outside mj's home.

Who here has seen this Documentary entitled 'The Trials of Michael Jackson'?? It airs exclusively on The Documentary Channel in the U.S. Anyone else see this in any other countries? It shows the bias of the media against Michael (and his fans) during the trial. It's a really good documentary, sad too though.

I believe they are going to show it again as June 25th gets closer.

I haven't seen or heard of it but if I find it somewhere, I'll watch it.
I believe this is the link to those people website who shot that document
I haven't seen or heard of it but if I find it somewhere, I'll watch it.
I believe this is the link to those people website who shot that document

Yes, that's their website. Here is another link of pics of the fans. Since I haven't posted here that long... I was wondering if any fans are here at this forum that are on the website and attended the trial?

And another trailor:

The media and all the people who made Michael's life hell want us to forget how they treated him. What they did to him. So many hypocrites now and I will never ever forget.
What i hate is when people say ''Not guilty doesn't mean innocent''. Then what the hell does it mean then?! To me not guilty and innocent are the same thing
What i hate is when people say ''Not guilty doesn't mean innocent''. Then what the hell does it mean then?! To me not guilty and innocent are the same thing

Yeah, I always wondered about that as well. I remember at the time of the verdict on the CourtTV Message Board, when someone said MJ was found innocent, some people always felt the need to correct it to "he was found not guilty, not innocent". IMO it was just sour grapes by people who wanted to see him convicted and picking at small details. I mean, of course, techically when they read the verdict they say "not guilty", not "innocent" but it means the same. In an interview that a fan made with Mesereau he was asked what's the difference between "not guilty" and "innocent" and he said there is no difference. Not guilty means innocent, period.
^^That is one thing I hate about their argument, the other one is "if there is a smoke, there is a fire"
re Gene Simmons for example. I for one would love to see him being accused of something that he didn't do, then he would know that there can be smoke without fire and how does it feel to be accused of something he didn't do. People get accused all the time of things that they didn't do (Travolta for example).
Another added: "Michael Jackson Is Innocent? why don't you just let him rest in peace instead of bringing up the bad stuff. remember him for his music."

I too posted that hashtag "michael jackson is innocent" on twitter last night cuz i feel even though mj is gone we the fans must uphold his legacy. His legacy isn't just bout his music, his movies & his humanitarian ways but it was also bout the fight he had to deal with to prove & show his innocence to the world. Michael was literally from the moment of his arrest fighting for his life and even though im sure he definately had his moments where he felt he couldnt take it anymore but he never let those feelings win and it made me love him even more.
Yeah, I always wondered about that as well. I remember at the time of the verdict on the CourtTV Message Board, when someone said MJ was found innocent, some people always felt the need to correct it to "he was found not guilty, not innocent". IMO it was just sour grapes by people who wanted to see him convicted and picking at small details. I mean, of course, techically when they read the verdict they say "not guilty", not "innocent" but it means the same. In an interview that a fan made with Mesereau he was asked what's the difference between "not guilty" and "innocent" and he said there is no difference. Not guilty means innocent, period.

I can appreciate the legal argument that not guilty is different to innocent. A jury is asked to convict 'beyond a reasonable doubt' solely on evidence that is admissable in court - rules which are meant to protect the defendant. There may be cases wehre the accused is not convicted not because of innocence but because there is not enough evidence to convict. Then of course you have that old staple, oj simpson was 'not guilty' too, ie sometimes juries make 'bad' decisions.

Unfortunately in mj's defence fans also need, as well as the 14 not guiltys, to have some basic knowledge of the case to show that it was little more than a malicious prosecution. The real question is why this case was ever allowed to go to trial, rather than the outcome which should have been a foregone conclusion. The ridiculous and illogical timeline, the parade of tainted prosecution witnesses with no credibility, the prosecution having to change the charges and their dates as new evidence emerged, all revealed it to an unbiassed eye to be little more than a vendetta by the local DA, sneddon.

This is a really good article on the not guilty verdict by a respected lawyer (ie not nancy grace).
She writes at the end
In his closing argument, Mesereau called the family a pack of scam artists trying to pull off the ''the biggest con of their careers.'' I might say the same about the office of the Santa Barbara's District Attorney.
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