Long Curly/wavy Hair(on Guys). Whats You Opnion?

I don't really like long/curly hair on Men i like them bald with rough facial hair :D
thanx you for reposting the pics to those who couldnt see .

you look good .
You look lovely and your hair is great :)
I love long and curly hair on men, I agree with you that more men and black men especially should wear their hair that way. My partner has long wavy hair too but he's white so the waves/curls are looser. It's all good :wub:
It is cool, whish I had curles. My hair is mid lenght deff not short, but not long eighter.
I have a question for anyone who is willing to answer.

Now what is it with people thinking that guys with long curly/wavy hair can get a lot of girls?

I always get comments like that from people. I got A LOT of stares from girls, and some have even said I look attractive or cute(not to sound conceited here). But overall, the girls are not all over me like some would want to assume.

Maybe its becuase I'm not that much of an outgoing person. I usually am outgoing with friends, or people I know well. So you really don't see my true character until you really know me.

Getting back on topic here. Whats good with all that? Why do people think that?(not that its incorrect or anything).
I'm a lady, and I love that style on men...especially black men! And may I say, KB50MJ, that you're so cute. *blushing* :D

People should wear their hair how they feel comfortable. I think it's sad when others judge people's hair. I'm a lady, with short hair, and it bugs me to death when some people say that short hair makes women look like men. :sigh: I've tried long hair, but it just doesn't work for me. Short hair works with my facial features. *Ok, I'm going a bit off topic.*

I was so happy to see that Michael had the curls back in "This Is It". He's not only the King of Pop, but the King of Curly Hair! ;)
I'm a lady, and I love that style on men...especially black men! And may I say, KB50MJ, that you're so cute. *blushing* :D

People should wear their hair how they feel comfortable. I think it's sad when others judge people's hair. I'm a lady, with short hair, and it bugs me to death when some people say that short hair makes women look like men. :sigh: I've tried long hair, but it just doesn't work for me. Short hair works with my facial features. *Ok, I'm going a bit off topic.*

I was so happy to see that Michael had the curls back in "This Is It". He's not only the King of Pop, but the King of Curly Hair! ;)

Same here. I can't stand it when people judge me, or make fun of me becuase of my hair. And I HATE it whe npeople do Michael's "hee-hee"s when I'm around. IT makes me SO angry.

MJ isn't the only one who had long curly hair.

As long as you don't hassel me about my hair, its all good. But everyone in my school knows about me and MJ so they make the connection right away.
You both look beautiful with your curls. Thanks for showing us. I find long hair on men very attractive and sexy, whether tightly curled or wavy. Long straight hair on men is nice too, but not quite as interesting. Mind you, Michael looked gorgeous with both curly and straight hair, though I guess I always preferred it more natural--long and tightly curled. Even older men who are balding at the temples look good with a ponytail at the back. I think I must have taken the story of Sampson in the Bible way too seriously in my Sunday school class when I was young... hehe. But I'm no Delilah. No way I'm gonna cut off my man's hair (assuming I had a man, lol.)
Same here. I can't stand it when people judge me, or make fun of me becuase of my hair. And I HATE it whe npeople do Michael's "hee-hee"s when I'm around. IT makes me SO angry.

MJ isn't the only one who had long curly hair.

As long as you don't hassel me about my hair, its all good. But everyone in my school knows about me and MJ so they make the connection right away.

I'm sorry to hear that you're teased....but honey, don't listen to them and don't let them influence you into changing it. You're gorgeous! :hug: Some people can just be immature and rude.
I just made a youtube account about the my jheri Curl journey.

This Channel was made especially for Jheri Curls and Wave Nouveaus. Me (Kurt) and my friend Garrett are going to be posting videos talking about the Jheri Curl, how to get it, how to maintain it, what products to use, tricks and tips, etc.

Oh. You guys can't see the pics?

How about this:





Wow I love your hair, its gorgeous!!! :wub:
Its normal for women, but not so common with men. Dreads are common amongst black men. But you don't see too many black men with long curly/wavy these days.

And I've always thought its a shame people have to criticize black men with long curly hair. They are not that different from dreads. The only difference is that dreads look more like long thick braids.

I personally LOVE the hairstyle. I love it to death.

Here are some pics of myself with the hairstyle:





Now I get many mixed reactions with this hair. Many like it, and there are some who don't. But for the most part, most like it. Many people says its fits me and that I look like MJ. And believe it or not, this hair has gotten many people to become my friend and talk to me, just becuase I look like Michael Jackson. And some told me that I'm the only one in my school who could really pull this look off. lol (I'm not trying to sound conceited here, but thats just what I get told). I could go on and on on my many experiences I've had over the last few months becuase of my hair. Just ask if you want to know more.

And the feeling of having long curly/wavy hair is so liberating. lol. Its just makes me feel a whole lot better. Mainly becuase I look different and unique. Plus it looks cool on top of that.

I honestly think its a shame we don't see more black guys with long curly hair. Especially if it fits their face. And that most people shouldn't criticize others for having this kind of hair. Especially if it looks good on them.

What do you think? Whats your opinion on guys with long curly/wavy hair?

I just made a youtube account about the my jheri Curl journey.

This Channel was made especially for Jheri Curls and Wave Nouveaus. Me (Kurt) and my friend Garrett are going to be posting videos talking about the Jheri Curl, how to get it, how to maintain it, what products to use, tricks and tips, etc.


great videos, i enjoy seeing what products people use for their hair, keep bringing some more. i do like when people step out of the box and do their own hair styles from different earlier decades, hair styles were more of an art form then!
cool hair! as you can see in my siggy I dig the curls!! lol!
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