Londell McMillan on LKL in 30 minutes!

As for the reason why Michael contacted her to tell her about his body feeling 'hot' on one side and 'cold' on the other....he simply trusted her. He was scared sh*tless, and wanted to reach out to her. God...this breaks my heart. He DID value her opinion and wanted her help. I personally feel the man suffered a stroke.

So, if she didn't have any contact with him in the last few months...suddenly someone last week gave him some meds....he then started to feel ill and wanted to reach out to her for help. God almighty, I hope I'm wrong with all of this....it just makes me ill.

Another thing to consider, how long was this doctor with Michael again? And furthemore, the nurse mentioned that she had administered 'blood tests' on Michael....isn't a family physician only able to have this access?

It's all so damn confusing and scary.

And why on earth were the phones not working when this nurse tried to call back...? Where they trying to give Michael something and not be interupted? God...
Because this nurse is calling a news agency rather than speaking with people in the medical field that have had actual contact with Michael, such as those at the UCLA Medical Center, I find it very hard to take her seriously.

This information that she views as being highly important is going to the wrong individuals. There is nothing that the media can do with this information other than discuss it as they are doing.

If this information that she was providing is something that can actually assist those that are trying to determine what happened to the deceased, she is breaking all confidentiality rules and stirring up additional chaos. Most nurses that take their jobs seriously do not do what she is doing.

Disregard her until further notice. Meaning, until those actually dealing directly with the situation figure out who she is, where she came from and if she is actually telling the truth.
And sadly, regardless of what anyone says, it's not that difficult to get a hold of these powerful medications. A woman I knew took her life many years ago....she worked in one of our hospitals here, and she very easily got a hold of some freezing medication. She was able to freeze her arm, and what he did sadly changed all of our lives forever. Even sadder, she wasn't even a nurse, just a porter.

I heard of a case a few months ago, of nurses....the actaul people who are suppossed to save our lives, having access to all sorts of medication. They keep track of what they have, then brib the control staff (or people to purchase and stock the meds) to sell them some. It's sick, I'm telling you, if you have a couple $1,000 dollars, you can eventually get what you want. There are even nurses who attend 'cocaine parties,' sickening to believe.

I just hope that all this is all untrue.
Because this nurse is calling a news agency rather than speaking with people in the medical field that have had actual contact with Michael, such as those at the UCLA Medical Center, I find it very hard to take her seriously.

This information that she views as being highly important is going to the wrong individuals. There is nothing that the media can do with this information other than discuss it as they are doing.

If this information that she was providing is something that can actually assist those that are trying to determine what happened to the deceased, she is breaking all confidentiality rules and stirring up additional chaos. Most nurses that take their jobs seriously do not do what she is doing.

Disregard her until further notice. Meaning, until those actually dealing directly with the situation figure out who she is, where she came from and if she is actually telling the truth.

You're absolutely right. I find that unusual and fishy as well. However, it's not too late for her to go to the police or for them to interview her after the fact. I'm kinda glad she spoke out first in case someone was interested in shutting her up...IF she's telling the truth. People go to the police and sometimes their claims get ignored and uninvestigated for whatever reason. Laziness...incompetence...closed minds, etc. This one will have to be investigated now. If it turns out to be false...then this nurse should have her license stripped. A nurse with mental issues can't be of any use to anyone...if she's even a nurse at all.
They are not surprised. What is going on here is this...

Londell is repping the family. The family is gearing up to go against anything in that will that they do not agree with. They are gearing up to try and challenge the will. But I believe that Branca will be successful in fulfilling Michael's wishes.

And that so-called nurse is still making her rounds from news network to news network telling her story. This whole thing is to paint Michael as a drug abuser. You have to ask yourself why she is doing this. What exactly is she trying to prove?
Well, I will say this. I don't think it's MJ's wish for the lawyers to walk away with the rights to his publishing empire.

I say this because this is exactly what has happened in the case of JB.

Of course, it would have been better if he actually had a danggone will.

I must say that I'm surprised John Branca is still in the picture here. I thought he was one of the scum orchestrating shyt behind MJ's back...

Perhaps I'm wrong, but that name and negativity sound familiar to me...
Because this nurse is calling a news agency rather than speaking with people in the medical field that have had actual contact with Michael, such as those at the UCLA Medical Center, I find it very hard to take her seriously.

Totally agree. In fact, she should have went to the authorities when she first warned Michael about the danger of those drugs. Something doesn't measure-up here....
Yeah, that Apollo thing was cool. And don't forget, Gary is on the horizon.

But you aint seen nothing yet until you see Neverland on Friday. I will be at work, but I betcha that thing is gonna be crazy. There will be so many people there. I doubt if all the people that show up will get to see him on that day. I think they will run this thing into Saturday, July 4th. They have too....there will simply be too many people.

Yup! That is exactly what I've been thinking. I'm unable to attend but I already know it's going to be crazy. In, fact, some have are there as we speak.
Look, there are people who we have never seen (like this nurse) who will be coming out of the woodwork claiming they knew something about MJ. And the reason they are doing this is because they want to set themselves up historically so that the media can be calling on them and paying them for interviews for the next 20 or 30 years. Notice that everytime the media talks about Elvis, you see the same old people on there all the time claiming they knew certain things about Elvis. It is all about money.
Now I agree with this. I totally agree.
And sadly, regardless of what anyone says, it's not that difficult to get a hold of these powerful medications. A woman I knew took her life many years ago....she worked in one of our hospitals here, and she very easily got a hold of some freezing medication. She was able to freeze her arm, and what he did sadly changed all of our lives forever. Even sadder, she wasn't even a nurse, just a porter.

I heard of a case a few months ago, of nurses....the actaul people who are suppossed to save our lives, having access to all sorts of medication. They keep track of what they have, then brib the control staff (or people to purchase and stock the meds) to sell them some. It's sick, I'm telling you, if you have a couple $1,000 dollars, you can eventually get what you want. There are even nurses who attend 'cocaine parties,' sickening to believe.

I just hope that all this is all untrue.
Honey, write this lady off. She's speaking with CNN rather than speaking with UCLA Medical Center personnel. Nurses that are trying to provide information on a former patient or present patient do not disclose medical information via the airwaves. Medical information such as this would be discussed with doctors. Something is wrong with that lady.
Thanks AllforMJ, your're right. The woman seems to be unable to answer simple questions poised to her, and anyone if they had that degree of important info, would surely go straight to the authorities first. How the heck did her story leak anyways...? Did she actaully call CNN or?

And Mello/everyone, please don't think I'm trying to cause crap on here, let me know if I'm overstepping the bounderies. Regardless or anything, I love Michael and that will always stay ture. I'm just in a hell of a lot of pain and want answers. I think this thinking is helping me to cope in some way. I also listen to Mike's music, anything to forget the reality that's unfolding before us.
This whole thing is becoming a mess.

This then of course the fake autopsy results which I've tried to convince a friend that it was fake but agh.
John Branca didn't do anything to hurt Michael. He was always loyal to him. That is probably why he was entrusted with the WILL.

And Mello, Michael does have a will. Branca has it, he has shown it to the family and it will be filed with the court this week.
People are taking as much advantage as possible to get their names out there, get their faces on TV, create interest and controversy to keep you tuning in and/or buying tabloids and magazines.

Once the autopsy results are there and Michael's body has been laid to rest and the will executed it is over. Like always there will be other news, other celebrity gossip which will take over. Only then will Michael's story end, after that when every word has been wrung out can the focus go back to his music
Speak on Hilliver. This is just part of the game for the media. Part of the game.
I am very relieved to hear John Branca has presented the will - I am finding peace in knowing that he is handling the affairs on behalf of MJ it will allow him to rest in peace