LMP on Oprah 21/10/10 All Discussion Here - UPDATE Video's Start On Page 63

Have you gained respect for Lisa after watching this interview? Do you forgive/understand her now?

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Someone should send Lisa that interview where she tells Diane Sawyer she never saw MJ taking anything.. Her credibility will be shot if she's asked to testify.
Someone should send Lisa that interview where she tells Diane Sawyer she never saw MJ taking anything.. Her credibility will be shot if she's asked to testify.

Absolutely, what jury wants to hear anyone say "I Think" about something so serious like was he or wasn't he on something?! It's ridiculous!-_-

And here's LMP telling Diane Sawyer she never saw MJ taking ANY drugs. What a flipflopper that woman is.

She said the same thing on O interview! That she never saw it but, only thought he was! Which was stupid to say as the first time she said it!-_-

Oh SNAP! Tell it like it really was FLO! :D I gotta say other then Yrs ago me seeing pics of MJ & LMP at the IVY for her B-day, seeing on TV Entertainment Tonight showing MJ with LMP on the HIStory Tour and watching a youtube video of MJ vacationing with LMP in Africa after they divorce, it was Flo Anthony who was the only one that I can remember yrs ago saying they where still together/Lisa Trying to get back with MJ as the evidence! And I always believed it!

Then MJ confirmed it in the Smelly Rabbit.... I mean Rabbi Shmuley "interview" he did! And Now Lisa confirms it! LOL
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I'm confused about her really. I don't get why it has to take a person's death to suddenly realise you should have been there for them. Admittedly she was divorced from him for a reason but why oh why didn't she just bypass all those questions about him back in the day. She never really elaborated on her other divorces and bashed the $hit out of the others. She should have kept it in the closet so to speak. I'm feeling mixed emotions on this one, I do feel sorry for her though, knowing it has happened and there's nothing she can do to change it.
I just noticed something - somebody said something about her talking about Travolta, but I did not hear any mention of him on the youtube uploads. Is there a transcript or something available? I don't believe it has aired in Australia yet.
I just noticed something - somebody said something about her talking about Travolta, but I did not hear any mention of him on the youtube uploads. Is there a transcript or something available? I don't believe it has aired in Australia yet.

She said one of the first texts she received after Michael's passing asking her how she was was from Travolta.
I just noticed something - somebody said something about her talking about Travolta, but I did not hear any mention of him on the youtube uploads. Is there a transcript or something available? I don't believe it has aired in Australia yet.

It was 8.54, part-1 of interview
I think LMP behaved like Madonna behaved towards MJ. for a long time they both were angry with him cause they were both infatuated with him.
I think the interview was both good and bad. She certainly came across as loving Michael with all her heart at the beginning of the marriage. To be honest, I have never seen Michael so happy as when he was with her and things were going well. She also had a glow about her.
I can't understand why she felt reluctant to have his children until she felt more comfortable about it and worried about a battle for custody if the marriage failed. Surely when you are entering marriage you must feel in your heart that it is going to be for all time, the idea of it failing shouldn't enter your head at this stage. Maybe if they had children together things would have turned out differently. Michael would never have wanted to put himself in a situation where he would not be able to see his kids 24/7 and moved heaven and earth to make the relationship last. Maybe I am being naive but it's just a feeling I have.
Talking about the drugs was a mistake but I feel this was fueled by Oprah trying to manipulate the situation for her own ratings. The 1995 incident I remember clearly, I still have all the news tapes from that time and it was absolutely NOT drug related. You cannot make a hospital give out false information as to what is happening and drugs was never mentioned ever. One doctor appeared daily giving updates (with permission) about how Michael was doing and it was purely a health issue and nothing else.
If Lisa is ever called in the Dr Murray case her testimony will be shot down in flames.
I didn't like the parallels of Michael being compared with Elvis and his means of dying, it bore little resemblance. I do remember that at Elvis autopsy the coroner saying that Elvis internal organs resembled those of a 90 year old man because of his drug use. Michael's coroner stated that he was in reasonable health for a man of his age and with few organ problems. If he had been abusing drugs all of his adult life the reading would have been very different.
Part of me feels sorry for Lisa because she obviously still cared deeply for Michael and I wonder if she is still feeling guilty for some of her behaviour over the years - you don't know what you've got til it's gone. I feel for her now husband, imagine him having to hear her say that she never felt such a high when she was with Michael and that she had never felt that since, poor man.
I simply can't hate Lisa for this interview, she said what she did from her own perspective and I don't feel there was any hidden agenda. She made Michael happy for a while and that can't be all bad.
Yesterday I was I still watching her interview. I am shocked how she tries to pass herself as the love of his life. if I am honest with myself, and for all that who know his story with Diana Ross. They know that Michael Joseph Jackson has never loved any woman in his life the same way that Diana Ross.
Everyone knows that if we must choose the love of his life will be Diana. And when he never was so happy when he was with her. 1 Did never look the Michael Jackson during Off The Wall or Thriller Era? 2 Did she never look the expression of Michael Joseph Jackson when he is at odds with Miss Ross.3 Did she never read the biography of Michael Joseph Jackson, when he said that he always loved Diana, and he will always love her .
4 Did she never look at the AMAs of 1996 after their divorce the expression that Michael Joseph Jackson had on his face? 5 Did never compared their photo and that of Miss Ross and Michael Joseph Jackson?
5 Did she never read what was written behind his album history? 6 Did she never hear the Lyrics of RTT? Did she never read the magazine Ebony.? Did she never read what is written behind his album number one, that came out in 2004?. Did she never hear who was in his will?
Did she never read what that was written behind of album Eaten live remix came out in 1998??

Did she never hear the name of only woman that could quench his disire??
Did she never watch the Rock Roll all fame in 1997??
To conclude it is in this part of interview that you can see how she knew nothing of her former
husband. Did she think only 18 months of marriage makes her the love of his life? I find it ironic because according to Michael Joseph Jackson, he no longer wanted her after their divorce. Of course he was telling the truth because he never take her back ..Despite all her efforts. via Kate or Janet. If she was really the love of his life ,she does not think that Michael Joseph Jackson would have waited until she get ready to have his children? if she was the love of his life she doesnt' think that Michael Joseph Jackson would made an effort to ensure that their marriage could work out? if she was the love of his life does not think that Michael Joseph Jackson that he would never ask or accept another woman to have his children?
All these factors see how this woman lives in a fantasy world. And how she has no logic in his head. or maybe because she wanted attention. Did she believe that we are all pretty stupid not to see her games.
I think LMP behaved like Madonna behaved towards MJ. for a long time they both were angry with him cause they were both infatuated with him.

I think that was the crux for every relationship problem he had. From the Lisa's to the Chandlers, Arvisos, and everyone who turned on MJ. He was indeed special, and when you were his focus, a person felt extremely special, too. Like Lisa did. Highest as the highest high. But when he started distancing himself emotionally for whatever reason, people reacted out of rejection, retaliation, anger, and spite, and wanted to hurt him. And unfortunately, did, and sometimes to a devastating extreme.

Michael's charisma was a gift as well as a curse. He was able to disassociate without animosity. Those who grew infatuated or attached to him couldn't.
I think she won't be able to make peace with his death for a long time. When you treat someone like a dirt when he's alive it doesn't matter what you say when he's gone. He won't hear you and doesn't need your words now. Remember what Stevie Wonder said at the memorial? Michael, I love you, and I told you that many times, so I'm at peace with that

I think that was the crux for every relationship problem he had. From the Lisa's to the Chandlers, Arvisos, and everyone who turned on MJ. He was indeed special, and when you were his focus, a person felt extremely special, too. Like Lisa did. Highest as the highest high. But when he started distancing himself emotionally for whatever reason, people reacted out of rejection, retaliation, anger, and spite, and wanted to hurt him. And unfortunately, did, and sometimes to a devastating extreme.

Michael's charisma was a gift as well as a curse. He was able to disassociate without animosity. Those who grew infatuated or attached to him couldn't.

Very well said.
She said the same thing on O interview! That she never saw it but, only thought he was! Which was stupid to say as the first time she said it!-_-

Oh SNAP! Tell it like it really was FLO! :D I gotta say other then Yrs ago me seeing pics of MJ & LMP at the IVY for her B-day, seeing on TV Entertainment Tonight showing MJ with LMP on the HIStory Tour and watching a youtube video of MJ vacationing with LMP in Africa after they divorce, it was Flo Anthony who was the only one that I can remember yrs ago saying they where still together/Lisa Trying to get back with MJ as the evidence! And I always believed it!

Then MJ confirmed it in the Smelly Rabbit.... I mean Rabbi Shmuley "interview" he did! And Now Lisa confirms it! LOL

Thankx you very much i was looking for this video. In my opinion she was just a groupie. I don't see the difference btw her and Tatiana. She was chasing a married man. What a joke. I wonder where her boy friend Luck watson was in this time. As i know he was the bodyguard of Michael jackson. I bet she was trying to make Mike jealous. To her dispointement that never happened.
She wasn't ashamed? I just wonder why the media never reported that Debbie was with them in south Africa , kate and Janet too.
She want to convince us that they were trying to work out again. Lisa if you wanted to be honest you should just say i was the only who was chasing him. Of course he didn't want me anymore. And that's why i was angry because i wanted him badly.It seems you was always competing with Debbie Rowe.Don't worry the true will come out one day.
Who are trying to fool here?? Yourself or the fans?? I just wonder if your church has not something to do with your mariage with him. Because what i find about your entourage when you was with him it's very curious to me. I'm convinced now that your church was something to do with this marriage. Thankx you god he never joined this church.
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I think she won't be able to make peace with his death for a long time. When you treat someone like a dirt when he's alive it doesn't matter what you say when he's gone. He won't hear you and doesn't need your words now. Remember what Stevie Wonder said at the memorial? Michael, I love you, and I told you that many times, so I'm at peace with that

Very well said.

Bravo Bravo i couldn't say better .
Originally Posted by ForeverKOP
Actions speak louder than words. Michael married her, doesn't that say enough?

If you're looking for some tangible proof, read the interview he gave to Life magazine in 1997 after the divorce...or even the Ebony interview he gave in 1994 during the marriage

Well if his actions speak more than his two thousands words. So that's means if we should chose the love of his life , that will Diana Ross because she's the only woman he loved and trusted accept his mother. Of course his will prove it.Of course he didn't chose LMP or Debbie. As somone said Mike wasn't affraid to express his feelings to the people that he really cared. Mike wasn't affraid to say to his fans that he loved them.Mike wasn't affraid to thankx his fans when he had win a price. But what i find curious he never said thankx you to his own Wife.
And the quote that he wrote in his album history, he only said dedicate to LMP LOVE Michael.

We don't marry someone just because we fall in love with this person. We can marry someone for many reasons.
And My question is why he could say to Liz i love you not to his wife. He couldn't managed to mention the word wife. Only god know if i'm crazy or not.
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interesting read from Karen Faye

Hi Angie.....everyone has a part of their mind that
will always doubt. We must learn to trust our hearts,
not our brains. Lisa Marie is a very evil little girl.
She was horrible to Michael, myself, and anyone who
was around Michael. She was even jealous of her own
children when they adored Michael. She was the one
trying to manipulate Michael and his world. I never
saw Michael so miserable as I did when he was married
to Lisa. Ino one should start
beleiving the tabloids now......Lisa has her album
coming out, she wants as much publicity as she can,
What better way than to jump on Michaels
popularity....everyo ne else does.


Lisa is an evil little princess
Michael is an angel by comparison to LM
she was so jealous of anyone that came near Michael
she hated me.....so jealous, she didn't want me touching him

LM has an album she wants to sell...what better way than to use Michael.....

she was a lovely person before they married
she pursued him with a vengence even when she was still married
she did not smoke or drink
as soon as they got married, she drank, smoked, wanted to fire everyone around Michael, and demanded he become a Scientologist
he bent over backwards to please her.....he never could, she was just too miserable

Lisa is just seeing the situation through her eyes, which is from a
very confused individual. I viewed the relationship
from a more objective point of view. Lisa was a
miserable, jealous, and treated Michael unfairly in
every situation when I was around. He was so unhappy
during his marriage with her, and he tried so hard to
make it work. You must also understand she has an
album to sell right now, and again people are more
interested in Michael than they are with her.....what
would you say? You would twist everything to support
yourself and your record sales...this is very
predictable. Also, remember the media twists the words
of the people they interview also (didn't we just see
that?) Do you think they don't do it with Lisa too?

I have first hand had the bitterness and hatefulness that Karen Faye can have towards a person, I was shocked by the attack on me just because I posted a Raymone Bain statement shortly after she was fired/let go, so I would take everything hateful she says as pretty much her own personal agenda to discredit everyone around Michael.

However that does not mean to say I am in support of LMP.

Good Lord!...the more you hear about his personal relationships, the more amazed you are he had the fortitude to not only venture out of Neverland, but to EVER invite folks in. People were just nutsy when it came to MJ.
Karen is jealous and Lisa gave up too soon on Michael...but it's not our job to judge!our job is to love and protect Michael, that was our job when he was here and this is our job now when he is in heaven too:)
Karen Faye was even jealous of Bubbles!

It's hurt to say that, but Mike was a bit addict too to Lisa

- Heartbreaker
- Break Of Dawn

- You Rock My World
- Don't Walk Away
- Whatever Happens
- Heaven Can Wait

And nobody is shock about when Lisa said : " Yes I know names, but I don't want to say it HERE."

When the bitch Oprah asked her about the vulures, and people who wanted to take his ATV catalogue and kill him ( according to Mike )

I don't know what to think about that now....
thank you again for uploading the videos!!

And also for the discussion, even with the typical arguing, come on, that's us! :)

Do we already have a space where we can summarize such a discussion and file the reports, pictures, pros and cons? I would appreciate that very much indeed, because, i strongly believe that this is not the last important interview we will discuss --

hugs to you,
Just when we are almost "healing", then something has painful as this interview takes place. Michael doesn't deserve this at all.
Lisa and Oprah why cant you leave the damn man alone!So Oprah finds out she is somehow related to Elvis she has made it her mission to mudsling Michael name on any given opportunity.

How much l miss Michael in times like this:(
Gaz says we are arguing so much in this thread, but I didn't see many arguements here,, guess it's already deleted lol, well thanks God, I didn't post much in this topic lol
I was banned to all MJJ thread Just because i was defending him the fact i don't agree what she said about his drugs addicts, his children , and Debbie Rowe. Seriously Lisa makes me sick. Why she can just leave the man alone he is dead now. You are not his widow. Ijust wonder why OP can't invite people like Aphodites jones T Msereau. Or Chris Tucker Berry Gordy people who really knew him since he was a child.Instead the person LMPthat she only knew during 18 months. And they never lived together. He had dispear six weeks.that's means 1 months and two weeks. So can say she only knew during 17 months.Even she was chasing him in around the world during History Era that's not means he trusted her again .
Don't be so hard guys.

Lisa said in the interview that she cheated on your first husband for Mike.

She said that the " bad words " 2003-2005, it was because she didn't know how to speak about him in the medias, and she did mistakes.She regretted it now, too late but she said it. ( I wanted an explanation, she did it, ok for me )

She said what every fans knew, normaly, that they were together after their divorce for 4-5 years.She was running after him, blablabla....

About the drugs, she did a mistake, for 1995, that's a mistake because the doctor of the hospital said it clearly, NO DRUGS in 1995.

Mistake too, about the way her father died and Michael's death.

Mike was killed because someone injected him Propofol.THAT'S IT.

I don't know how Lisa can live " normaly " now, because she feels guilty, everybody knows it, she loved and still love Michael, her toy-pet without brain scientologist is really a stupid man.

But she has to live with that. Me I couldn't.

The call in 2005 after the trial, it's hearbreaking. She regretted it, now she must live with that.

Must be funny the evening at her home, with a toy-pet without brain who will never give to his wife the " Royal Orgasm " like she had with the King! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

Divorce number 4 will come one day. And if her toy-pet has some pride, it will be him who will ask for divorce.But the guy has no money, no job, so maybe stay at home with his master is ok for him. -____-

What a romantic life they will have.

Michael Jackson the best drug everrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Touch him one time, you're addict all your life!

Long live the King!
I've read a lot of weird things on MJ boards, but this one takes the absolute cake in viciousness.

I am NOT a LMP fan- but some people might seriously need to rethink why they are saying the things they are saying. Because it sure looks a lot like kicking someone when they are down, just saying something evil to hurt someone.

People say that LMP has absolutely no business calling MJ's children conceived quickly after her a "retaliatory act."- I agree, get over it, the man had children with someone else. Happens. LMP indeed isn't the mother of his children= please don't ever use other people's children to feel better about yourself. Totally agreed, it horrified me to hear children being used in the realm of disappointed feeling after a divorce.

Now what on God's green earth makes YOU, "Diplomate", think it is acceptable to label somebody a "pet toy without a brain"? I guess the Lockwood/Presley twin girls- when they read horrible stuff about their father- that's somehow okay? No, it's NOT. The hypocrisy is astounding. I guess it's fine to hurt other children since they just happen not to be Michael's?

So, people perceive LMP to be "down" and therefore one might even go a step beyond that and kick her really good now, too? Isn't that what people accused LMP of doing?

I am horrified that I heard "I don't know, I wasn't in the room." I am horrified about a number of things said in this interview.
It is absolutely possible to be pi**ed and upset about a number of things in this interview- and I am.

But it doesn't have to mean that it's now fair game to descent into the "bowels of hell" (no pun intended) like this. Michael Jackson was treated like this, by people who neither have spoken to him, nor taken the time to educate themselves about him.

Yet at the same time it seems acceptable to rip people to shreds. I guess I might be in the minority here, but that is unacceptable for people for identify MJ with Love and Kindness- because that kind of viciousness speaks for itself.

I don't know Lockwood, I don't know LMP- but I'll simply assume that he just might me a guy who happens to love his wife (and who obviously must have a much bigger heart than you!) - I am astounded why it is that people tend to assume the absolute worst about people they have never met.
Not to mention that most people wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude necessary to utter these things into the face of those they inflict their verbal mishaps upon. Being behind a computer monitor seems to give the illusion of backbone, the words virtual reality take on new meaning.

Perhaps their marriage will work out, maybe it won't (neither a concern of mine, nor my business)- but I am continuously amazed how people manage to pass judgement on people they have never met. Wishing somebody ill is most certainly not in the spirit of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was treated with an almost incomprehensible cruelty for decades- I guess that cruelty is still in the ethers of humanity and is now being "passed on" to other people.
If I have learned one thing from Michael's life is that passing judging in this kind of way is not acceptable. Did people forget the kind of sex jokes were made at the expense of Michael? There's a difference between laughing about a sex joke and a joke that is meant to hurt in the soul of somebody.

I'm always up for a good steamy conversation about MJ and how I appreciate him- I'm thankful for the invention of the word Mikegasm- but not like that. Sorry. You can love the man, don't hate another man though.

Loving MJ does not equal tearing down the husband of his ex-wife and it certainly doesn't mean a carte blanche to treat others with cruelty.

Yesterday I was I still watching her interview. I am shocked how she tries to pass herself as the love of his life. if I am honest with myself, and for all that who know his story with Diana Ross. They know that Michael Joseph Jackson has never loved any woman in his life the same way that Diana Ross.
Everyone knows that if we must choose the love of his life will be Diana.

Man, did you guys all sit down with MJ and discuss at length his personal assessment of "love of his life"? I would leave that judgement call up to Michael, lol,. Do you guys assess your relationships like this and is that something that needs to be "determined" by us fans? :doh:

Isn't it a bit weird to be hailing or giving the thumbs down to someone else's relationships from a distance? These matters are his business, who are we to decide on his behalf, the man wrote the song "Privacy" for a reason.

Did she never hear the name of only woman that could quench his disire??
I volunteer the daring offering- maybe more than one quenched his desire more than once? Just a wild guess.
I don't know, I never sat down with him in life to discuss that- did you? Maybe the polite and passionate man that he seems to be wouldn't give out ratings? Just a guess. :D

All these factors see how this woman lives in a fantasy world. ...

Well, judging by the outpouring of fan fiction and fan determination on his behalf- I would say Michael Jackson definitely knows a thing or two about stirring one's imagination. As evident. :bugeyed:D

I think that was the crux for every relationship problem he had. From the Lisa's to the Chandlers, Arvisos, and everyone who turned on MJ. He was indeed special, and when you were his focus, a person felt extremely special, too. Like Lisa did. Highest as the highest high. But when he started distancing himself emotionally for whatever reason, people reacted out of rejection, retaliation, anger, and spite, and wanted to hurt him. And unfortunately, did, and sometimes to a devastating extreme.

Michael's charisma was a gift as well as a curse. He was able to disassociate without animosity. Those who grew infatuated or attached to him couldn't.

Charismatic people tend to magnify both extremes. And rejected people do incredibly vicious things, jealousy, envy and rejection are a horrific mix.
He's like a gigantic mirror to people, mirroring back the true essence of people- so if deep down you are an insecure, jealous person- than that'll come out.

Well if his actions speak more than his two thousands words. So that's means if we should the love of his life , that will Diana Ross because she's the only woman he loved and trusted accept his mother. Of course his will prove it. Because he didn't chose LMP or Debbie. As somone said Mike was affraid to express his feelings to the people that he really cared. Mike wasn't affraid to say to his fans that he loved them.Mike wasn't affraid to thankx his fans when he had a price. But what i find curious he never said thankx you to his own Wife.
Don't know- where you present at all times to hear if he said thank you or not?

And the quote that he wrote in his album history, he only said dedicate to LMP LOVE Michael.
Oh, "only" dedicated an entire album to his wife? "Only"? :D

I highly recommend writing just ONE song, record it and put it up somewhere- and then come back and say again "only dedicated his album to her."
Maybe even be one of the most influential artist of the latter 20th century, who remained relevant into the 21 century- feel free to pour your very essence into the music you're offering to the world- and then you might realize that "only dedicating" your music to someone is actually a pretty big deal. ;D

Maybe then people realize how much of oneself, your energy, your everything goes into such work. Maybe people would realize how vulnerable he made himself to everyone. There he gets married and the media literally spat at him, how dare he, what a joke.
And he's brave enough to dedicate his music to someone in the face of haters and everyone who couldn't understand or appreciate anything about him.

That is an incredible gesture- and he took a risk. Whether your relationship works or not- it's printed on there for eternity, you might say. That takes more guts than most people have. Did you hear him walk around "taking it back"? Nope.

Believe, if one of the greatest artists to ever live would dedicate his music to me- you better believe I'd be STOKED beyond comprehension. I wouldn't be just high man, I'd be screaming in bliss to MAYBE have been part muse to inspire such work.

You're aware of his words? "I know the creator will go. But his work survives. That is why to escape death I attempt to bind my soul to my work." - Michelangelo, quoted by Michael Jackson in a 2007 interview with Ebony.

You don't have to write page long essays (lol) to someone to let them know what at some point you felt for them. Sometimes you don't have to be saying anything at all- if you're lucky, very lucky, your appreciation and love can be felt without a microphone in front of your face.
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Well, in all fairness - she did look pretty good when she was with him. All smiles! :D

Well yeah, during the marriage you're right!
But for geting back, braking up and so on for 4 years hmmmmm I guess he was pretty in love with her, that's the only reason I can find; which she didn't deserve for being a liar, hypocrit.
"I don't wanna go through with this again because I suffered" (which I understand, loosing her father in such a tragic way must be horrific)
The thing I don't get is how on earth continued sleeping with Michael if she didn't want to go through those events again.
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