Liza Minnelli Sells Michael Jackson's Gift In Garage Sale

oh so sad. I was one of the ones that won a signed box set from michael. I could never part from it . never:no:
As fans, we'd probably take something from MJ to our grave--no matter what it is. family and f.
oh so sad. I was one of the ones that won a signed box set from michael. I could never part from it . never:no:

This reminds me of a fan who catched the fedora in a concert in Romania and somebody offered her a luxury car in exchange right then, after the concert, but she didn't trade it.In Romania back then you barely afforded to buy a ticket for concert so a luxury car was something.
Receiving and giving a gift is not about the physical gift itself. It's about the gesture you're making. The gesture is a message of love and affection. It's about how you made an effort to find something your friend will like. It's about you having thought it over and by that having thought about that friend. Whether the gift was 10000 dollars or only 10 dollars.

The memory of the gesture is with you forever, gifts are only temporary.
I got a jacket from him and I´m not rich or anything, and no matter how much I needed the money.. *sigh*
I could never part with something like this but everyone is different I guess.
I'm usually turned off by friends that sell off his gifts, but I'll give Liza the benefit of doubt. She was a staunch friend, and stood by him through thick and thin. I'm sure he has given her many more gifts over the years, and this is but one.

The very personal ones such as inscripted cards and notes, I'm sure she will keep. However, if she fails to do so and continues to pass off items, then I'll question her motives.
I'm sure Michael gave her loads of stuff and she is probably only selling a couple of those gifts.............

And remember, she spent loads of time with Michael and I guess those memories are more precious then just some presents!!!
Weather you would or you wouldnt doesnt mean you understand or know her motives
I just cant judge every one harshly .. I know they were friends and Ill respect that
Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..

Again. Wonderful post.