Liza Minnelli Sells Michael Jackson's Gift In Garage Sale


Proud Member
Feb 25, 2011
Bucharest, Romania
Liza sells Michael Jackson's gift in garage sale

Jenna Clarke
June 15, 2011

Liza Minelle apparently in need for some cash.
Cabaret star Liza Minnelli must be short on cash as she has sold a set of decorated shoulder pads given to her by Michael Jackson in a garage sale.

The 65-year-old singer and dancer hosted the sale at a friend's Hamptons home, the holiday playground for the rich and famous, to sell some of her props, gifts and souvenirs from her extensive showbiz career.

Some of the pieces that were up for sale included a lampshade from the set of her Broadway show Minnelli on Minnelli, wine glasses, worn dance shoes and a set of epaulettes that were a gift from the late King of Pop.

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The Hollywood icon, whose is one of the few entertainers to have won a Tony, Academy, Emmy and Grammy award, advertised the sale in a local newspaper.

"A truckload of celebrity-owned items... don't bother coming early, entertainers sleep in," the classified advertisement read.

Minnelli was there on the day to sign goods as she sold them off.

Curious shoppers, including The View host Joy Behar, browsed through a selection of the entertainer's jewellery, costumes, couture clothing and furniture.

She was also happy to part with a book called Total Hip Replacement that was signed by her surgeon telling bargain hunters of her two hip replacement surgeries, "you've got to keep on trucking, folks, keep on trucking!"

The icon, who has more recently starred in Sex and The City 2 and Arrested Development, will be travelling to the UK in July to promote her new album Confessions.

She is also set to be honoured at the upcoming Nordoff Robbins O2 Silver Clef Awards when she is awarded the Investec Icon Award. Annie Lennox and R&B star Tinie Tempah will also receive awards at the ceremony.

Nordoff Robbins is a charity group that uses music and musical services to transform the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

"What a great honour it is to receive this prestigious award. The work of Nordoff Robbins helps so many people, and I am truly delighted to be invited to the Silver Clef Awards this year."

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Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..
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Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..

Thank you for this, made me change my first smilie :)
Thank you Claudia. :)
Im glad you understood what i was trying to explain. Im know fans get very emotional
about this. but I just wanted them to see it from another point of view. and how it all
works out in the end for the benefit of MJ's Legacy. His memorabilia is like a valuable
painting by a great artist. They are bought and sold for enourmous prices but in the
ened they are left to museums by the owners. for the world to enjoy. What do they
get out of this. Their name a plaque saying donated by ...
Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..

Thank you for the perspective. I love this post.
Well said. If i had something given to my by a friend and then lost them the last thing i would want to do is get rid of that would mean to much and u would treasure it even more now they are gone. But hey thats just me.

Her comments confirmed along while back that she prob had hardly spoken to mj in years anyway
She is just another seller. Gifts from friends and loved ones don't get returned or sold! Shame!!!

Well said. If i had something given to my by a friend and then lost them the last thing i would want to do is get rid of that would mean to much and u would treasure it even more now they are gone. But hey thats just me.

Yes, I agree :yes:
It was a gift Michael gave to her so she could do what she want with it. At least it was not taken off his desk or nightstand while he was laying on a morgue table.
Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..
You make a good point, but it is hard to not think about this as someone selling a gift a friend, a friend who passed away way before his time, gave to them. Perhaps this is because it is hard to imagine how many things the rich and famous have (and therefore feel less attached to each individual thing).

With that being said, I do think there is a difference between buying and collecting memorabilia, and selling something that was given out of friendship.
Well it may not be an item that was given out of friendship.
However she obtained it, It isnt something she is personally attached to and neither was Michael.
So I see no reason for fans to judge. Its part of a costume. Show Biz memorabilia not something personal.
But I do understand why fan might place some sentimeantal value on it becuase it is Michaels.
Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..

I have to agree with this. Thank you for this post.
Also, it was a gift from Michael. Once something is handed over as a gift, the receiver becomes the rightful owner, not the giver. Michael didn't own this item. It was given as a gift to Liza Minnelli to which she is free to do what she wants with it. How many of us have sold old gifts given to us from family or friends that we don't even need/use? Plenty of times. I have anyway.
Ok, i know this question will be a rock magnet but i'll ask just to know what you guys think. What if she got rid of this gift because it hurt her as it reminded her that mj was not around anymore ? And since she might need money as well......
She is just another seller. Gifts from friends and loved ones don't get returned or sold! Shame!!!

And yet, stores are swamped after Christmas with returns and exchanges of gifts from families and friends. When people move, they sell and even toss a lot of what has been gifted to them or just donate it to the Salvation Army, etc. I don't think this is an instance of a shameful offense. We all pare down at times. Who's to say that she doesn't have other momentos from MJ that she is keeping.
I think it makes a difference what it is. Handwritten notes, sentimental things, things that keep you personally connected to a person, I don't think should be sold. I don't know the circumstances in which she received these, but maybe it was a capricious thing on MJ's part and not a lot of meaning behind it??

Pac, I think sometimes looking at things from loved ones that passed away is painful. But I don't think it is cause for giving them away. Usually, you just make sure you don't look at them very often. But most still like them to feel some sort of connection to the loved one.

I'm just thinking maybe these didn't mean so much to her. Maybe they were never intended to.
I think it makes a difference what it is. Handwritten notes, sentimental things, things that keep you personally connected to a person, I don't think should be sold. I don't know the circumstances in which she received these, but maybe it was a capricious thing on MJ's part and not a lot of meaning behind it??

Pac, I think sometimes looking at things from loved ones that passed away is painful. But I don't think it is cause for giving them away. Usually, you just make sure you don't look at them very often. But most still like them to feel some sort of connection to the loved one.

I'm just thinking maybe these didn't mean so much to her. Maybe they were never intended to.

As fans, we'd probably take something from MJ to our grave--no matter what it is. But Liza and MJ had a long personal relationship, and probably exchanged items all the time, like we do with people we have a personal relationship with.

I agree it does depend on what the item is, the intent, and possible other factors. I have a drawer filled with greeting cards from family and friends that I will never part with, but I also have had some things from them that somehow "magically" disappeared.
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Well.. what a pseudo-news this actually is. .. If it bares Michael's name then that should change everything, shouldn't it?..

And yet, stores are swamped after Christmas with returns and exchanges of gifts from families and friends. When people move, they sell and even toss a lot of what has been gifted to them or just donate it to the Salvation Army, etc. I don't think this is an instance of a shameful offense. We all pare down at times. Who's to say that she doesn't have other momentos from MJ that she is keeping.
Exactly! We can't hold onto every little thing we've ever had. Plus, I'm sure she has other things from Michael that she's keeping. It'd be ridiculous to say that this item she's selling is the only gift he ever gave her.
Dang, it seems lots of folks in Hollywood are desperate for cash these days!
Doesnt shock me at all . maybe becuase I understand meorabilia collectors
and why these items are bought and sold. I want you to listen to a different
perspective. Memorabilia from MJ is valuable and MJ knew what would eventually
happen to his SHOW BIZ memoabilia. Michael was also a collector of other celebrities
memorabilia. he probably even traded some of his own to get what he wanted. He is
not sentimentally attached to every thing he owned. He gave many of his costumes and
items away.

I think its very nice that Liza wil give someone else the chance to own them
Im sure she has many gifts from Michael. There is nothing wrong with ANYONE
selling memorabilia _ I really wish fans wouldnt be so JUDGEMENTAL

The costumes and parts of costumes MJ signed and gave away were not personal items that he was
attached to. He knew what would become of them. They would be traded sold and Increase in value.
He also bought and sold memorabilia .. The things he wanted to keep are still in his estate. I wish fans
would keep this in perspective and not make it what it is NOT. Im sure Liza has some things from Michael
that she treasures and keeps.

Now I know some will say I would NEVER well maybe you wouldnt but that doesnt make you any better
or give you a reason to lord it over anyone that you feel that way. Michael is a GREAT ICON and his
memorabilia with continue to be bought and sold and increase. It is the most valuable items there are ...

Michael knews this _ He was a great collector himself and paid a pretty penny for what he wanted
and Im sure he didnt feel the least bit guilty about it. :)

Most of these items will end up in a museum for Michael anyway . Those who own
it will want to have it displayed and shared with the world. not hidden in their closets
and Thats the truth ..

Agree with you. Sometimes, we are just over sensitive to every small topic about MJ.
These are shoulder pads? I think it would bother me more if it was jewellery or something special like that. You know what I notice? Here she is selling things and I wonder how much attention it would get in the media if they didn't mention Michael's name.
I don't know man....I know Liza is strapped for money...and she is not selling his letters or voicemails he left her. She was always good to Michael when everyone turned their back on him. Right to the end. If what Michael gave her will help her finacially for a while, I know Michael would never mind that. In a way he's got her back in this tough economical crisis. Liza ain't getting younger and she has less and less work compared to what she use to have. I remember she was all over the place in the 80's and as years went by she sorta disappeared. Michael wouldn't mind helping a friend.

What's bad is when people run to the press/media selling his personal story, how he looked in the morgue, and what his kids been up to - that's where it turns ugly.
She is just another seller. Gifts from friends and loved ones don't get returned or sold! Shame!!!

Well said. If i had something given to my by a friend and then lost them the last thing i would want to do is get rid of that would mean to much and u would treasure it even more now they are gone. But hey thats just me.

Her comments confirmed along while back that she prob had hardly spoken to mj in years anyway
I agree with both of these statements!!
Give Liza with a Z a break.!! The woman is getting up there in yrs and probably trying to simplify her life. Can you imagine the many gifts she has gotten over the yrs.? No big deal, lots of celebrites and ordinary people to this every day.
She is just another seller. Gifts from friends and loved ones don't get returned or sold! Shame!!!

Well said. If i had something given to my by a friend and then lost them the last thing i would want to do is get rid of that would mean to much and u would treasure it even more now they are gone. But hey thats just me.

Her comments confirmed along while back that she prob had hardly spoken to mj in years anyway

I agree with you guys. You don't get rid of something you got from MICHAEL JACKSON lol