Living with Michael Jackson - The Good Side

I loathe Bashir as much as the next fan, but MJ didn't help himself in some scenes. He acted very strangely in the Berlin hotel when he's trying to feed Blanket. He seems high as a kite to me in that part.

Just as the guy above me said, I think he was really nervous. Bashir also made things much worse. His narration and questions were absolutely insane. Who in the world compares climbing trees to sex, what the hell is wrong with climbing trees in the first place?
It came off as more franctically trying to recoup from what he had just done to me. The baby is crying, he's got stunned reaction from hundreds outside the window. It seemed like major panic at the realization of the big blunder he'd just made.

Did the fans really act that stunned? I thought they were just screaming to see Michael, not out of concern or worry.

I thought it was just the media blowing it up out of all proportion.
dito. friends who were there said it wasnt like that at all.
In my opinion and in hindsight, Bashit and LWMJ was the 'beginning of the end' for Michael. That 'documentary' is only really good when coupled with Michael and Maury Povich's rebuke.
yeah. bashir has blood on his hands. just another person in the long list who shoudnt be here instead of mj
Just as the guy above me said, I think he was really nervous. Bashir also made things much worse. His narration and questions were absolutely insane. Who in the world compares climbing trees to sex, what the hell is wrong with climbing trees in the first place?
Bashir spoke to Michael as if he was a freak.
"Do you enjoy climbing trees more than sex?"
"But you're not Peter Pan, you're Michael Jackson!"
Give me a bloody break. :doh:
I love the whole interview thing start from the beginning. :) you must not have to missed each word that are coming from his mouth. you will admire him absolutely. and the only person you will never forget. "Michael Jackson"

missing you michael :(
Bashir spoke to Michael as if he was a freak.
"Do you enjoy climbing trees more than sex?"
"But you're not Peter Pan, you're Michael Jackson!"
Give me a bloody break. :doh:

That moment was very weird of Bashir. Michael said his favourite pastimes were climbing trees and waterballoon fights and Bashir then questions him "what about making love?" (as if sex was a hobby) to (in my opinion) imply that Michael was an asexual weirdo.
Do not even know what words to use to Bashir ...
The issues and comments were biased and liars. But the worst was still left by the documentary (the charge, of course). Ja this is premeditated or not ...

The documentary itself, I think part of the controversy is over the stelespectadores too. Excuse me, please who disagree is just my opinion.
I think it is not hard to see that Michael is not nothing ccomentado for him, but what is shown.
A wonderful father who stated publicly: I prefer to take the risk of being with my children if something happens with them ¨. Love it.
Giving a bottle and praise ¨ not want you to cry ¨

An incredible artist, dancing to your beach box. Someone fun, laughing and giving all the attention by their fans.

So, Bashir is damn yes. But viewers were not able to see these beautiful things from Michael.
People also tend to be manipulated to see the bad instead of focusing on what is plausible.
MJ is the best!
That moment was very weird of Bashir. Michael said his favourite pastimes were climbing trees and waterballoon fights and Bashir then questions him "what about making love?" (as if sex was a hobby) to (in my opinion) imply that Michael was an asexual weirdo.

yeah.. and if MJ said sex was a hobby... lol i'd say that even weirder :bugeyed

Another thing that completely made no sense was during the awards. When the host was speaking in german and said the word MJ. Then Michael got up because he obviously doesn't speak german and went to claim his award. It was a really simple mistake but then bashir said something like "he came to berlin to prove to everyone he's the king of pop, but after that he's done no such thing"... . . . . I swear I can't even put my frustration into words at that moment.
Another thing that completely made no sense was during the awards. When the host was speaking in german and said the word MJ. Then Michael got up because he obviously doesn't speak german and went to claim his award. It was a really simple mistake but then bashir said something like "he came to berlin to prove to everyone he's the king of pop, but after that he's done no such thing"... . . . . I swear I can't even put my frustration into words at that moment.

And the way he looks at Michael as if he's done something really terrible. He missed his cue, big deal.
Even if it was negative. It usually works out good for Michael on a big scale. Because he gained ALOT of fans during that time and its always good for the sales on his albums. I was always a fan, I had a couple of albums before it but it was the documentary that sparked my "obsession" if you wanna call it that. Shows how loving Michael is. Even at the age of 12 I saw it, I think people even younger saw it, which is obviously somethin special. I could even see that the journalist wasnt to good with Mike.

But again, it definitely setup the 05 case. Which is a real shame because he was comin back then and he had to get put off really until 2009.

This and PHM are soooo good for the REAL fans. It shows us Michael opening up, and in his own home. I love it.
Did the fans really act that stunned? I thought they were just screaming to see Michael, not out of concern or worry.

I thought it was just the media blowing it up out of all proportion.

Could be I misinterpreted the crowd reaction and drew more from the media blow up and Cher, etc. talking about his children should be taken away from him. It was the gasp heard around the world apparently.

It was just a very sad moment to me for him, and I don't know if I've ever watched the scene in its entirety or with objectivity.

I do clearly see in my mind Michael sitting in the chair trying feverishly but unsuccessfully to get the bottle in the baby's mouth in or around that veil, still trying to protect his baby's face, knowing a camera is full on him... He just seemed in full panic mode to me versus being high.
That moment was very weird of Bashir. Michael said his favourite pastimes were climbing trees and waterballoon fights and Bashir then questions him "what about making love?" (as if sex was a hobby) to (in my opinion) imply that Michael was an asexual weirdo.

That was EXACTLY my reaction at that part...Like sex is a hobby..What a private thing to be asking someone. I imagined someone asking me that because I love to make jewellery..And, if someone were to ask me if I really enjoy making jewellery instead of having sex, it would be totally inappropriate to ask someone that...The whole interview's sole purpose was to lure you in and attempt to make Michael look like a complete weirdo..It's quite sick, trying to twist Michael's life into something completely bizarre...To me, I don't believe in someone being "weird" It's such a subjective thing, and the world would be a pretty dull place if we all followed the "rules of society" whatever those are...
And the way he looks at Michael as if he's done something really terrible. He missed his cue, big deal.

I felt the same way at that part. If someone else would have done that, missed the cue, then it would have just been a simple mistake..No big deal. But because it's Michael, it gets a different reaction...It's ridiculous...I really loved Michael in this interview..What makes me so mad is that the public and media had demanded Michael be more open and do more interviews and what not..And, Michael did...He really tried to open up to people, but then people got greedy, and wanted more and more..Like, because he was a celebrity, that people are entitled to know about his private life. Michael dealt with his frustrations with the paparazzi through his music...If I were Michael, I would have snapped a long time ago. But because Michael is so loving and sweet, he kept his cool. That goes a long way in terms of what a dignified and proud person he was. He never treated anyone with disrespect, although God knows Michael had experienced his fair share of it..Such a shame that an angel like Michael had to go through what he went through
I know it sounds funny, But watching the interview made me become a fan.I didn't even pay attention to bashit,I was watching Michael.

I know what you mean I have learned to block bashit (I love that ha ha ) out I just focus on Michael.
