Living with Michael Jackson - The Good Side


Proud Member
Aug 8, 2009
Okay, first of all, yeah we all loathe Martin Bashir and his yellow journalistic methods in this documentary, but I recently re-downloaded it and watched it right through and there are some really amazing bits we never would have seen without it...

I LOVE Michael's attempt at an English accent, "A nice bootiful intervuw!"
It's great to see him beat boxing Billie Jean near the start and him getting up and showing his moves. He is so kind to his fans and even Martin during the filming :) I like the bit in the limo when Michael gets embarrassed when talking about how much he's worth and the shopping spree was really OMG! :eek:! Of course seeing Michael with his kids and singing Smile was really touching too... :cry:

What bits did any of you guys like??
I think generally LWMJ did good for him, I know its the source of the second accusations but ALOT of people became new fans of him thanks to this interview and discovered the human side of him and not just the music. Although I really dislike the ending of the interviews where Bashirs questions get more personal and aggressive I like the beginning of it when the questions still seemed somewhat acceptable. Really sad that Michael was painted this negatively. Im glad I got to see what his life was like inside Neverland or else I would have never known.

But looking back today I wish Michael never did that interview... He trusted all bad people.
I must've watched this at least fifty times. I'm obsessed with it. I love the scene of MJ playing with the children at Neverland, especially the part where he's crossing the rickety bridge and "I'll Be There" is playing in the background. That particular scene really captures the purity and innocence of Michael's love for children.

On a seperate note, Michael's music is used to really great effect in this documentary.
first part upto berlin is good the rest is just......... just wish it had never happened cause no doubt imo mj would still be here now
I just watched this again and noticed something odd.

In the Vegas hotel room, Michael is talking about his children. Bashir asked him about Blanket's mother. Michael says she is a woman he had a relationship with. Then at then end, when Michael is in the purple coloured shirt, he says that she doesn't him and he doesn't know her...
I just watched this again and noticed something odd.

In the Vegas hotel room, Michael is talking about his children. Bashir asked him about Blanket's mother. Michael says she is a woman he had a relationship with. Then at then end, when Michael is in the purple coloured shirt, he says that she doesn't him and he doesn't know her...

Yeah I noticed that too.. Bashir probably put that in on purpose. Obvoiusly its none of our business but it was odd anyway.

I loved seeing a real personal side of Michael Jackson so I loved it.. I loved to see the interaction between him and the children. I loved the interviews too.
You know when this documentary actually came out and I watched it the first time, it really did open my eyes to Michael as a person because I really didn't know anything about him before then. I could see gosh, well he's kinda like me, childlike, and he's just a very normal person. And when he was talking about his father, all of his insecurities, I just felt a deep empathy for him. I remember thinking "wow I wish I could have been his friend." I really felt he needed someone who just saw him as a person.

I've always longed for someone like MJ as a friend. He would be my ideal: innocent, a kid at heart, playful, totally accepting, and an unconditional lover. I honestly haven't really had someone like that in my life as a friend.

I love the part where he goes up in the tree and Bashir doesn't go up with him. If it were me, I'd be right up there with him. This documentary didn't turn me against Michael at all, which I guess may have been the intent. It did just the opposite. I became really intrigued.

Knowing now the true intent of the interview, it's so horrible. Michael was too trusting, and he got stabbed in the back, but it wasn't all bad.
Yeah I didn't like how the camear FOCUSED in on Michael and the false accuser Gavin - that documentary brought the end of Neverland
It definately has its good side. After the 70th time watching it, you learn to ignore Martin Bashir and just focus on MJ.

Like someone already said, the Berlin incident onwards isnt too good.
I don't know if I want to watch this again because it is the cause of Michael's saddness and death. It was the centre of the allegations and that hurt. Michael was too trusting.
I know it sounds funny, But watching the interview made me become a fan.I didn't even pay attention to bashit,I was watching Michael.
I love the part that Michael climbs the tree. It's so sweet and he's as happy as an eternal child. Another part I like most, is when Michael is dancing in his studio. See it that way, dancing and so close... is amazing and magical.
Youve gotta love him in the tree.

The world didnt understand Michael Jackson. He was such a wonderful, wonderful man who never ever meant anyone any harm. He was just innocent and enjoyed the company of children.

But the sick people in this world couldnt see that. Its just such a shame..You know?
Okay, first of all, yeah we all loathe Martin Bashir and his yellow journalistic methods in this documentary, but I recently re-downloaded it and watched it right through and there are some really amazing bits we never would have seen without it...

I LOVE Michael's attempt at an English accent, "A nice bootiful intervuw!"
It's great to see him beat boxing Billie Jean near the start and him getting up and showing his moves. He is so kind to his fans and even Martin during the filming :) I like the bit in the limo when Michael gets embarrassed when talking about how much he's worth and the shopping spree was really OMG! :eek:! Of course seeing Michael with his kids and singing Smile was really touching too... :cry:

What bits did any of you guys like??

Those scenes that you mention are my absolute favorites out of that interview. Especially hearing Michael beat boxing Billie Jean. Ever since I had first saw the Oprah interview 16 years ago. I just totally love hearing Michael beat boxing. And I just love seeing him up in his tree. I was thinking about watching that interview tonight. But after what happen with me with the Barbara Walters interview last night. Where I just totally broke down. So I am going to hold off on it for now.

Youve gotta love him in the tree.

The world didnt understand Michael Jackson. He was such a wonderful, wonderful man who never ever meant anyone any harm. He was just innocent and enjoyed the company of children.

But the sick people in this world couldnt see that. Its just such a shame..You know?

I so totally agre with you.
I just love the part when Prince asks him if he can run, Michael says: "okay, if you want", then turns to Paris and asks her: "Paris, do you wanna run?" And she responds: "No, I wanna hold you hand..."
Awwww... so tender, I wouldn´t want to let go of his hand either...

*This is It... forever in L.O.V.E. with Michael*:wub:
That is when I started to love Michael again, I saw from that film that he is a really good person and nothing Bashir said made a difference.

And yeah I love when Paris ran over Bashir to hold her daddy's hand. And when Michael asked do you wanna run, she said "no i want to hold your hand' that was sooo sweet and real.
I liked the bit where he talks about his special tree where he wrote heal the world song and he climbed the tree and asked martin bashir if he was going to come up too. Martin bashir was condescending and said he didn't climb trees. Michael expressed surprise "you don't like climbing trees " that was so sweet. Martin Bashir obviously had other things in mind that he wanted to climb, corporate ladders and such like....
Apart from the interview and the bit with Gavin, it's not too bad. I like the part where he's climbing his Giving Tree :) I always laugh when they're on Michael's race track too "You're gonna get a head whooping" "He's cheating!" LOL :D And the bit where he's shopping, he bought that much he can't even remember if he got some stuff "Did we get these?" "Can we get these?" and then he was worried that the guy wouldn't remember what he wanted :D If you take out Bashir's crappy commentary and his awful editing then it's a nice documentary.

I agree. I love to see interviews with MJ, you get to see him as a person. That is nice.

He was the best!
I agree the documentary wasn't bad but bashir was waaay out of line in there..
If you take out Bashir's crappy commentary and his awful editing then it's a nice documentary.

I've tried, but I can't bare the sight of Bashir! And wierdly, it's worse since he was complimentary of Michael after he died. The weasel has ruined any enjoyment I could gain from the documentary. I'm so glad youtube exists and I've found other interviews of the gifted one.
I actually first watched the interview just a few months ago. I couldnt dare to watch if before because I know what came out of it. I remember how controversial it was, all over the news so I didnt wanna watch it.

When I finally decided to watch it.. well lets ignore Bashir, the Berlin incident and the disgusting Gavin... other than that, I absolutely love this documentary. It is such a shame that all the crap in the documentary overshadows all the good wonderful stuff.
I agree with you all, there are so many nice parts in here. I mean, we get to see the real Michael, how can it not be wonderful? But of course, Bashir and his total lack of moral and professionalism and ethics ruins it.
I remember sitting there taping this when it originally aired, feeling so glad that someone from the media finally understood MJ and Neverland.
We were betrayed along with Michael as the show unfolded.

In my opinion and in hindsight, Bashit and LWMJ was the 'beginning of the end' for Michael. That 'documentary' is only really good when coupled with Michael and Maury Povich's rebuke.

LWMJ did show many people how Michael was manipulated (plus it was the first time my friends said they felt sorry for Michael) and it did give us a lot of precious footage...
Sorry, I know this is meant to be a happy thread...

Watching this a few times really lets you see things you miss! What really annoys me is how much Bashir forces his opinion across. When Michael was saying about going in the hallways on the go-carts he says "You are joking" and about the tree "Aren't you coming?' "No I Am NOT." If i got to climb the giving tree with Michael I could die happy :D
I actally became a fan because of this interview, I saw what a beautiful soul Michael was. This would have been the best interview ever if it wasn't for the editing and Bashir unfair statements
See the bit in Neverland at the start where Bashir keeps reiterating everything Michael said about being abused as a child... all Michael can keep saying is "I knoooow" in a sad voice :cry:
I loathe Bashir as much as the next fan, but MJ didn't help himself in some scenes. He acted very strangely in the Berlin hotel when he's trying to feed Blanket. He seems high as a kite to me in that part.
I loathe Bashir as much as the next fan, but MJ didn't help himself in some scenes. He acted very strangely in the Berlin hotel when he's trying to feed Blanket. He seems high as a kite to me in that part.

It came off as more franctically trying to recoup from what he had just done to me. The baby is crying, he's got stunned reaction from hundreds outside the window. It seemed like major panic at the realization of the big blunder he'd just made.