Live footage of Brett Ratners interviweing Michael

yeah right he knew he was being filmed...if some people don't agree with that you don't have to force it down their throats, we don't agree and that's the end of it. michael who was so self-conscious of the way he looked do you think he'd agree to be filmed from this angle? and if brett was such a good friend then why didn't he defend him when everyone was pointing at MJ the "drug-addict" and trampling all over him? because he's too preoccupied with his DVD. this was something personal, made between friends(or so called friends) how much do you want to bet that if MJ was alive we wouldn't see this on DVD and out for sale? and I'm sure there's more to come
I know people are going to jump on my back but I don't care, I don't like brett

@_zu_ this is the transcript from brett's site

He didnt release it on DVD its not for sale and never will be
so I dont know what you're getting at ... Michael himself released
footage of him and Brett together and stated what good friends they
were and that they had lots of fun together _ becuase they were both
kids at heart ..

you dont have to like him
Michael loved him and they were great friends
what you feel about Brett is just that and has nothing
to do with Michael and his relationship -

just becuase you dont like it doesnt mean the rest of us dont love
and appreciate this interview _ Of course you are welcome to
your opinion - but I just cant see what you base it on, Brett
has never done anything to cause harm to MJ ..

read the reason he released it for FREE ..
It shows Michael as human and beautiful man.
Brett said MJ was to pure for this world

Im not jumping on you (hugs)
just wanted to point out that the footage of Mj is
not on Bretts DVD .. and is NOT for sale
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I don''t know much about this but Karen Faye said the other day that Michael wasn't aware he was being filmed by brett.. i dunno if she meant MJ just didn't know sometimes or whether he didn't know all the time. But Michael does include some footage in PHM doesn;t he.

Also confused - brett says the film isn't for sale - well why does it say on the shooter series website 'order your copy now'/'order the dvd now'?

Karen Faye has no way of knowing being she was not there
How dare she say such a thing. she is going way over board with
the things she is stating about Michael and I dont know what her
agenda is_except Attention ..

The DVD is not about Michael
that has been for sale since before MJs death

This is the DVD for sale_It has nothing to do with Michael
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i love these intimate interviews, but i hope it wasn't an invasion of his privacy...
"This is me on vacation with my Good friend Brett Ratner
Bretts like a kid, like me. We like to have fun "
Michael Jackson

"When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him.
He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always
treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never
asked for anything in return.”

“I know that people looked at Michael and thought he was strange, but
to me, he was fascinating,” Ratner says. “He was the most inspirational
person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world.
And when I’d say, ‘Isn’t that impossible?’ Michael would just start to cry.
He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you’d have to
say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn’t so innocent anymore.”

Brett Ratner
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i'm glad that was cleared up, people were saying that he didn't know he was being filmed
STUDY THE GREATS ND BECOME THE GREATESS omg that is so heartfelt :cry: michael uses his words so well the way he speaks is amazing and he seemed so relax in that interview amazing,thank you for the post of the interview,my heart is just totally broken and i say why...........:boohoo: xxx
I dont understand why some people are still suggesting that brett recorded this without michael knowing.

to me it seems that common sense would prove that michael knew.

Just the questions alone. These arent questions, nor the style of questioning that you would ask or answer to if it was a personal, casual conversation.

Brett always recorded michael and himself. Remember tha clip from the private home movies of brett and michael in the car. Michael was dancing in the back seat to r. kelly's song (remix to ignition) ?:p
so does someone finally knows if the interview is included in the DVD ?
It seems so.
Ok thanks for clearing that up.

Karen Faye has no way of knowing being she was not there
How dare she say such a thing. she is going way over board with
the things she is stating about Michael and I dont know what her
agenda is_except Attention ..

The DVD is not about Michael
that has been for sale since before MJs death

This is the DVD for sale_It has nothing to do with Michael
does anyone know if MJ's segment is included in that DVD ?
As has been said in the thread already and by Ratner himself, the interview with Michael is not on the DVD and will never be put on a DVD.
Take note "friends" of the King of Pop. This is how true friends behave. I thank Brett for sharing that beautiful video with us fans and the World.
I believe Karen when she says he wasn't always aware he was being filmed, but either way these are intimate videos and I'm glad he didn't put them on DVD and he'd better not do it in the future either...Michael deserves at least a tiny bit of privacy left, he had to deal with invasion of privacy and people making money off him all his life
ummmmmm, I think MJ knew he was being filmed!!!!
He looks at the camera a couple of times! lol.
And how does Karen Faye know??? That doesnt make any sense-did Michael see the recording of the interview and tell Karen he didn't know? If Brett secretly taped him, why would he even show the tape to MJ?

Plus, that angle is the same angle as when they were dancing in the car!

MJ had MANY things recorded in his life that we haven't seen...he had his own videographer!!!

They were just having fun together. ANd Brett found MJ interesting so he probably asked MJ if he could ask him questions on tape. Think about it, Brett is a director, so of course he likes to tape things.
And MJ alwayss talks about "capturing a moment and preserving it in time" He had the quote in his house! He probably wanted his thoughts on tape