Live footage of Brett Ratners interviweing Michael


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA

To those people curious about if Michael was aware that the video camera was filming:
Several years ago Michael and I were in Florida vacationing and, early one morning Michael came into my room with HIS video camera and started to film and ask questions about my life and why i dreamed of becoming a director. He was always interested in people and curious about their hopes and dreams. After about an hour, I asked if I could interview him about his life and dreams. He said yes and handed me his camera. I then got a pen and piece of paper and wrote down some questions that I thought would be interesting. As I was reading the questions to him in the midst of the interview I realized that the camera wasn't on. So, I turned it on. I have hundreds of hours of footage of us hanging out, vacationing, dancing, and sharing our thoughts on life. This video was a very personal conversation between two friends that I wanted to share so that people would see his humanity and beautiful heart. The interview was transcribed and published with Michael's permission in Interview magazine several years ago. Please feel free to look it up. He was happy to share it and loved how it was a conversation between two friends and not a journalist prying into his private life.

It is not for sale and never will be.

Brett Ratner
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Thank you for this Bee. I hope that Brett was a true friend to Michael. I want to believe that somewhere in his world of back stabbers there were some people who were loyal and cared for him.
Lol...did he see what replies we gave on this site? lolz....sry Brett :D

I dont know_ I didnt see them _ by the sounds of it Im glad I didnt :LOL:

the comments on bretts site are beautiful becuase people could see
how beautiful and pure this was and _ This is such a beautiful rare
glimpse of Michael when he was truly relaxed and candid _ and
you could see the sparkle in his eyes and his excitement when
he was speaking about the things that meant so much to him .

Some times fans are to cynical and miss the beauty and purity
becuase they are looking for evil .. where there is none

I saw it the first time today _ Its a treasure and
Im so greatful to Brett for sharing it with us ..
Michael talked highly of him and Brett always
spoke highly of Michael _ and lifted him up_ ALWAYS
I love this interview.. I wish everyone could see it to see who Michael really was. Some people are so blind.
I love that interview. It is my favourite. I mean there are no nasty questions that Michael got asked in EVERY interview he did (plastic surgery, allegations, oxygen chamber, bla bla) it's a real intimate interview which shows Michael SO normal. I wish Brett did some public interviews with Michael. I'm greatful he shared this treasure :D Michael looks so hot too!!
The interview was transcribed and published with Michael's permission in Interview magazine several years ago.

Does anyone have this transcribed interview or the magazine itself? I would like to post it on polish forum and don't know if I have to do the transcript or is it posted somewhere in here?

Thanks! :)
What is Michael's answer to "What is your greatest lesson learned?" (at the beginning - about 50 sec.) Can't really hear that up to "record companies steal"? Please, help! And while Michael is answering what his favorite album is, what does he say after Tschaikowsky "Nutcracker Suite"?
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yeah right he knew he was being filmed...if some people don't agree with that you don't have to force it down their throats, we don't agree and that's the end of it. michael who was so self-conscious of the way he looked do you think he'd agree to be filmed from this angle? and if brett was such a good friend then why didn't he defend him when everyone was pointing at MJ the "drug-addict" and trampling all over him? because he's too preoccupied with his DVD. this was something personal, made between friends(or so called friends) how much do you want to bet that if MJ was alive we wouldn't see this on DVD and out for sale? and I'm sure there's more to come
I know people are going to jump on my back but I don't care, I don't like brett

@_zu_ this is the transcript from brett's site
EDIT: I was going to post the transcript then I realised snowwhite had already done it :doh: Mods can delete this post :D
Thanks a lot, Snowhite! So just the part of the interview was transcripted in this magazine... This part I can't hear is not in here. Could anybody help me with that part?

EDIT: StephluvsMJ MANY THANKS!!! :))) But still: the video beginns with:

B.R.: What qualities most helped you to get where you are today?
M.J.: Faith and determination. Practice!

Or did I open a different video? Can't be...

Co this is not the whole transcript and this part I can't understant is at the beginning. Sorry for being persistent... But, as Mike says: faith and determination! ;)
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yeah right he knew he was being filmed...if some people don't agree with that you don't have to force it down their throats, we don't agree and that's the end of it. michael who was so self-conscious of the way he looked do you think he'd agree to be filmed from this angle? and if brett was such a good friend then why didn't he defend him when everyone was pointing at MJ the "drug-addict" and trampling all over him? because he's too preoccupied with his DVD. this was something personal, made between friends(or so called friends) how much do you want to bet that if MJ was alive we wouldn't see this on DVD and out for sale? and I'm sure there's more to come
I know people are going to jump on my back but I don't care, I don't like brett

@_zu_ this is the transcript from brett's site

Well, I don't have a problem with Brett. He seems like a nice guy. MJ looked straight into the camera at one point in the interview, so he must've known Brett was filming. I don't care if Brett releases this on DVD. I don't get why people are against it. This interview shows MJ as a normal guy talking about his influences and what inspires him. I would rather see this on DVD, then interviews where Michael's being asked idiotic questions about plastic surgery and false allegations. But that's just my opinion.
I hope this does not yet again turn in to a discussion about Michael being aware or not being aware about being filmed. I know there is fair cause to see something bad in everything. If that is how one wants to percieve life and people, that is also a way of life. But I do not see any evil in this, and I do not think that every person in Michaels life was dishonest and greedy.
Its a very nice interview, a great conversation, and a chance to see a side to Michael that are not so often presented to the world in mainstream media.
Thanks a lot, Snowhite! So just the part of the interview was transcripted in this magazine... This part I can't hear is not in here. Could anybody help me with that part?

EDIT: StephluvsMJ MANY THANKS!!! :))) But still: the video beginns with:

B.R.: What qualities most helped you to get where you are today?
M.J.: Faith and determination. Practice!

Or did I opened different video? Can't be...

Co this is not the whole transcript and this part I can't understant is at the beginning. Sorry for being persistent... But, as Mike says: faith and determination! ;)

Here's the full interview, zu:
Part 1:
Part 2:
When asked about the greatest lesson he’s learned, he speaks candidly about the music business:

“Not to trust anybody. Not to trust anybody in the industry, there’s a lot of sharks, and record companies steal, they cheat, you have to audit them and it’s time for artists to take a stand against them because they totally take advantage of them. They forget that it’s the artists who make the company, not the company who makes the artists. Without the talent, the company would be nothing but just hardware. It takes real good talent. That’s what the public wants to see.”
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this is to me and i already say this many times the best interview ever made to Michael, i think it is cause it was between two real friends, and it was about the real creativity, not tabloids material at all

This interview is just fascinating, the real MJ, i feel i know him presonally whenever i see this interview, and his tastes are oh so wonderful, in all levels, Brett was a wonderful interviewer, to Brett THANKS!
yeah right he knew he was being filmed...if some people don't agree with that you don't have to force it down their throats, we don't agree and that's the end of it. michael who was so self-conscious of the way he looked do you think he'd agree to be filmed from this angle? and if brett was such a good friend then why didn't he defend him when everyone was pointing at MJ the "drug-addict" and trampling all over him? because he's too preoccupied with his DVD. this was something personal, made between friends(or so called friends) how much do you want to bet that if MJ was alive we wouldn't see this on DVD and out for sale? and I'm sure there's more to come
I know people are going to jump on my back but I don't care, I don't like brett
I'm not jumping on your back, but just have a few questions.
So you think Michael wouldn't have guessed there was something weird about Brett asking those standard interview questions one after another?
Apart from some bits where things go casual (the singing), it was a full-on interview...or do you think Brett goes around relying on a list of prepared questions and asking Michael "What elements of your job make you wanna go to work everyday?" in that tone? He was clearly reading.
At the beginning of the clip, I hear Brett saying "So we do this?" and papers rustling. You can take that any way you want, but to me, the whole thing shouts 'Interview'. Give Michael some credit...

Michael was self-conscious, but I believe that when he was in a relaxed mood, he didn't care about stuff like angles, lighting, his clothing etc. This was at home, away from the public. Here, he's wearing a comfy ol' baseball cap. C'mon, in Unauthorised Interview, Michael started picking at his toenails. I feel this interview was about keeping some memories. The angle would've been the least of his worries.

"and if brett was such a good friend then why didn't he defend him when everyone was pointing at MJ the "drug-addict" and trampling all over him?"

An argument about why so-and-so didn't do this or that?
You could say the same thing about Chris Tucker, Diana Ross, Liz, his family. How can anyone prove that they're a good enough friend/fan? There's always going to be something they didn't do or say for Mike.
I'm glad Brett's sticking to the real stuff.
I don''t know much about this but Karen Faye said the other day that Michael wasn't aware he was being filmed by brett.. i dunno if she meant MJ just didn't know sometimes or whether he didn't know all the time. But Michael does include some footage in PHM doesn;t he.

Also confused - brett says the film isn't for sale - well why does it say on the shooter series website 'order your copy now'/'order the dvd now'?