Little time left. Michael,s message.....

I know Michael believed in the 2012 thing

Do you have a link for this?

This is starting to be repeated over and over on this site, which is how rumors grow. Can we find a link to a quote by either MJ or excellent witness?

It would not be a good thing for Michael's image if it's not true and becomes the next tabloid headline.

Worse, it would distract from his environmental message.
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michael didn,t say a word about the maya calendar .........( 21-12-2012 ends that calendar)
he did talk about the world still having 4 years left too change.
Michael must have talked about this therie of him to people close.
I,m really interested in the ones who know what michael was reffering too.
Do you have a link for this?

This is starting to be repeated over and over on this site, which is how rumors grow. Can we find a link to a quote by either MJ or excellent witness?

It would not be a good thing for Michael's image if it's not true and becomes the next tabloid headline.

Worse, it would distract from his environmental message.

The point is Michael very clearly says we have 4 to 5 years or it is too late. What does he mean? he must know something!!!

I don't think Michael's message is just environmental, after all environmental disasters have always occured millions of years in the past while man has been on the planet ie the great flood as in Noah's ark story which was so bad it wiped out most of mankind, the ice ages etc.

All I can think of is the rainforest destruction which is crucial to human and animal life on the planet and the mayan calendar

2012 and the mayan calendar and all other ancient calendars come to an end in 2012 . 2012 is also a date the NWO also expect to bring their plans to fruition.

"The Mayan calendar is a meter and measure of the evolution of human consciousness" (by Ian Xel Lungold)

Ian Xel Lungold is a leading researcher of the Maya and their calendar systems. He is also a contributing author, artist, and speaker as well as the developer of the Mayan Calendar Conversion Codex

Michael clearly understands planetary issues as well as consciousness if you read dancing the dream there are plenty of quotes and poems by Michael to show deep understanding of this. Given this was 17 years ago, I would think he was even more knowledgeable by now.

The lyrics of another part of me is insightful and this was years ago from the bad album, 1987. Michael wasn't one for speeches on such things although he did make a few. He put the messages in his songs You have to listen to the lyrics in the songs,the messages are all there.

we're takin' over
we have the truth
this is the mission
to see it through

don't point your finger
not dangerous
this is our planet
you're one of us

we're sendin' out
a major love
and this is our
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
we're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you
can't you see . . .?
you're just another
part of me . .

a rather nation
fulfill the truth
the final message
we're bringin' you
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
there is no danger
fulfill the truth
so come together
we're meanin' you

we're sendin' out
a major love
and this is our
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
we're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you
so look the truth
you're just another
part of me . .

we're sendin' out
a major love
and this is our
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
we're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you
can't you see . . .?
you're just
another part of me
another part of me . .

we're takin' over
this is the truth, baby
another part of me
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The point is Michael very clearly says we have 4 to 5 years or it is too late.
No, the point is that you all shouldn't say Michael believed in something when you don't have a quote from him saying he did. Michael hated people doing this.
What does he mean? he must know something!!!
Yes, Michael did indeed know something. He often said he kept up with current events and read the newspapers daily. Here's what all of us who read newspapers and not just fansites, know:
U.N. Chief Seeks More Climate Change Leadership
November 18, 2007

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, describing climate change as “the defining challenge of our age,” released the final report of a United Nations panel on climate change here on Saturday and called on the United States and China to play “a more constructive role.”
“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” said Rajendra Pachauri, a scientist and economist who heads the IPCC. “What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”
The Observer, Sunday 18 January 2009

'We have only four years left to act on climate change - America has to lead'

Jim Hansen is the 'grandfather of climate change' and one of the world's leading climatologists. In this rare interview in New York, he explains why President Obama's administration is the last chance to avoid flooded cities, species extinction and climate catastrophe

Posted 12:54 PM on 8 Oct 2007
by David Roberts


Re-Engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): As the world prepares for the post-2012 phase of the UNFCCC, the United States must regain its leadership role in multiple forums to negotiate effective climate agreements. This requires re-engagement with the diplomatic efforts under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UNFCCC process is the main international forum dedicated to addressing the climate problem and an Obama administration will work constructively within it.
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco
12 December 2007

Arctic summer melting in 2007 set new records

Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.

Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.

Summer melting this year reduced the ice cover to 4.13 million sq km, the smallest ever extent in modern times.

I don't think Michael's message is just environmental, after all environmental disasters have always occured millions of years in the past while man has been on the planet ie the great flood as in Noah's ark story which was so bad it wiped out most of mankind, the ice ages etc.
This statement would break Michael's heart. You're suggesting there's little point in trying to do anything to prevent human-caused environmental catastrophes. If you're not going to help carry out MJ's mission, at least don't try to discourage those of us who are.

MJ makes it clear in Earth Song and other songs he wanted his fans fully engaged with the outside world and taking action. I and others are actively trying to make Michael's dreams for a healthier planet come true. I urge you all to get out into the world and make a difference. Work for the environment, work for stronger political support for the environment, and work to reduce human suffering.

For MJ.
No, the point is that you all shouldn't say Michael believed in something when you don't have a quote from him saying he did. Michael hated people doing this.

Yes, Michael did indeed know something. He often said he kept up with current events and read the newspapers daily. Here's what all of us who read newspapers and not just fansites, know:

This statement would break Michael's heart. You're suggesting there's little point in trying to do anything to prevent human-caused environmental catastrophes. If you're not going to help carry out MJ's mission, at least don't try to discourage those of us who are.

MJ makes it clear in Earth Song and other songs he wanted his fans fully engaged with the outside world and taking action. I and others are actively trying to make Michael's dreams for a healthier planet come true. I urge you all to get out into the world and make a difference. Work for the environment, work for stronger political support for the environment, and work to reduce human suffering.

For MJ.

I was very upset that you make accusations that I do not care about environment and I'm a disappointment to Michael, because I do and I've spnet my life as far as I can to not contribute to harming our beautiful earth. it is also well known Michael did have an interest in Mayan Calendar it is on this forum somewhere. The two are not exclusive. It is not right to criticize that.

. Michael made it clear it had to be us as individuals and not relying on Governments to take action, we have to pressure them to stop destroying the rainforest.

You used quotes by a fraudulent government scientist James Hansen who used phony data to generate a political crisis
for the sole purpose to collect carbon taxes , rather than doing anything to stop destruction of the rainforest

Whay they should be doing if they truly cared then they would and could stop and prevent destruction of the rainforest NOW . They however allow destruction to carry on, despite using global warming as an excuse to collect taxes. My point as I raised in an earlier post was, they have to stop destroying the Rainforest or humans and animals will be doomed

James Hansen is Al Gore scientific ally and Al Gore is being sued by 30 000 scientists for fraud over this see this you tube. They are using to it generate money not to do anything about it.

The point was that Michael said we had 4 or 5 years to heal the planet or it would be too late, he also mentioned the importance of love and unity in this. So it seems to me that this is other than just environmental due to the fact that we have had serious global disasters in the past ice ages and global floods, humans have survived in the past but whether we do in the future if we do not heal our souls and spirit and understand the importance of love unity harmony, consciousness and our connection to the earth and to others in the world is another matter, that is how I interpret Michael's I would appreciate if you would refrain from your predjudice and judgement toward others that we do not care about the environment because we have an interest in the Mayan Calendar. The two are not exclusive.IMO.

I've been organic raw food vegan 30 years, recycle everything, buy food locally etc. I run an eco business where all my packaging is corn starch biodegradeable not plastic which does not biodegrade, this costs many times more but I love the earth with my heart and soul. I'm not driven by money as most are. The inks I use are vegetable based not chemicals. I grow my own food, have not bought from a supermarket for 20 years which exploit the earth and poor people in the world. I feed my pets organic foods and as far as I can will not take part in environmental destruction all my cosmetics and shampoos are natural mineral based, I make most myself. I wash my clothes with soap pods which are from trees and not nasty chemicals that go into the river system to pollute and poison the environment and the fish. My car is run on veg oil

I am very happy tcare about the environment because of Michael.I loved Michael as he had similar feelings to me on many subjects including the environment.

What do you do to help the environment, can you ontribute some constructive info on what we can do to help rather than criticizing others.

Anyway here is Travis Payne and what he says about Michael. I feel that his message is not just about the environment it was about love and unity and harmony in the world an end to war and healing our spirits and our souls and increased consciousness. Michael in later years was not able to make speeches on such things due to having been exhiled and the media character attacks on him. He preferred to communicate the messages in his songs. The messages are all there

’Earth Song’ incorporates all of Michael’s messages of peace and love and good wilawakening and awareness—which was really his main focus for wanting to do This Is It at all,” Travis explained, adding that Michael wanted to remind his audience, and the world, of all the work that there was left to do.

Travis recalled that Michael was really focused on sending the right messages to the audience during his shows. Chief among those was that we really needed to take better care of the Earth.

Ever the environmentalist, Michael incorporated a lot of green technologies into his show. For example, the smoke from the fog machine was produced from 100% natural oils. The programs, which were to be printed on recycled paper, even listed a bunch of eco-friendly agencies that fans could get involved with. Even Michael’s motorcade in London was a fleet of hybrid vehicles.
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I think everyone really needs to listen to Michael's messages, following Michael is like a religion to me now. There is something about him, he should just not be ignored. I used to be an Atheist but now I follow Michael
I think everyone really needs to listen to Michael's messages, following Michael is like a religion to me now. There is something about him, he should just not be ignored. I used to be an Atheist but now I follow Michael

Thats great becuase Michael has been pointing you to God all along
thats where he got his strenth inspiration and faith >> Im happy to hear that :)
that you are folling inhis footsteps and understand how important his faith in God was.
To his art and his heart _ without God Michale woudlnt have been the man he was
Your post and your sig just gave me goosebumps. Please tell me more about this 'intentional community'. I'm considering selling my car too.

I REALLY felt the urgency in Michael's voice when he spoke about LOVE and givinv love back to the world, and healing our sick planet. He really meant it and that's what This is It is about. I hope everyone who watches the film can do something to make that change.

OK, what are we going to do? Other than our individual efforts, collectively as Michael fans, surely we can make a massive impact? I'm getting panicky, as if time is running out. :mello:
I'm so glad his message is resonating at least with some of us...
There are so many different kinds of intentional communities...where do you live? Here in California there are several comprehensive websites listing the various ones that exist in this state. I am wishing to find one that is entirely sustainable--growing our own food, no one needing to leave the ecovillage to work, no cars. (And, of course, in my ideal world, everyone there worships MJ as well ;) ) But there are plenty of ones that are already in big cities and entirely compatible with the lives people are already living, with only a few changes to make.
This lifestyle we are creating just is not working. It's spreading and it's killing our planet. The way Americans eat, drive, and consume is going to completely and utterly give our planet a death sentence as our habits spread across the globe. It's horribly inconvenient, and we are all horribly lazy, but it IS still possible to change things. Everyone thinks my desire to dramatically alter my lifestyle is so crazy, but really, it isn't. It's entirely possible, it's already being done, and it's what needs to happen. A change needs to happen.
I feed my pets organic foods and as far as I can will not take part in environmental destruction all my cosmetics and shampoos are natural mineral based, I make most myself. I wash my clothes with soap pods which are from trees and not nasty chemicals that go into the river system to pollute and poison the environment and the fish. My car is run on veg oil
Gaiaschild, if you have any recommendations/recipes for pet food, shampoos, and the soap pods, I'd love to see. Did you buy your car like that or have to convert it? I'm trying to head in the direction you're already in.
I think everyone really needs to listen to Michael's messages, following Michael is like a religion to me now. There is something about him, he should just not be ignored. I used to be an Atheist but now I follow Michael
Yes! Me too! Michael Jackson is my religion. He inspires the way I parent, the way I live my life, everything.
The rain forest is important to the eco system of earth. The rainforest are the lungs of the earth.

Some interesting info sites

Rainforest is also been destroyed to grow palm trees for cheap palm oil that is used in all processed foods ie crisps biscuits etc.

Some info here on this from friends of the earth. Try and buy products that have eco palm oil in and not from areas where they have destroyed rainforest togorw palm trees.

Info here
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Gaiaschild, if you have any recommendations/recipes for pet food, shampoos, and the soap pods, I'd love to see. Did you buy your car like that or have to convert it? I'm trying to head in the direction you're already in.

Hi melania. I'd like to compile a l comprehensive list of products that are ethical, I think that every little we do adds up to a lot eventually.

I get my soap pods locally as I live in a very eco aware area but there are lots of places on line to get them. Where do you live and I'll find a link for you. This is a UK link but they are sold everywhere.

Here is some info on converting cars to veg oil

and a youtube

I use these petfoods, I do feed my animals some meat even though I'm vegan because I'm not sure about vegan for cats although dogs can be but I use wild or free range not farmed and slaughtered.

For my dog I give rice vegetables and freerange meat or peas or this

My cats which are rescue cats, that were neglected and starvingI would not choose to have cats by choice. I give some fish or meat and biscuits.

There are even raw food pet companies in the US but sadly not in the UK.

Also I use soaps that use ethical palm oil and no poisonous ingredients like SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE it pollutes the environment and is all shampoos and soaps


I use Inika cosmetics vegan natural earth based mineral cosmetics.

For toothpaste also full of nasties and sodium lauryl sulfate, I use toothsoap.

I hope that helps Melania.
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I'm so glad his message is resonating at least with some of us...

This lifestyle we are creating just is not working. It's spreading and it's killing our planet. The way Americans eat, drive, and consume is going to completely and utterly give our planet a death sentence as our habits spread across the globe. It's horribly inconvenient, and we are all horribly lazy, but it IS still possible to change things. Everyone thinks my desire to dramatically alter my lifestyle is so crazy, but really, it isn't. It's entirely possible, it's already being done, and it's what needs to happen. A change needs to happen.

I agree, we can all do something about all of this,no matter how little , every little we do mounts up to a lot eventually. People should just do whatever they feel they can and move from there

£50 ($100) buys and protects a whole acre* of threatened wildlife habitat in a 'Buy an Acre Fund' project area of your choice. £25 saves 2000 square metres (half an acre).
Oops, didn't realize I hit SUBMIT on my post about global warming. I started this post, then decided to move it to a new thread. Sorry.

Gaiaschild, I'm really sorry my wording was not more sensitive. We're all having some pretty strong emotions, and I tend to react swiftly when it sounds as if global warming is being downplayed, since as you see I take it very seriously indeed.

I meant to write this to you immediately after I saw your post that you were upset, but then got distracted with my global warming thread. I'm sorry I didn't do it before now.

What you do and are recommending are great. We do disagree on the astrology prophecies, but hopefully that doesn't need to get in the way of the environmental part of MJ's message.

Many of your suggestions are helpful with respect to global warming, so I really hope you'll post them there, especially since your own actions could be so inspiring to others.
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I admire you, wow............just simply wow.
I,m very impressed by everything you share with us in this topic!
U R welcome Jenny. I'm glad if it helps.

Michael message was also about love and unity in the world which is equally important
Gaiaschild, please don't feel lonely, you're not alone, you're a shining light by way of your examples, thank you for sharing them; and Melania, the sustainable communities you speak of, I would love to hear more about those too.
~ I have no faith in our world leaders and their current political system, for it is they, who after all the time and support they have been given, have guided us to where we are now. My interpretation of Michael's music lyrics, poems, humanitarian endeavours, his life story and general ways of being, are such that, it tells me he was well aware of this himself. Like other great peaceful and loving leaders, I believe Michael understood that the only way we can really make a difference, is to lead the way ourselves and make whatever changes are necessary within ourselves, to care for our universe, planet earth, all of our creatures, our children and each other with kindness, respect and Love.
Last night I woke up at 5 am in a sweat, feeling extremely strange, didn't know what was wrong with me, I was physically ill. I woke up when I was dreaming of Michael repeating over and over.. "we've got 4 years to make it right, or else it's irreversible damage..."

I feel so scared and helpless..