'Little Susie' really scares me


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
I find it hard to listen to this song. It really is a 'haunting' song.
I think the back story of the song is another factor that frightens me.
Only MJ can write songs that genuinely can make people feel uneasy, the lyrics are so powerful. what a talent he had.
The little girls singing/humming at the beginning is what gets to me the most.

What's everyone's thoughts?
Actually the song Little Susie, made me cry once.
Only some tears.
I find the song so sad..
But anyway i love the song, and the lyrics is soo wonderful.
Michael was a genius.
And we all miss him..
Michael has a way of really tugging at the heart strings...He wrote and sung about things in this world that NEED more attention...
Such a hauntingly beautiful song, I've always loved it.
Beautiful,Haunting,Intriguing,Powerful...there is just so many ways to describe this song. It's such an amazing song.
This song feels like a movie to me. The scenes of the story appear in my mind vividly. Michael was an amazing song writer.

I love the song. Little Susie is a beautiful song; although uneasy to listen to.
OMG I am so effin happy someone else thinks so!! I thought I was the only one who got kind of scared when listening to this song.
i cant hear this song.it makes me cry.when i hear it on radio just i change the station.its so painful:(
i know what you mean :yes: but mj wanted to put us all in the picture of what happened :yes:although it is really sad :(
i love this song. yes it is haunting but that what makes it intriguing and beautiful.
Btw is there really a back story? does anyone know it sorry i dont know the story....
This song seriously used to give me nightmares when i was 13 and just discovering Michael's music. Now, though, I think it's an incredibly sad and powerful song.

I still don't make a point of listening to it though, I must admit.
It's a really sad song, and the little girl's hums at the beginning are really haunting :(
It's one of the particularly harder songs to sing along to. I've cried to the point where I couldn't sing it anymore, especially when I first heard it. It's not so much the story in itself, but the way he presents it, that makes for a powerful song.
I remember back in the summer of 1995 when I had gotten the HIStory album. Little Susie and Stranger In Moscow had been the only 2 songs of Michael's that has ever made me cry. And they were my most favorite on that album. Those songs no longer makes me cry. But I do L.O.V.E. to listen to Little Susie I especially L.O.V.E. the music for that song. But now every single time I hear that song I end up thinking about this story that was posted I think last year on this other MJ site I am a member of:

Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her music box. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and viciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for help that never came.

I really don't know if that is a true story or not. But it is such a sad story and song.

Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her music box. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and viciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for help that never came.

This is so sad :cry:
The story that MJsBollywoodGirl7 wrote, really scares me a lot. :cry:
I refuse to listen to the song - as I currently don´t feel good at all, just the melody of "Little Susie" hits me every time. I cannot remember that I´ve ever listened to that song without bursting into tears. :(
Michaels vocals in this track is absolutely flawless ... his best.

It's just the most beautiful & hauntingly sad track ever.

Sadistically, I can listen to it over and over because of those amazing vocals and ... the intense atmosphere of drama captured.

God I miss him so much ... this type of genius & talent is missed :(
Michaels vocals in this track is absolutely flawless ... his best.

It's just the most beautiful & hauntingly sad track ever.

Sadistically, I can listen to it over and over because of those amazing vocals and ... the intense atmosphere of drama captured.

God I miss him so much ... this type of genius & talent is missed :(

100% agree :(
Yeah, it's a song that has creeped me out since I was a kid.
I remember back in the summer of 1995 when I had gotten the HIStory album. Little Susie and Stranger In Moscow had been the only 2 songs of Michael's that has ever made me cry. And they were my most favorite on that album. Those songs no longer makes me cry. But I do L.O.V.E. to listen to Little Susie I especially L.O.V.E. the music for that song. But now every single time I hear that song I end up thinking about this story that was posted I think last year on this other MJ site I am a member of:

Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her music box. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and viciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for help that never came.

I really don't know if that is a true story or not. But it is such a sad story and song.

omg that is so sad :(........................
I remember back in the summer of 1995 when I had gotten the HIStory album. Little Susie and Stranger In Moscow had been the only 2 songs of Michael's that has ever made me cry. And they were my most favorite on that album. Those songs no longer makes me cry. But I do L.O.V.E. to listen to Little Susie I especially L.O.V.E. the music for that song. But now every single time I hear that song I end up thinking about this story that was posted I think last year on this other MJ site I am a member of:

Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her music box. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and viciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for help that never came.

I really don't know if that is a true story or not. But it is such a sad story and song.


It was also posted here in MJJC.
I remember back in the summer of 1995 when I had gotten the HIStory album. Little Susie and Stranger In Moscow had been the only 2 songs of Michael's that has ever made me cry. And they were my most favorite on that album. Those songs no longer makes me cry. But I do L.O.V.E. to listen to Little Susie I especially L.O.V.E. the music for that song. But now every single time I hear that song I end up thinking about this story that was posted I think last year on this other MJ site I am a member of:

Once upon a time not too long ago there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her music box. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and viciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for help that never came.

I really don't know if that is a true story or not. But it is such a sad story and song.

I would be willing to bet this is not true, but who knows. When presented in this format, it does little to stir any emotion in me due to the fact that it all just seems terribly improbable. It's almost a laundry list of possible misfortunes, all befalling upon the same person, narrated in poor fashion. When presented in the manner it is in the song, however, it tugs at the heartstrings for certain.
It is a haunting song. It can be linked to some of the fairy tales I read as a child from Hans Christian Andersen. Also, there is a little of the sadness of Cinderella in it; remember her mistreatment. How about the fairy tale of the old man who they thought stole jewelry, and he was persecuted, vilified, stigmatized and suffered together with his young daughter. At the end of the story, they found the jewelry in a crows nest where a crow had stashed it. How about the 7 Swans. How about the fairy tale of the little boy about 7 who had to walk through the fields to scare the crows, working long hours into the night. He was more afraid of the dark and loneliness, and was terrified. These, to me, are all haunting stories that leave you with a lasting message/impression, and I love them like Little Susie. They remind you that life is not a bed of roses. Maybe for those who are terrified, listen to Little Susie as a tale told with conviction, as though the singer wants you to get the message and understand the child's plight. Maybe then, you may begin to tolerate the song.