List of artists who think are underrated

I think that to a certain extent, lots of Michael Jackson's work is underrated by a lot of people.

i agree...............................

but there is a great contingent that balances it out.
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Well, they keep getting one singer after another to imitate Perry's style and sound, which tells me that they know they lost their leader, lol. Steve Perry made that band in to a commercial success. He's got an amazing voice and they're last several replacements don't compare.
Well, they keep getting one singer after another to imitate Perry's style and sound, which tells me that they know they lost their leader, lol. Steve Perry made that band in to a commercial success. He's got an amazing voice and they're last several replacements don't compare.

it's about the band..not an individual here. lol...they're not supposed to compare. but they are just as good. and the question remains...where is Steve?

the band was successful as a unit...not because of an individual. they all needed each other.

the sound was what it was....and now it is what it is...and their current hit is getting plenty of radio airplay and requests...
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Steve Perry had solo success, but he's had medical problems which caused him to drop out and he just doesn't have the desire anymore.

They didn't expreience any main stream success until Steve Perry came on board and it was largely his song writing input and decisians that allowed them to see much of their commercial success.
Steve Perry had solo success, but he's had medical problems which caused him to drop out and he just doesn't have the desire anymore.

They didn't expreience any main stream success until Steve Perry came on board and it was largely his song writing input and decisians that allowed them to see much of their commercial success.

ok...but they are not a failure as a band now.

i just don't think that steve perry was heard of before journey either.

they fed off of each other. i don't think it's fair to put one above the other.
I agree with many of these particuarly Tracy Chapman :yes:

others I can think of are:

Wild Strawberries
Everything But The Girl
I agree with you all on Steve Perry. The guy has a beautiful voice. Definitely underrated!
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ok...but they are not a failure as a band now.

i just don't think that steve perry was heard of before journey either.

they fed off of each other. i don't think it's fair to put one above the other.
That's because he was tryna get started in the business, and he was in a band that was about to get signed when one of the members died, and it hit them pretty hard and broke the group up. Perry was gonna stop singin, but got the offer from Journey, and his mom told him to take it.
Yes, perry did have solo success (oh sherri, foolish heart...etc.) but he kept coming back to the band cause he wanted to.

Where is he now??? Enjoying life. He doesn't have to keep coming out and singing to prove anything to people. He had hip problems, had surgery, and now he's doing what he wants. In i think in the GQ interview he stated that fame is hard to handle. Maybe he'll put out another album, maybe not.

That's what sucks. I feel like artists are pressured when they get older by the "if they are so great then where are they now?" people, and they feel that they just gotta keep performin'. Perry doesn't seem to be phased by this. I just hope he does what makes him happy, and if it's a new album, i'll buy it!

My point is that you cannot replace Steve Perry. He has one of THE most beautiful voices (to me) and it is also very unique. The couple of new guys they went through just sound like they are trying to imitate. The new guy sounds good, but he doesn't have the effortlessness Perry did, and i don't think he sounds like him (thank goodness) I think, if they just HAD to move on without Perry, that they shoulda left the old songs alone and just sang the new ones they made together
That's because he was tryna get started in the business, and he was in a band that was about to get signed when one of the members died, and it hit them pretty hard and broke the group up. Perry was gonna stop singin, but got the offer from Journey, and his mom told him to take it.
Yes, perry did have solo success (oh sherri, foolish heart...etc.) but he kept coming back to the band cause he wanted to.

Where is he now??? Enjoying life. He doesn't have to keep coming out and singing to prove anything to people. He had hip problems, had surgery, and now he's doing what he wants. In i think in the GQ interview he stated that fame is hard to handle. Maybe he'll put out another album, maybe not.

That's what sucks. I feel like artists are pressured when they get older by the "if they are so great then where are they now?" people, and they feel that they just gotta keep performin'. Perry doesn't seem to be phased by this. I just hope he does what makes him happy, and if it's a new album, i'll buy it!

My point is that you cannot replace Steve Perry. He has one of THE most beautiful voices (to me) and it is also very unique. The couple of new guys they went through just sound like they are trying to imitate. The new guy sounds good, but he doesn't have the effortlessness Perry did, and i don't think he sounds like him (thank goodness) I think, if they just HAD to move on without Perry, that they shoulda left the old songs alone and just sang the new ones they made together

i never said steve perry wasn't good. and i know he had a solo career, after journey. but before..they needed each other...

and.i guess we have to agree to me..journey is just as good now with their current as they were with steve..and i like hearing the old and new songs with the new lead singer....

i think he sounds a little different from steve..i don't think he is trying to me..that sound is the sound of journey...not one man..though the two sound a little similar..and happen to be just a little bit familiar to each other..and one happened to come before the other...

it's a case to me that explains that chronology is irrelevant..

that there is something bigger at work here.

i guess..if i am a real journey fan, i'm still buying tickets..and a lot of fans agree.

each man was given the sound he was given....and the familiarity intrigues me.

i understand there is a difference of opinion..some fans miss steve...others don't even notice that he's not there when journey performs now. i'm one of the latter.

i love arnel pineda's voice..and how he is able to strike just the right combo of familiarity, and the new phase of journey.
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i never said steve perry wasn't good. and i know he had a solo career, after journey. but before..they needed each other...

and.i guess we have to agree to me..journey is just as good now with their current as they were with steve..and i like hearing the old and new songs with the new lead singer....

i think he sounds a little different from steve..i don't think he is trying to me..that sound is the sound of journey...not one man..though the two sound a little similar..and happen to be just a little bit familiar to each other..and one happened to come before the other...

it's a case to me that explains that chronology is irrelevant..

that there is something bigger at work here.

i guess..if i am a real journey fan, i'm still buying tickets..and a lot of fans agree.

each man was given the sound he was given....and the familiarity intrigues me.

i understand there is a difference of opinion..some fans miss steve...others don't even notice that he's not there when journey performs now. i'm one of the latter.

i love arnel pineda's voice..and how he is able to strike just the right combo of familiarity, and the new phase of journey.

i know lots of fans agree. I'm not one of them.
Baby can I hold you :wub:

I watched all those ones that looked to be from one performance, pretty awesome ^_^
Stephanie Mills - little woman with the giant voice

Regina Belle

Oleta Adams

Teena Marie

Chrisette Michelle - this child should get more exposure than what she's getting right now. Her album is excellent !
Darren Hayes is really underrated; he hasn't had much success since Savage Garden broke up, which is really sad because he's released three fantastic solo albums.
Debra Killings
Jesse Johnson
Shamekia Copeland
Beth Hart
Shiina Ringo