Lisa Marie Presley * Designated discussion thread for everything LMP

Yea u will never hear the media say he is one. NEVER! But, they know it! I remember how Bill O'Reilly didn't want to hear it when a guest mentioned the inappropriate relationship Elvis and Cilla had. But, Bill was more then happy to continue to try and make MJ look guilty! Agenda much?!

I forgot to mention, it's "funny" O'Reilly recently mentioned talking about Sandusky examples of false child molestation cases such as The Jackson and McMartin ones while his female guests were attacking Michael but I don't remember what's the name of that video to post it again...
^ Yes I saw that. It was Aphrodite Jones vs. some witch that never liked MJ... forget her name? Trust me I was shocked when O'Reilly said that ish too. I believe it was because T-Mez really made him think different, when O'Reilly was trying to compare the Sandusky case to MJ? And T-Mez was there as a guest on his show...not sure if it was the same show Jones was in, given him some facts too? And O'Reilly actually let him talk, showed T-Mez some respect. Which is rare for someone like Bill. He can be just as rude as that Disgrace lady! But, I still wouldn't trust O'Reilly....hell no! All I know is that some people after MJ died are acting real different and some of it just might be them thinking "let me not say bad shit about a dead guy anymore, before someone rips me a new one?!?" lol I hope he meant what he said recently though? But, Who knows?!
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^ I don't trust conservative racist media people either but I was quite surprised as well he admitted (to call it somehow) the 05 trial was a false child molestation case.

^ Yes I saw that. It was Aphrodite Jones vs. some witch that never liked MJ... forget her name? Trust me I was shocked when O'Reilly said that ish too. I believe it was because T-Mez really made him think different when O'Reilly was trying to compare the Sandusky case to MJ. And T-Mez was there as a guest on his show...not sure if t was the same show Jones was in, given him some facts? And O'Reilly actually let him talk, showed T-Mez some respect. Which is rare for someone like Bill. He can be just as rude as that Disgrace lady! But, I still wouldn't trust O'Reilly....hell no! lol I think this is the video
I think its kind of strange how people spend so much time talking about Lisa Marie. Without her father being Elvis and her marrying Michael she would be a nobody, its the sad truth. She's just to wishy-washy for me and I don't care for her. I feel like fan's should spend more time praising the people who stood by Michael and praising Michael himself and forget the foolish one's who bashed him. It's a waste of energy, honestly.
Rick James. I know he's been accused of things himself. Not saying molesting children just other things I.E drugs and stuff. So some may think he isn't one to talk or point fingers? But, it's not like the man was lying. He knew what he was saying, he's been around long enough and knows Hollywood well. Besides Bill invited him on his show to talk about MJ.

Oh yeh him still he shouldnt talk trash bout michael cuz hes all that innocent himself

Ppl liike that may be angry its like they think they have this right to bag on michael and make themselves look so perfect and they are not
^ Yes I saw that. It was Aphrodite Jones vs. some witch that never liked MJ... forget her name? Trust me I was shocked when O'Reilly said that ish too. I believe it was because T-Mez really made him think different, when O'Reilly was trying to compare the Sandusky case to MJ? And T-Mez was there as a guest on his show...not sure if it was the same show Jones was in, given him some facts too? And O'Reilly actually let him talk, showed T-Mez some respect. Which is rare for someone like Bill. He can be just as rude as that Disgrace lady! But, I still wouldn't trust O'Reilly....hell no! All I know is that some people after MJ died are acting real different and some of it just might be them thinking "let me not say bad shit about a dead guy anymore, before someone rips me a new one?!?" lol I hope he meant what he said recently though? But, Who knows?!

I do too hope bill o riley was being sincere but with the media they just aren trustworthy especially when they have trashed mj once before
Oh yeh him still he shouldnt talk trash bout michael cuz hes all that innocent himself

Ppl like that may be angry its like they think they have this right to bag on michael and make themselves look so perfect and they are not

Rick James came on Bill O'Reilly to defend MJ but, O' Reilly didn't want to hear it. At that time the only one MJ had in the media on his side was Geraldo Rivera....but, he ain't no prize either! Pff
^^Sometimes these guests are bullied by the host. I never understood why they do not get up and walk out and leave the host to talk to himself, which is what the host was doing in the first place?
^^Sometimes these guests are bullied by the host. I never understood why they do not get up and walk out and leave the host to talk to himself, which is what the host was doing in the first place?

These would be the same hosts that have a discussion on ANTI BULLYING the very next week.
Rick James came on Bill O'Reilly to defend MJ but, O' Reilly didn't want to hear it. At that time the only one MJ had in the media on his side was Geraldo Rivera....but, he ain't no prize either! Pff

I really dont think rick james was really on mjs side though
From what I remember from that interview he was. I don't remember him saying anything negative about MJ. Did u ever see the interview?

Unless i saw a different interview with rick james and i am getting confused with this interview

i just dont trust anyone anymore when they say stuff bout michael , to me they are just being convient and not being true to michael
Well Rick was there to defend him. He met MJ before, I believe knew him since he was a kid? So all he said was nice things from what I remember. MJ didn't have many in Hollywood defending him anymore. Not until he died, so that was nice to hear at the time, while MJ was going through this B.S. Now both MJ and Rick are in a better place. =(
Well Rick was there to defend him. He met MJ before, I believe knew him since he was a kid? So all he said was nice things from what I remember. MJ didn't have many in Hollywood defending him anymore. Not until he died, so that was nice to hear at the time, while MJ was going through this B.S. Now both MJ and Rick are in a better place.

i totally forgot rick james died, when was it that he passed away?
i totally forgot rick james died, when was it that he passed away?

Rick passed away in 2004. When I was a teen back in the 80's he was huge back then...had alot of his cassettes..however my mom wasn't very happy about some of his lyrics. I can still hear her voice..."Don't you sing those lyrics"
The parallels we are discussing is in the double standard of not attacking the behaviors of Elivis and others who have power in society or who the majority group favors. Rather, they attack an innocent person and try to label him with the same inappropriate behavior they ignore when committed by their favorites. When we say parallels here we are not saying Michael engaged in the same acts that Elvis and others did, but rather, the habit of the media to attack a form of behavior which they ignore when their idol engaged in it, but then crucify Michael who they claim had inappropriate relations with minors. We all know Michael did not have sexual contact with minors, but the public think this is the case, and they need to understand how this belief is caged within the larger context of power, insecurity, and race in society. This is where this attack began with Michael--way back in the 70s, and not in the 90s. There is a broader history of Michael's persecution and why it happened and what made it possible, so we need to bring in the Elvises who are actual culprits.

There is a reason why Elvis behavior is ignored & it is not because he is innocent. There is a reason why the media & Lisa do not speak about the innocence of Michael as well. Therefore, we cannot only bring up why Michael is innocent. We have to show the public or the person we are talking to why there was this constant attack on Michael. There were 3 cases, so if we show that in one case Michael was innocent, the person would say but how come there were 2 others. I even heard O'Rilley stress the 3 on his show, so we need to let people understand why this man had so much attacks and how these actions were made believable by the media and what was behind it.

Yeah, I can see your point and I can definitely see the double standards of the media and the public. MJ is crucified on allegations those have never been proven, those have a gazillion problems with them, yet, the same public completely ignores the facts about Elvis and Priscilla. The usual answer by Elvis fans is: "those were different times" or that "they did not go all the way, they just did oral" (as if that's a defense). He is still considered a respecatable all American hero. I do agree that the root of these double standards has to do with race eventually. So maybe it has to be pointed out just to point out the double standards. But pointing fingers at others won't vindicate MJ.
Rick passed away in 2004. When I was a teen back in the 80's he was huge back then...had alot of his cassettes..however my mom wasn't very happy about some of his lyrics. I can still hear her voice..."Don't you sing those lyrics"

Oh yeh he's lyrics are raunhcy arent they lol
Respect you are right ^^ and of course no one here wanted to point fingers to vindicate others. This was a misunderstanding.

The situation with Michael is filled with double standards. Take for instance Priscilla drinking about 10 guinness in the pub and the reporter glossed over that, compared to the drama about Michael drinking his little wine in the airplane. Lisa is seen as one of the villagers when she makes her weekly visits to the pub, drinking too much at times.
I use others as only an example to wake up the people pointing the fingers. Not fair for them to go around saying that person is guilty because so and so and then ignore someone else that actually did it.
Lisa is seen as one of the villagers when she makes her weekly visits to the pub, drinking too much at times.

You mean the pub inn england? what the heck is she doing going to the pub getting drunk when she has little twins???!!! wtf!
That's a proof how "successful" her record was, she isn't a happy gal and needs to drown her sorrows in booze... but if she has 2 baby twins, that's quite irresposible! :wtf2
Oh how we love to hate. I really dont understand the condemnation here on that particular issue. Are you stating that women who have children shouldnt be allowed to have a night or nights out and that they are irresponsible parents it they go drink beer with family or friends? Or is is just Lisa that isnt allowed ? Talk about being biased and double standards. You speak about that being so wrong and in the next breath do the same thing .. for what reason? I wonder sometimes. "sigh"
Oh how we love to hate. I really dont understand the condemnation here on that particular issue. Are you stating that women who have children shouldnt be allowed to have a night or nights out and that they are irresponsible parents it they go drink beer with family or friends? Or is is just Lisa that isnt allowed ? Talk about being biased and double standards. You speak about that being so wrong and in the next breath do the same thing .. for what reason? I wonder sometimes. "sigh"

See the bolded part I'm quoting...

Take for instance Priscilla drinking about 10 guinness in the pub and the reporter glossed over that, compared to the drama about Michael drinking his little wine in the airplane. Lisa is seen as one of the villagers when she makes her weekly visits to the pub, drinking too much at times.

With Michael media make such a huge drama and they don't say anything about Priscilla or Lisa.