Light Man music (This Is It) by Michael Bearden

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Truely it does sound great.

I am still very sad MJ didn't get the chance to do just one concert. :(
On Michael Bearden's myspace (Michael Jackson's Musical Director!), he has audio that would have been played as Light Man entered the stage at the This Is It concerts!!

Light Man-"THIS IS IT" Film Open by Michael Bearden

That is a beautiful piece of music !! I wonder if MJ contributed it any way??

Bearden was only MJ's musical director for 6 weeks, but really seemed to get a lot done in that short time. :clapping:
same here
it'll be forever emotional. It's impossible to listen to it without feeling the emotion and the memories come running fast
awwwww.... Michael, Michael :depressed:

thanks for sharing.

agree. its so upsetting:(
Thanks, DI :)

Does anybody else think they should have included this as Track 1 on the TII OST? It would have a). given us something new, b). made the CD feel like a true soundtrack & c). been an EPIC opening.

I also think "Drill" should have been included (it is clearly available in CD quality as they used it to do all the public dance mobs prior to the DVD release), then kept the 2nd version of TII as a B-side for the single (which should have been a REAL single).