Liberian Girl V/s Heaven Can Wait

Wannabe I agree. In my opinion they both are good songs but Liberian Girl is just better. Its just more original and like you said the lyrics are there. I can think of a million songs that HCW sounds like and as a matter of fact when I first listened to it thats the first thing I thought. He was going for a "popular" 90's r&b vibe BUT it just didn't fit him. It was nice though to hear him experience a sound that were not use to but Liberian Girl is there. Its lyrically better and the song is just overall better and original. HCW is still a good song DEFINITLY not one of his best but descent. I can see how some people can think it was cheesy lol because Michael tried to make a grown and sexy r&b approach lol WHICH he did successfully achieve with "Break of Dawn" Gotta give the brotha credit for that song lol BUT it wasn't quite there with HCW. The lyrics were also kinda corny lol

"Unthinkable me sitting up in the clouds and you are all alone. The time might come around when you'd be moving on. I'd turn it all around and try to get BACK DOWN!" LOL back down from what? the heavens? lol

Lyrics like..

"More precious than any pearl, your love so complete, Liberian girl... you kiss me then Ooo the world. You do this to me... Liberian girl you know that you came and changed my world, I wait for the day, when you have to say "I do" and I smile and say it to and forever we'll be true. I LOVE YOU LIBERIAN GIRRLLLLL, ALLL THE TIME!!!" lol

Liberian Girl is just legend. Its a classic. It wins...

Yeah, my thought's exactly. I think "HCW" is a wonderful song and I listen to it all the time. Michael's delivery is outstanding, but like you said, "LG" just has that classic Michael Jackson sound and vibe and is totally unique, both subject wise, in terms of what the song is about, and composition wise, I've never heard a song quite like it. That's Michael's sound all the way, and musically, beyond his unparalleled vocal talent, it's his sound that I'm such a big fan of, that unique vibe and atmosphere of his music.
I love them both, but I would go with Liberian Girl.
I just like more the sound in it than HCW though that's a great song, too :)
I'd have to go with Heaven Can Wait. It is very touching for me, very personal. I went through just such an experience, fighting for my life to come back to my husband, who would have been left alone with 2 little babies to raise if I had died...even though I SOOO wanted to go on to Heaven...but Heaven could wait. I love my husband and I am glad I came back. God wasn't through with me yet.

As for Liberian Girl, I really don't know that song aside from the quiet version on the video.
^ :lol:

I was about to choose Liberian girl, but now I really can't pick one.