Liberian Girl V/s Heaven Can Wait


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Which song do you like better,and why? They both talk about being hoplessly in love. I love them both because it seems like he's singing from his soul with all sincerity. I love the lyrics in both songs.

I love Liberian Girl the most becasue of the beat and the diferent instrumental sounds.

So, any thoughts?
hmm, i don't know if I can choose, I'll have to think about this one...........
i really like them both. as a song from a writing perspective, i'd go for Heaven Can Wait but in terms of composition/production they're different and both have equal pluses (LB's keys riff VS. HCW's uk garage influence).
Heaven Can Wait (yes I made a diif choice and its got me in luv luv luv, makes me so much betta and up and down through emotions like a rollercoaster lol)!
arXter pretty much nailed everything I wanted to say. Liberian Girl thou has a more original vibe to it, there's no other song out there that sounds like it..

Can't really decide on which ones the better thou, 2 great songs...
LG without a doubt. great song that is so mj ad his writing peak imo. HCW is ruined by the screaming at the end
Heaven Can Wait hands down! Lyrically speaking, I think Heaven Can Wait is much much stronger than Librerian Girl.
Lyrically, Heaven Can Wait. But I find myself preferring Liberian Girl instead.
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Liberian Girl is one of Michael's best, and Heaven Can Wait one of Michael's worst song , in MY opinion.
^I totally agree. I like Liberian Girl a lot. Heaven can wait, on the other hand, is among the cheesiest songs MJ has ever done, it's hopelessly overproduced and lyrically weak. Like most ballads on Invincible, I think it isn't a very good song. MJ had made great ballads before, I hope he can find a way back to those.
I think I may be leaning more towards Liberian Girl, but I don't think HCW is cheesy or one of his worst, at all :no:
Me neither. I like it a lot.
But, I gotta say, LIBERIAN GIRL gets my vote.

It's just a different type of sound or something, with the instrumentation.
And the lyrics are unique, or as QJ likes to say "out the box" just like Michael.
Heaven can wait is beter. the lyrics blow LG away..ur beautiful ur wonderfulr incredible i love u so..come on now pple lol
Heaven can wait is beter. the lyrics blow LG away..ur beautiful ur wonderfulr incredible i love u so..come on now pple lol
You're beautiful. Each moment spent with you is simply wonderful. This love I have for you girl (boy) it's incredible. I don't know what I'd do. If I can't be with you. The world could not go on....'ve got a point there!!!!
Ok, i go back to 'undecided'!!!!!!:yes:
Seriously, the lyrics to HCW are not better then Liberian Girl, lol. The lyrics are actually kind of weak on that song, they're not that good. But who cares, it's still a great song. But I think lyrics like "Two lovers in a scene, and she says do you love me, and he says, so honestly, I love you Liberian Girl". That's better writing, imo, then anything in HCW. But even still, not talking about the lyrics, because the lyrics are only one part of a song, and the least important part when it comes to Michael's songs, in my view, because he's a musical genius, not literary. I think Liberian Girl has it all over HCW in terms of composition. Just a better song all around, but especially musically, in my opinion.
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Liberian Girl is so beautifully melodically and instrumentally. It's such an atmospheric piece and the vocals are very well done, especially at the end.
dang that's hard....I think HCW is and Vince is underrated...but I'll go with HCW...the music is great in LG but I get tired of that chorus....and the song after while the only time I listed to the whole thing is the music video
Seriously, the lyrics to HCW are not better then Liberian Girl, lol. The lyrics are actually kind of weak on that song, they're not that good. But who cares, it's still a great song. But I think lyrics like "Two lovers in a scene, and she says do you love me, and he says, so honestly, I love you Liberian Girl". That's better writing, imo, then anything in HCW. But even still, not talking about the lyrics, because the lyrics are only one part of a song, and the least important part when it comes to Michael's songs, in my view, because he's a musical genius, not literary. I think Liberian Girl has it all over HCW in terms of composition. Just a better song all around, but especially musically, in my opinion.

Wannabe I agree. In my opinion they both are good songs but Liberian Girl is just better. Its just more original and like you said the lyrics are there. I can think of a million songs that HCW sounds like and as a matter of fact when I first listened to it thats the first thing I thought. He was going for a "popular" 90's r&b vibe BUT it just didn't fit him. It was nice though to hear him experience a sound that were not use to but Liberian Girl is there. Its lyrically better and the song is just overall better and original. HCW is still a good song DEFINITLY not one of his best but descent. I can see how some people can think it was cheesy lol because Michael tried to make a grown and sexy r&b approach lol WHICH he did successfully achieve with "Break of Dawn" Gotta give the brotha credit for that song lol BUT it wasn't quite there with HCW. The lyrics were also kinda corny lol

"Unthinkable me sitting up in the clouds and you are all alone. The time might come around when you'd be moving on. I'd turn it all around and try to get BACK DOWN!" LOL back down from what? the heavens? lol

Lyrics like..

"More precious than any pearl, your love so complete, Liberian girl... you kiss me then Ooo the world. You do this to me... Liberian girl you know that you came and changed my world, I wait for the day, when you have to say "I do" and I smile and say it to and forever we'll be true. I LOVE YOU LIBERIAN GIRRLLLLL, ALLL THE TIME!!!" lol

Liberian Girl is just legend. Its a classic. It wins...
I can think of a million songs that HCW sounds like and as a matter of fact when I first listened to it thats the first thing I thought. He was going for a "popular" 90's r&b vibe BUT it just didn't fit him.
gotta disagree there - HCW, like most Invincible tracks, was pretty unique (though some others definitely not for the better lol). but not many American producers would blend in UK Garage with their R&B sound, i can't think of any popular tune that HCW sounds like and sounds good.

as for the rest, i'm never one for comparisons (i still think they're both great in their own rights) and lyrics are not my usual point of focus but i do enjoy and associate with HCW's lyrics slightly better (shamone, they're not corny, definitely not with respect to some of MJ's own efforts :p).
Liberian Girl. definitely.

The lyrics in Heaven Can Wait are a little corny indeed, lol but I do like the song.
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