Let's try it ONE MORE TIME: Are you 2% or 98% of the population?

I got an Ant-eater eating a Raisin in China. :mello:
lol I was thinking of an koala bear first but I wasn't sure whether it's written with K or C so I picked the kangaroo :p
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Hah! Cool mind game. The trick here is the fact that it forces you to come up with a number from 1 to 10. No matter what the number is you think of, as long as it's from 1 to 10, and once you multiply it by 9 and add the digits up, you will end up with the number 9. No matter what.
From which then you'd have to subtract with 5. Ending you with the number 4 which is the letter "D" in the alphabet. And dictating you to come up with a "country" , not a state, starting with the letter "D". Now Denmark is easily the first country many would think of (especially those born in that area of the world) as its probably one of the most popular. And it ends with K.
Kangaroos and Koalas are also very popular animals starting with K. So you have that. And Orange is of course a very popular fruit that starts with "O" and Apple for "A".

It would be highly typical to respond with

Denmark, Kangaroo, Orange.


Denmark, Koala, Apple.

tadaa!! And there you have it. ;)

The first set of questions are the key element of this mind trick as well as common intelligence by the individual. If it had asked us to come up with a number from 1 to 20 or even 1 to 15, this probably wouldn't work as well as it's supposed to, forcing it to broaden the percentage types from 2% to a lot more, hence rendering this mind trick null.

It was cool though. I went through many many many of these mind tricks on Myspace. I eventually figured them all out (although I wasted a lot of time doing it) because they used to freak me out. lol. :tease: ;D
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[The trick here is the fact that it forces you to come up with a number from 1 to 10. No matter what the number is you think of, as long as it's from 1 to 10, and once you multiply it by 9 and add the digits up, you will end up with the number 9. No matter what.
From which then you'd have to subtract with 5. Ending you with the number 4 which is the letter "D" in the alphabet. And dictating you to come up with a "country" , not a state, starting with the letter "D".
Hahaha, I always was bad in crunching numbers, especially when in a hurry, I knew it! :blush: Ouch!
I guess we 2% of the population just don't know how to do it correctly then. :giggle:
For some reason I was thinking of a koala bear and a kangaroo at the same time :D