Let's Talk About Books!

me! me! me! :jump: I luv his books really much! :in-love:

NANNY OGGGGGGG!!! :fortuneteller:

"People who don't need people need people around to know they're the kind of people that don't need people."

"Things that are supposed to look like things often look more like things than the real things."

"If something has one in a million chance of happening, it happens nine times out of ten."

Just some of my favourite of his "well-known facts".:D

I could marry that guy!:wub:

And heeeeeyyy, you're Polish!!!
Ja tez, tylko mieszkam w Australii! :D
I like books on spirituality. I have read books by authors: Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper and Jacky Newomb. Does anyone else read these types of books?.
I really want to read another great book. I thought about To Kill A Mocking Bird because I was very impressed by the movie. Absolutely loved it. But I don't know how easy it is to read and understand because I'm from Germany and maybe my English is not good enough. Also thought about They Cage The Animals At Night. Not sure.
Maybe someone can recommend me a book. Maybe something about an adventure, something touching, something to dream..you know? Those kinda stories would be great.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a great read. I found it pretty easy to read, except there's a little bit of a dialect in it, but you get used to it after a while if you can figure out what they're saying. I was 14 when I read it -- my class read it for school, and then we watched the movie.

I love, love, love historical fiction and mystery/suspense novels!!!

I love reading almost more than anything. I've been reading since I was a year old. No joke.
I really want to read another great book. I thought about To Kill A Mocking Bird because I was very impressed by the movie. Absolutely loved it. But I don't know how easy it is to read and understand because I'm from Germany and maybe my English is not good enough. Also thought about They Cage The Animals At Night. Not sure.
Maybe someone can recommend me a book. Maybe something about an adventure, something touching, something to dream..you know? Those kinda stories would be great.

Read them both!!!:yes:
Please do. Give it a go. I wasn't very proficient at English when I first read them and had no problems understanding.
And they are soooo worth reading!
The Perks of Being A Wallflower

The first time I read The Perks it was someone elses book. It had been read by probably five people before me and everyone highlighted little spots in the book and wrote their own 'feelings' and 'stories' in the margins. People had doodled what they imagined the characters would look like, put in their own little blurbs...omg I loved it. It was like reading 6 books in one. And it is just the best kind of book to do that with. If you read it you will know what I mean! I have a copy and I love it. It is a yearly read :)

I read it. It's an interesting book. Reminded me a bit of "The Catcher in the Rye". I think it's great that you got to share the experiences of past readers. That's really cool (even though librarians would go crazy if they saw all that vandalism, lol)...it's a suitable book to do that to, actually.

Reading is something I am finally back to doing. I had totally forgotten how much I used to love to read. 2 of my absolute favorite authors is Stephen King and VC Andrews. I just love VC Andrews books especially her Flowers In The Attic Series. Which is the best series she has ever written. It tells a story of 4 innocent children locked away in an attic by a cruel and selfish mother.

I went through a phase where I read a lot of V.C. Andrews books. "Flowers in the Attic" was interesting. Her books were seemed sooo scandalous to me (I was in grade school when I read them), because she frequently wrote about incest and X-rated stuff going on between people..

Right now I'm reading the Twilight books... I am a late one on that bandwagon because I normally don't read the real popular ones...but a friend made me try the first one and I actually loved it ;)

Ah, Twilight. I knew it'd be mentioned eventually. I thought it was a great story when I first read. I remember just SMILING at all the cute, romantic scenes. I was totally in love with Edward. "New Moon" was pretty good, and "Eclipse" was all right (I guess at that point I wasn't sure in which directions I wanted the series to go. I was torn between two decisions. You'll find out what I mean, if you don't know already). The last book, "Breaking Dawn", was TERRIBLE... I don't know how else to put it.
I actually put it down halfway, because I could no longer read it. Eventually I picked it back up (because I was so close to finishing the series, so might as well!), but I really did NOT like it at all. But I don't want to say too much -- maybe you'll like it!

:ph34r: Nobody's mentioned 'Gone With the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell, so I will. That is one of my favorite books.

Oh, that's one that I forgot to mention. I thought I did. Yeah, that was a great book. Have you read the sequel (written by a different author)?
Ah, Twilight. I knew it'd be mentioned eventually. I thought it was a great story when I first read. I remember just SMILING at all the cute, romantic scenes. I was totally in love with Edward. "New Moon" was pretty good, and "Eclipse" was all right (I guess at that point I wasn't sure in which directions I wanted the series to go. I was torn between two decisions. You'll find out what I mean, if you don't know already). The last book, "Breaking Dawn", was TERRIBLE... I don't know how else to put it.
I actually put it down halfway, because I could no longer read it. Eventually I picked it back up (because I was so close to finishing the series, so might as well!), but I really did NOT like it at all. But I don't want to say too much -- maybe you'll like it!

I'm opposite of you. I LOVED Breaking Dawn. With New Moon was it the Jacob/Edward thing? I'm guessing you're more Team Jacob than team Edward. Hehe.
I'm opposite of you. I LOVED Breaking Dawn. With New Moon was it the Jacob/Edward thing? I'm guessing you're more Team Jacob than team Edward. Hehe.

**** TWILIGHT SPOILERS COMING UP (SKIP if you haven't read the last book) ****

One of the things that I didn't like about "Breaking Dawn" was the great build-up towards the end, and then... there was nothing. It's not like I wanted anyone to die or anything, but I thought there would be something more. There were a few other things that I didn't like either (e.g. the whole imprinting thing. I thought J would end up imprinting on Leah.. and I think I'd have preferred that to what happened, although I didn't like Leah much at first.)

As for the Jacob/Edward thing... I guess I would say I am on Team Jacob! I was completely in love with Edward in the first book, but then I realized that he worries a lot. I still think he's fabulous, and a true gentleman, but you really can't resist Jacob either. Oh, what a dilemma!! I think I love 'em both! :wub: I could go with either one... although I'd probably find Jacob's cheeky side more enjoyable than Edward sometimes
**** TWILIGHT SPOILERS COMING UP (SKIP if you haven't read the last book) ****

One of the things that I didn't like about "Breaking Dawn" was the great build-up towards the end, and then... there was nothing. It's not like I wanted anyone to die or anything, but I thought there would be something more. There were a few other things that I didn't like either (e.g. the whole imprinting thing. I thought J would end up imprinting on Leah.. and I think I'd have preferred that to what happened, although I didn't like Leah much at first.)

As for the Jacob/Edward thing... I guess I would say I am on Team Jacob! I was completely in love with Edward in the first book, but then I realized that he worries a lot. I still think he's fabulous, and a true gentleman, but you really can't resist Jacob either. Oh, what a dilemma!! I think I love 'em both! :wub: I could go with either one... although I'd probably find Jacob's cheeky side more enjoyable than Edward sometimes

They're both pretty irresistable!!! I didn't really care too much for the ending, either, but I thought it was good either way. I hope the BD movie is rated X!!! Hehehehe....
I didn't really expect that imprinting, either. The whole thing with the Volturi. They just, like...left. But I guess the book would have been sooo much thicker if something more happened...not that I would have minded!! :p
Read them both!!!:yes:
Please do. Give it a go. I wasn't very proficient at English when I first read them and had no problems understanding.
And they are soooo worth reading!

Ok, I think I will buy these two books. I only read autobiographies so far and I want to try something else. And another good thing is that you learn automatically by reading a foreign language. So, I will try it. Thanks.:)
I like books on spirituality. I have read books by authors: Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper and Jacky Newomb. Does anyone else read these types of books?.


:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
"Some of my favourite books include:
- "The Lord of the Rings" (and "The Hobbit", by J.R.R. Tolkien)
- "Persuasion" (Jane Austen)
- the Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling)
- "The Catcher in the Rye" (J.D. Salinger)
- "Ella Enchanted" (Gail Carson Levine)
- "The Phantom of the Opera" (Gaston Leroux)
- "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Harper Lee)
- "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (Oscar Wilde)
- "The Chronicles of Narnia" (C.S. Lewis)
- "The Count of Monte Cristo" (Alexandre Dumas)"

(Great thread!!)
Earlier today I had a Swedish lesson, and we actually talked about and read an extract from a Austen book, furthermore we did watch the screen version of Sense and sensibility. I must say she has a very very romantic way of writing. That, and the length of the sentences, made me dislike her. And I see you have mentioned Austen, and I'm a bit curious about what made you like her (or the book)?

(sorry for my English..)
Earlier today I had a Swedish lesson, and we actually talked about and read an extract from a Austen book, furthermore we did watch the screen version of Sense and sensibility. I must say she has a very very romantic way of writing. That, and the length of the sentences, made me dislike her. And I see you have mentioned Austen, and I'm a bit curious about what made you like her (or the book)?

I always found Jane Austen's book a bit hard to read, and it was always hard for me to get past the first few chapters of "Pride and Prejudice" (I've picked it up and put it down so many times), but that's only because I'm not used to reading books written in her style.
I got this huge book which includes a few of her novels, and I randomly decided to read "Persuasion". It was a nice story, and I really liked this one part towards the end of the book which I thought was really sweet :)
NANNY OGGGGGGG!!! :fortuneteller:

"People who don't need people need people around to know they're the kind of people that don't need people."

"Things that are supposed to look like things often look more like things than the real things."

"If something has one in a million chance of happening, it happens nine times out of ten."

Just some of my favourite of his "well-known facts".:D

I could marry that guy!:wub:

And heeeeeyyy, you're Polish!!!
Ja tez, tylko mieszkam w Australii! :D

Oh :lol: Polish was so unexpected to me right here that my heart nearly stopped! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I need to give ya a BIG HUG for that! :huggy: naughty! nunu! :p
this one is my fav one:
"People who don't need people need people around to know they're the kind of people that don't need people."
sorry I will not post any other fav quotations, because I was reading all P's books in Polish and I don't think many ppl here would understand! :lol: :lol: :lol:
For how long have ya been living in Australia?? lol, it is really nice to see another Polish person on this forum! :hug:
"Some of my favourite books include:
- "The Lord of the Rings" (and "The Hobbit", by J.R.R. Tolkien)
- "Persuasion" (Jane Austen)
- the Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling)
- "The Catcher in the Rye" (J.D. Salinger)
- "Ella Enchanted" (Gail Carson Levine)
- "The Phantom of the Opera" (Gaston Leroux)
- "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Harper Lee)
- "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (Oscar Wilde)
- "The Chronicles of Narnia" (C.S. Lewis)
- "The Count of Monte Cristo" (Alexandre Dumas)"

(Great thread!!)
Earlier today I had a Swedish lesson, and we actually talked about and read an extract from a Austen book, furthermore we did watch the screen version of Sense and sensibility. I must say she has a very very romantic way of writing. That, and the length of the sentences, made me dislike her. And I see you have mentioned Austen, and I'm a bit curious about what made you like her (or the book)?

(sorry for my English..)

I really liked "The Catcher in the Rye" (J.D. Salinger)... it has a bad association, probably you all know which one I am talking about, but the book is interesting and definitely worth reading... :yes: