Let's hear it for Michael's brother Jermaine!

Yes, Jermaine thank you for standing by Michael, and not letting Joe back on air.
I respect you for what your doing, must be so hard at these trying times. Love you.
thank you jermaine for your courage...it must not have been easy to get up and do an interview when you are still in mourning (if it was me I would have broke down crying every few minutes)...and thank you for speaking the truth and letting the world know how wonderful your brother really was...
Jermaine shares our pain.
He is the best we could have ever wished for to speak out for michael
Clearly torn between feelin' the peace of Neverland and the pain of missing his little brother, Jermaine Jackson held it down...

he held on to his peace, bless his heart.

God bless Jermaine! he's been so brave recently about MJ. well done Jermaine :)
As far as I'm concerned, Jermaines love for Michael has NEVER been doubted
so it's no surprise to me the way we spoke about his brother.
Jermaine has been great through all of this. So strong.
He is the right person to talk to the press. He's down-to-earth.
He talks about Michael the way, he Deserves to be remembered..
Keep up the positivity Jermaine. You should NOT have to remind the MEDIA of your brothers gifts of quality music, short videos, philanthrophy and culture, but hey this is a 24/7 cycle and they are not interested in FACTS, just 24/7 Nielson ratings.

Think long term Jermaine and the Jackson family, this is WAR and although you lost your KING, the empire, legacy and greatness will go on with your vigilance.
Jermaine! we share your pain...
Jermaine has been wonderful through all of this. I don't know how he's able to be so strong. Prayers are with Jermaine and the entire family.
I saw one of the interviews with Jermaine, and I thought it was great. The love he has for his brother is so obvious. It is beautiful to see, but very sad as well.

Since last Thursday I've watched a lot of the Jackson 5 Motown 25 performance. There is one part that I watched over an over again. Jermaine's microphone breaks and Michael shares his mic with him. For just that bit you can see Michael stops performing and just enjoys the moment with his brother. The two of them put their arms around each other and look so happy. The love they have for each other is so clear and real in the video. It is so touching, so I am not surprised at all by Jermaine's admirable defense of Michael. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIrSxq14ewY at 4:26 if you're interested)
Jermaine did a wonderful job of showing the world the true Michael Jackson.

Thank you Jermaine, and for saying Jehovah's name along with Allah.

An effort to 'bring the world (of religion) together like Michael would have liked, I believe.
Jermaine got really angry after Anderson Cooper came on.

He did a really good job representing MJ and Neverland.

Much love for you Jermaine!
I saw one of the interviews with Jermaine, and I thought it was great. The love he has for his brother is so obvious. It is beautiful to see, but very sad as well.

Since last Thursday I've watched a lot of the Jackson 5 Motown 25 performance. There is one part that I watched over an over again. Jermaine's microphone breaks and Michael shares his mic with him. For just that bit you can see Michael stops performing and just enjoys the moment with his brother. The two of them put their arms around each other and look so happy. The love they have for each other is so clear and real in the video. It is so touching, so I am not surprised at all by Jermaine's admirable defense of Michael. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIrSxq14ewY at 4:26 if you're interested)

that was gut wrenching.......so beautiful, yet soo incredibly painful to watch
Jermaine, thank you, thank you. i don't know how often I saw your statement - I know I never would have been able to do that. keep the faith, the strength. The kind words that you said in some show on TV helped me through a terrible day, i'll never forget. Thank you.
is it o.k to ask you all this question?

why? is the Jermaine own the one can speak out? :thinking:

ooh don't forgot part 2 with Jermaine and larry live at neverland i jusy through to remind you all that o.k ;)
Great thread. Jermaine really did amazing in explaining & defending his baby bro. I was crying right along with J. However larry king and that other guy got on my last nerve.
H was a rock and so vunerable
he did a great jop represnting Neverland
Michaels Legacy and Michael s heart.

No one could have done this better
Im so greatful to Jermaine for showing the world
the truth and beauty behind Neverland and discussing
Michael's true ententions, motive and heart.

Even the interviewers were touched by Neverland
and Jermaines words and love for his brother ..
Jermaine always defended his brother
I hope he will remain strong to deal with this

why? is the Jermaine own the one can speak out? :thinking:
Jermaine has pretty much always been the family spokesperson. Most of the others avoid the media & limelight, Marlon & Rebbie in particular. I think Jermaine is maybe more outgoing than the other siblings, ever watch a Janet interview?
Jermaine got down on the interview and the one from yesterday morning on the Today show.. He made me cry, I love how they tried to bring up the drugs and JJ was like "um I don't know anything about that, but let's talk about the charities my brother gave to".. Oh I luv it

Thats a great attitude towards this issue...we dont know nothing yet, let the toxicology tests tell us..:yes:

Thanks JJ :clapping:
it was so sad, watchin it at the airport, but you could see his strength..... he stayin real strong.
i really hope for michael to hopefully be buried at neverland at some point as jermaine wants, that michael does have a ''spirit there and is all around.'' michael had so many great times at neverland, it has to outweigh the bad now. his aura seems to be there now. watching larry king it felt like the right place.
it was so depressing seeing michaels name already up on the Forest lawn wikepidia page. :-( forest lawn maybe open for anyone to go and pay respects, but it would not be the right spot.
atleast at neverland family , friends and fans can visit him there and michael would feel ''alive'' there. a good way to meet other fans as well.
i hope jermaine finds a way to place michael at neverland at some point if they can get permits. im sure michael trusts him.