Let's Be Honest Here,Michael Was Ill

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Things I do for you

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Watching TII almost broke my heart,he was painfully thin.Michael in his prime would have filled out those shoulder padded jackets,instead he was a shadow of his former self.

I know a lot on here have blinkered vision and can't face it,but he was ill.Saddens my eyes to see such a brilliant man reduced to a husk of himself.The world raped him in the end,even though he gave and gave,they took until there was nothing more to take.

That wasn't MY Michael on the stage.
theres a difference between being ill and being skinny.u are mixing the definitions up. from the leaked report mj was healthy bar his lungs which were a long standing issue. to me he idint look phyically healthly because yes he was way to skinny. but he wasnt ill in the medical sense
lets be honest here, all u can do is to speculate since u dont know a damn thing aside from the fantasies thats in your head. with love.
I think he did a good job on "rehearsing" for TII.
Yes he was thin but he was full of energy and his voice sounded even better than on the HIStory tour.
physically he was healthy enough (as the autopsy report say).

I DO think he was ill, but I mean mentally ill.
After everything he has been through the last couple of years he was probably under a lot of stress resulting in problems like insomnia and maybe post traumatic stress disorder.
Resulting in the events that happened 5 months ago.:(
Michael allways have been skinny, you can see in alot of photos from Victory,Bad, dangerous Eras that Michael allways have been skinny, on the HIStory tour he get a little more weight, but then in 2005 he start losing weight because of the trial and stuff like that, but that has nothing to do with beeing ill, dont you know skinny people??? so just because they are skinny it means ill???, they are just skinny not ill, thats how theyre physiognomy is.
dont mix the things
Maybe this thread is better off closed.
Stuff like this should be in the IU forum so the fans that don't like speculations don't have to look at it.
Michael Jackson was rumored 112 pounds at the time of his death. The This-Is-Not-It guys took this and ran with it.

In reality, he was 136 pounds... a far cry from his all-time low of 105 pounds in 1984.

I bet that the pounds he put on were all muscle, and very little fat. Muscle is much denser than fat and will make you gain weight quicker. Michael was the epitome of health.
He had insomnia since the 70s, this was not a new problem. Also, if you look at the Bad or even the Thriller pictures, the guy was always skinny. The only time Michael filled anything was in the History Tour.

I have articles from the 80s that talked about how skinny Michael was, including from his own family.
Why should it be closed? it's akin to putting your hands on your ears and singing lalalalalla

ffs,he was ill.I'm not quantifying my credentials for people that think I'm at it,but he was ill.
Closed threads>closed minds.
Why should it be closed? it's akin to putting your hands on your ears and singing lalalalalla

ffs,he was ill.I'm not quantifying my credentials for people that think I'm at it,but he was ill.
Closed threads>closed minds.

First of all this is just your opinion, so you might wanna stop talking as if it's a known fact.. it's very reminiscent to the way the media portrays mj; stating their biased opinions as facts for the masses.

once again I'll ask; have you read the autopsy report?
First of all this is just your opinion, so you might wanna stop talking as if it's a known fact.. it's very reminiscent to the way the media talks about mj; stating their biased opinions as facts for the masses.

once again I'll ask; have you read the autopsy report?

Of course it's my opinion,I'm not a doctor,nor are you,but I have eyes.

This bias media stuff is ridiculous.You don't agree so I'm like the the media? that attitude is unhealthy.

I'm pro MJ in my bias ffs.I love the man,always have.The paranoia when someone says something you may not agree with is unreal.
Of course it's my opinion,I'm not a doctor,nor are you,but I have eyes.

This bias media stuff is ridiculous.You don't agree so I'm like the the media? that attitude is unhealthy.

I'm pro MJ in my bias ffs.I love the man,always have.The paranoia when someone says something you may not agree with is unreal.

It's got nothing to do with my dissagreement, I just don't like people stating their opinions as facts. You say "he was ill" not "to me he looked ill" or "in my opinion.." you're telling us to face something as a fact when it's just your opinion. I'm simply asking you to choose your words carefully.
And once again you're not answering my question; have you read the autopsy report?
Of course it's my opinion,I'm not a doctor,nor are you,but I have eyes.

This bias media stuff is ridiculous.You don't agree so I'm like the the media? that attitude is unhealthy.

I'm pro MJ in my bias ffs.I love the man,always have.The paranoia when someone says something you may not agree with is unreal.

I have eyes too, so don't insult the intellects of everyone here just because we don't share your point of view.

Michael had always been skinny, that is a fact. I have articles from the 80s and 90s that talks about him being as skinny as a rile. The only time he ever looked 'full' was in the History Tour.

We also have the autopsy report that says he was 136 pounds and healthy. They got this weight by actually weighing him, not looking at a video and writing a number down. They also know that he was healthy because they opened up his body and personally looked, tested, and weigh every last one of his organs. They also took blood tests.

Before I even hear that autopsy report is fake, there were two other reports that were released. Both were debunked by the coroner's office and the Jacksons family. No one had debunked this report. So, that tells me that it is most likely true or very close to the truth.
He was stressed maybe, but I don't see an ill man rehearsing in This Is It. I see Mike dancing his ass off better than ever before.

He was thin as many has said before, but he has always been that.
It's got nothing to do with my dissagreement, I just don't like people stating their opinions as facts. You say "he was ill" not "to me he looked ill" or "in my opinion.." you're telling us to face something as a fact when it's just your opinion. I'm simply asking you to choose your words carefully.
And once again you're not answering my question; have you read the autopsy report?

I have no desire to read the autopsy report,I think it's ghoulish.Is that a sufficient answer?
He was stressed maybe, but I don't see an ill man rehearsing in This Is It. I see Mike dancing his ass off better than ever before.

He was thin as many has said before, but he has always been that.

I'll reply to you rather than the fans that think autopsy reports and weighing organs (I mean,ffs) constitute being a fan.

Do you personally,directly at you this question,think MJ was fit and capable of doing a 50 night show?

Do the weight loss and sedatives equate a man at the top of his game to you?

Use some rational here people please!
Which explains everything to me. -_-

Thus you're being closed minded too.

Why would I want to see Michael's autopsy report? it's not going to bring him back is it? I know he's dead.I console myself by watching his videos and playing his music.Not by weighing his organs or reading his autopsy reports like a ghoul ffs.

Close minded? don't make me laugh.
Maybe this thread is better off closed.
Stuff like this should be in the IU forum so the fans that don't like speculations don't have to look at it.

A man that we loved has died; no one has been arrested, and there are MANY unanswered questions. I expect that the thread will be closed soon, regardless, or moved to the I.U. This is a key question, however. I am no longer staff, and therefore this is my own, personal, position. Whatever one may think of the TINI fans and their methods, there is one, stark, fact.

They were afraid Michael would die. Michael died.

This was either an incredible coincidence, or they had reasons for their concerns. Fans can argue about what happened to Michael until World's End, but cannot argue away that fact.

It was painfully obvious to me and many others that Michael was extremely thin (and yes, I saw TII). Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips have expressed their concern that Michael wasn't eating enough. There had also been concern expressed by Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega that he wasn't rehearsing enough to be ready for the concerts, and they went to his house at times to make sure he came to rehearsals. Many of the technical components of the show were not ready and it's possible they would not have been ready in time. Michael was a perfectionist, but the "Light Man" and "Jackson Air" special-effects seemed to be behind schedule. The majority of the TII footage was shot in only the two days before Michael died.

I don't know if it's possible to believe ANY of Murray's statements. However, he said he'd been giving Michael Propofol nightly for six WEEKS. I cannot imagine, in any known universe, that undergoing a general anesthetic for six, straight, weeks is conducive to any sort of good health. This is a situation that is literally unheard of!

The key to any investigations, whether by concerned fans, the LAPD, or others, is "was Michael or was he not ill?" If he was not, then why was there so much concern by so many, before he died? We don't know WHY he was making so many visits to Klein. Those who say "cosmetic reasons," are only guessing.

There are no preconceptions with "investigations." Just a bunch of caring people who cannot rest until they know what HAPPENED to Michael.

There is much more. But sure, keep it in the I.U.

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