Let Things Just Fall Into Place

:clapping::yes:I love seeing threads like this pop up. It gets a little disheartening when all that's posted are negative threads about what may/may no go wrong, if this tour will be better or worse than any of his other tours, etc. I think it helps to look at it from a newbie like mine's standpoint. I have never seen Mr. Jackson in concert soing what he does best. EVER. And now all of a sudden I have this once in a lifetime opportunity of witnessing music AND Michael Jackson history in person! This IS the first concert for me. This IS the first time I've ever seen him in person and heard him sing and seen him dance. I am happier and more excited than I have been about anything in years!:heart: And I am lovin' it! I think if more people who've been fans and supporters longer would look at it as another 'first', than everybody would be happier and too hyped up to worry about anything at all. This is HUUUGE!! I haven't stopped buzzin' since the big announcement in March.:D Thanks for posting this thread. I definately think getting a positive perspective back is an awesome thing. :flowers:
When will we learn from Mike?
Have strong skin to get through the rough times, lol.
That's why I'm not understanding why we PANIC every time some rumor comes along or some shady lawsuit pops up? :lol: Calm down, it'll be alright. :flowers:
I think he will be okay. I think what used to take a lot of energy out of him with touring was the moving from place to place and flying to different countries in a short period of time and not being able to sleep properly or at normal hours because of the changes in time zones and all the jet lag. I think having the 50 concerts in one place is better for him because all the time he would have spend travelling on a tour is gone and he can replace that with more relaxation time and not switching time zones means he'll probably be able to get a better night's sleep. Just hope he takes things steady and has a good diet and plenty of rest so he is healthy and more importantly happy :).

I think we do over heat at time, but only because we care so much. Of course this will settle and we will move on to more positive times. The concerts start very soon and I am confident that the people who are salivating over it being a disaster will be very disappointed and we will enjoy a return to the good times where Michael is once again at the top of the music business again. We have waited for so long it will take more than Raymone Bain to spoil it.

:clapping::yes:I love seeing threads like this pop up. It gets a little disheartening when all that's posted are negative threads about what may/may no go wrong, if this tour will be better or worse than any of his other tours, etc. I think it helps to look at it from a newbie like mine's standpoint. I have never seen Mr. Jackson in concert soing what he does best. EVER. And now all of a sudden I have this once in a lifetime opportunity of witnessing music AND Michael Jackson history in person! This IS the first concert for me. This IS the first time I've ever seen him in person and heard him sing and seen him dance. I am happier and more excited than I have been about anything in years!:heart: And I am lovin' it! I think if more people who've been fans and supporters longer would look at it as another 'first', than everybody would be happier and too hyped up to worry about anything at all. This is HUUUGE!! I haven't stopped buzzin' since the big announcement in March.:D Thanks for posting this thread. I definately think getting a positive perspective back is an awesome thing. :flowers: