Leona Lewis punched at book signing

Still don't understand why somebody would just randomly punch her...
I hope they throw the book at this guy. I feel so sorry for Leona. She didn't deserve to get hit like that. I hope she'll be okay.
Apprently the guy's been sectioned - it's just been on TV.
I would like to know what in the living Hell was his problem against Leona ? Why would he Punch her ? I think there's more to this. Maybe someday we'll findout ,like in court.
I would like to know what in the living Hell was his problem against Leona ? Why would he Punch her ? I think there's more to this. Maybe someday we'll findout ,like in court.

Mentally unstable people don't need a logical reason to act out.
This guy, Peter Kowalczyk was both a fan and a fellow xfactor contestant who was obviously jealous and rather mentally imbalanced to take his pent up aggression out on her in person rather than let it slowly eat away at him.

Probably on meds for his behaviour and now his future will be under close scrutiny and will be charged later this month for the attack.
Yeah I heard he was a contestant who didn't get though on the same year as Leona. He's obviously jealous of her talent !!
I suspect in the coming days and weeks we will hear how hes been stalking her and as more evidence is released plus his actual motive we shall learn how Ms. Lewis was lucky to just get away with being assaulted because a man like that who has obviously been brooding on the fact that it was her not him who got through for the last three years has obviously had unhealthy thoughts - all I can say is THANK GOD for the Waterstones Piccadilly Branch Security personnel for stepping in so rapidly otherwise I fear what happened could have been fatefully worse.

I was reading an article earlier about how other authors sometimes put their lives on the line for coming face to face with the public, only a few months ago Jeremy Kyle turned up for a book signing in the local branch of Waterstones and security was very tight for that and with him being such a controversial and very outspoken figure he has that much more at risk.

BUT. Leona Lewis is such a most magnificent Soul who saw first hand how ugly this otherwise Beautiful World can be at the hands of her attacker.

Like I said, keep an eye out as more evidence unfolds about him and lets pray he gets the help he thoroughly needs and has needed for some considerable time now because only the other day I was discussing with a friend how Mark Chapman was a "fan" of John Lennon.... Need I say more?
You could ask the same thing about whether a certain nutter who blew his brains out in Germany 1945 deserved sympathy but obviously Ms. Lewis's attacker is a far cry from the former leader of the third reich.

At the end of the day Mr. Kowalczyk is a danger to himself and other people and should be treated as such until his moods are stabilised to the point of him being somewhat approachable when more reports are released about the legitimiacy of his medical condition we will no doubt see an influx of family/friends/neighbours speaking out about him and he will probably be advised to make a formal statement himself declaring:

"I have nothing but the utmost respect for Leona, shes a great gal and never meant her any harm."

This will serve him some kind of redemption but his underlying anger will always be there whether it be from one extreme to the other.

Does he deserve sympathy? Only one can ask their own conscience that.
Very unfortunate. Leona is such a nice girl. She didn't deserve that at all. I hope that guy spent the night in jail!