Leave Lisa alone!

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Is this thread some sort of a joke? the title should be Lisa should leave Michael alone and she shouldn't be doing an interview with Oprah to talk about him
Is this thread some sort of a joke? the title should be Lisa should leave Michael alone and she shouldn't be doing an interview with Oprah to talk about him

Shes his ex-wife, why would she leave him alone and not talk about him? She was a big part of his life. She has every right to talk about him however much she wants.
Shes his ex-wife, why would she leave him alone and not talk about him? She was a big part of his life. She has every right to talk about him however much she wants.
They were divorced 14 years ago.. For the past 7-8 years she's had absolutely nothing good to say about MJ. She was embarrassed and ashamed of ever marrying him and she herself said 'she left that mess a long time ago and she wanted nothing to do with him'. So in that case, she needs to leave him alone. It's not like the media is hounding her for a comment. Mike died 16 months ago. She gave comments on her blog which folks know about, so what else is there for her to say? In my opinion this is an attempt for self-promotion and in order to do it she's using Michael.
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I do feel that a lot of Michaels female fans were perhaps blinded by jealousy when it came to Lisa Marie. Instead of feeling happy that the man they "loved" had found love - even if it was only brief - they could only see it as she stole "their" man.

That may be true for some, but others were ecstatic that he found someone to love and to genuinely love him.

One of the saddest things about his passing is knowing that he didn't have someone standing by his side these last few years. I would have loved if he'd found his soulmate like Patrick Swayze had. To know that MJ had shared some happiness not only with his children but with a loving partner would have provided a measure of peace.
That may be true for some, but others were ecstatic that he found someone to love and to genuinely love him.

One of the saddest things about his passing is knowing that he didn't have someone standing by his side these last few years. I would have loved if he'd found his soulmate like Patrick Swayze had. To know that MJ had shared some happiness not only with his children but with a loving partner would have provided a measure of peace.

I agree. and I still say if MJ would've had a significant or loving person in his life there is no way Murray would've gotten away with putting MJ into a coma for sleep everynight. His wife/girlfriend or whoever would not have allowed some mess like that.
They were divorced 14 years ago.. For the past 7-8 years she's had absolutely nothing good to say about MJ. She was embarrassed and ashamed of ever marrying him and she herself said 'she left that mess a long time ago and she wanted nothing to do with him'. So in that case, she needs to leave him alone. It's not like the media is hounding her for a comment. Mike died 16 months ago. She gave comments on her blog which folks know about, so what else is there for her to say? In my opinion this is an attempt for self-promotion and in order to do it she's using Michael.

You dont think all divorces go through bad patches and good patches? Its not an easy thing. Its just like every other divorce, its no different just because it was Michael Jacksons divorce. She loved him when they were married, she may have still loved him after they divorced, she may have hated him at points, then i'm sure after he died she saw things in a whole different light as anyone would.

Its no different just because it was Michael Jackson's divorce. None of you will ever understand the relationship they had, she saw a side of Michael that none of us will ever get to see because she was his wife. That may eat some of you up inside, but she got closer to Michael than any of you could ever dream of.
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I don't think starting this thread is necessary at all. Just like everything in life, there are always different opinons on a subject matter. You found yourself in the majority sometimes and in the minority some other times.

The purpose of a forum like this is for people to express their opinions while listening to other's viewpoints. What will it be like if people all get frustrated at an on-going discussion and started threads of this kind? Do you want this forum be filled with threads like "Leave insider alone", "Leave Sony alone", "Leave the Estate alone", "Leave the HIStory Tour alone", "Leave Jermaine Jackson alone"...

None of us knows Lisa Marie Presley. None of us knows what was going on in her marriage to Michael. While it's not right to blame her for everything that went wrong, it doesn't make sense, IMHO, to claim "she's really nice" and "she's Michael's true love" neither.
A forum is where people express different opinions, whether fair or not, whether smart or not. Each member is entitled to have his own opinion about any public figure, and there's nothing we can or should do about it. That's what freedom of speech is all about.

"I do not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

There is a rationale behind every opinion, and every opinion has a right to be heard. Thus, whoever wants to express their opinion about Lisa (or anyone else) can and should do so. Relying on ethos to encourage others to "leave Lisa alone" is purely cheap and will probably not work.
Don't take this the wrong way but... I don't think forcing your opinion on other people is going to work.

Personally,I think people saying they love someone who was close to Michael simply because they were close is just as ignorant as hating someone who was close to someone who wasn't nice to Michael. (Kind of a weird sentence)

Honestly I think what would be the best in this situation is when people will FINALLY let this whole relationship go.
It was 14/15 years a go. Seriously.

They obviously divorced for a reason (which they both were okay with otherwise they would have still been together.) and good or bad, fans should let this topic die already.
I think that is what is getting people heated when they talk about it.
It has already been discussed so many times eventhough they've been divorced for such a long time.

We should respect the fact that we don't know everything about his life so we don't know who the "true love" of his life was. (seriously irks me when people claim that, Michael is the only one who knows the anwser to that, not us fans)
We don't know how many relationships he has had. He doesn't tell everything publically you know.

Honestly we don't know what their relationship was like. Some want to believe she was perfect for him and that it was some sort of fairytale. To me that's just as bad as what is being claimed as bad in this thread.
We weren't there so we don't know that.

I personally can't stand her regardless of Michael. It's not jealousy,what I've seen of her as a person shows me that she doesn't seem to be my kind of person.

I don't see the nessecity of this thread really, sorry. People are allowed to have their own opinion.
You want to love her, go ahead no one is stopping you or anybody else.
Just agree to disagree.
Especially over something like this. This is a Michael Jackson fanboard not a Lisa-marie fanboard so obviously not everyone will love her.

Just respect each other and let it go.
(That's just my opinion of course)
Shes his ex-wife, why would she leave him alone and not talk about him? She was a big part of his life. She has every right to talk about him however much she wants.

:hysterical: wooh child that had me weak for a good 5 min. Thanks, I needed the laugh. Since when has 18 months become a lifetime?

You people do realise their marriage has been over for over 10 years right? Why don't she go'n talk about Nick Cage or the Michael numero dos then? She ain't got no right to talk about Mike now lmfao. She already did that 'lovely' interview in 05 with BIG O talkin about the marriage, don't think people really give a ish about it anymore. Wait, my bad, she's got a new album coming out, and BIG O's show is on it's last season, thank god, so they both gotta talk about Michael one more time just so Oprah can get the views she wants and Lisa can promote her album! durr durrr durr :smilerolleyes:
:hysterical: wooh child that had me weak for a good 5 min. Thanks, I needed the laugh. Since when has 18 months become a lifetime?

*sigh* Like mother like daughter. You cant get through one arguement without trying to brush of something someone has said as funny, or trying to downplay them by calling them 'kid' or 'child'.

Someone can be in your life a week and be a big part of your life.

You'd say Michael is a big part of your life right? Well you've never even met the guy.

So someone being a big part of someones life after being married to them for 18 months isnt that hard to believe. In fact its easy to believe.
I agree with this thread. Some of you hate to easily sometimes. As soon as someone says something even slightly negative about Michael, they are your enemy for life.

You all need to just take a step back to analyze things properly sometimes and not let your emotions get the best of you.

I respect you for having the guts to put out a thread like this as well, against the popular opinion. I find myself going against the popular opinion quite a lot and its not easy to do.

Rep coming your way.

Whats embarrasing and disturbing is fans like yourself being so utterly blinded by love that you cant see the other side to any story.

I get into a lot of arguements here because I go against the popular opinion quite a bit, I think some people suspect I just like to argue. But I can assure you its not that at all, I just have enough sense to weigh out both sides to every story before I form an opinion.

Before us MJ fans can be taken seriously by people, we have to come out of this bubble we live in where only Michael can do right and anybody else who may say something even slightly negative towards Michael becomes an enemy.

I dont think some of you see how we MJ fans are percieved by none fans. They see us as completely obsessive fans blinded by love for MJ, and that is why a lot of the time we arent taken seriously. They are right as well, a lot of us are like that.

It has only gotten worse after MJ's death as well. We need to be taken seriously before we can make a change.

Wow...long time no speak LTD

"come out of this bubble we live in" Well....my advice to you would be to get off the computer for a while and get a life eh?

I hate Lisa, got my reasons, don't need to explain them to you.

And I know Michael isn't perfect, I don't put him on no pedestal, that's where I stand ;]

I would "leave Lisa alone" if she would stop talking about Michael when their marriage has been over for 14 years! She's pathetic. I feel bad for her current husband, he has a wife who's obsessed with her ex.

Everyone already heard about their "lifetime" 18 month marriage when she and her tightfaced momma went on Oprah show in 05, DURING THE TRIAL might I add, how thoughtful of her, but you all say she was mocking/laughing at Michael because she was still 'hurting' over the divorce. Well if that's the case she shoulda checked herself into a mental institution because by then it was almost 10 years!

What kind of "good person" goes on all these shows during a time where Michael is fighting for his life?! Please do answer me that question because you all seem to shove that under the rug and act like it didn't happen, or that she was "hurting and still loved him" LOL. Like she said on LK that the trial was a "blessing" because she didn't have to comment on it now. Well..wtf she doin on all these shows doin exactly that then huh?

She's a waste of space fo'real and there shouldn't even be a thread 'dedicated' to her on this MICHAEL JACKSON board, just letting all you Lisa Lovers know in case you forgot, that is what this place is ;)

And in all honesty I don't care how MJ fans are percieved. I ain't one, I'm fond of the man not a "MJ fan".

I don't have to love/care about everyone Michael did k? I got my own brain and my own opinions....:timer:
why in the world is this thread still open? Wasn't the other one locked? WOW
*sigh* Like mother like daughter. You cant get through one arguement without trying to brush of something someone has said as funny, or trying to downplay them by calling them 'kid' or 'child'.

Someone can be in your life a week and be a big part of your life.

You'd say Michael is a big part of your life right? Well you've never even met the guy.

So someone being a big part of someones life after being married to them for 18 months isnt that hard to believe. In fact its easy to believe.

I just preach the truth child. :)
I don"t hate Lisa but I don"t like her one bit.
Why am I supposed to love her ?! Michael did and that is ok, but I hate the things she said about him and I always will.
She knew very well how famous he is and she knew very well how the press made the hell out of his life. And she just jumped the wagon. That is unforgivable.
She turned her back on him when he needed friends.
If she really loved him that much she should keep their issues and her anger private like he did. She made a circus out of their life not the fans.
Sorry, said something that i've had second thoughts about posting.
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Oh wow! Thats rich coming from someone who pretty much has their entire relationship with their mother play out over this very forum.

Im going to get in trouble for saying that but youve driven me to it.....so it'll be worth it.

LOL :rofl:

It's so funny seeing you all riled up. lawd, you are retarded go to your corner.
LOL :rofl:

It's so funny seeing you all riled up. lawd, you are retarded go to your corner.

Your location says Earth but im having serious doubts.

You cant go round calling people 'retarded'. It doesnt bother me, but there are people on this forum that could easily offend.
I just preach the truth child.

you are retarded go to your corner.

No dear you just preach your own opinion -
Your opinion is not truth _ it is just your own thoughts on this topic.

You can hate Lisa all you want.
That a personal decision.

But calling people kid and child and retarted in this thread as a means to speak down to them is very
rude disrespectful and "childish" and does not make your opinion any more credible than anyone elses.
Its just makes you rude toward MJ fans on this board. Some who are long time "respected" members
of this board and have "earned" respect.

Being you are NOT a MJ fan _If you cant agree with others who are
on this board _ then at least respect them. that is required here.

You are welcome to your opinion but your character and personal
demeaning replies toward members and fans on this board are not
considered TRUTH by any means and your comments toward them
lean toward personal attacks _ No one here is your child. :smilerolleyes: please
stop talking DOWN to people and maybe your points may be taken
more serious.

Every one should be allowed to voice their opinion on a topic
without being called names or ridiculed _ personal attacks are
not allowed on this board _ please discuss the topic without
demeaming each other.
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Thread Closed.. and you all know why.

Some of you need to choose the words you use very carefully.. Or your time here will be limited.
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