Leave Lisa alone!

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
She's really nice and doesn't want to harm anyone. If Michael was reading this board he wouldn't like what some of you think about Lisa.. Lisa was his only true love and you should respect that. And she is allowed to have her opinions too. It makes you selfish to bash someone just because you might not like her. We all have our issues, you too. Before you judge her, try hard to love her. And you'll find that love is still worthwhile...
She's really nice and doesn't want to harm anyone. If Michael was reading this board he wouldn't like what some of you think about Lisa.. Lisa was his only true love and you should respect that. And she is allowed to have her opinions too. It makes you selfish to bash someone just because you might not like her. We all have our issues, you too. Before you judge her, try hard to love her. And you'll find that love is still worthwhile...

This is a Michael fan board how do she get her own thread? No one was disrespecting her for no reasons they had proof of her past interviews! Why can't some get that!? And to claim her as his only true love makes no sense unless he told you that! The last thread was closed so I see no point in this one! -_-

Seriously, I be damned given my respect to a women that called the 05 trial against MJ (that eventually killed him) "a blessing!"
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That thread just made me angry.. It looks like MJ fans are somehow obsessed with hating Lisa. It makes no sense because they don't know her personally and know hardly nothing about Michael's and Lisa's relationship. They just base their opinions what is happened in public even though much more happened in private.. What happened in public has nothing to do with anything really..
This is a Michael fan board how do she get her own thread? No one was disrespecting her for no reasons they had proof of her past interviews! Why can't some get that!? And to claim her as his only true love makes no sense unless he told you that! The last thread was closed so I see no point in this one! -_-

Seriously, I be damned given my respect to a women that called the 05 trial against MJ (that eventually killed him) "a blessing!"

Exactly, no point. NEXT!
She's really nice and doesn't want to harm anyone. If Michael was reading this board he wouldn't like what some of you think about Lisa.. Lisa was his only true love and you should respect that. And she is allowed to have her opinions too. It makes you selfish to bash someone just because you might not like her. We all have our issues, you too. Before you judge her, try hard to love her. And you'll find that love is still worthwhile...

Get over it already! I'm wondering if you believe DENIAL is a river in Egypt.........just saying.
I promise u that Lisa has her own fan forum. And there are plenty of MJ/LMP forum.
What the who ha cares about their private life... I mean private 18 months marriage. Goddang enough is enough of this garbage.

This is not where this thread is suppose to be and it should be locked or deleted, pointless thread indeed.

This is beyond embaressing and disturbing.
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I do not hate Lisa. My teacher has taught me to L.O.V.E and never hate. But I cannot imagine to have a thread devoted to her on a Michael Jackson fansite. And I may not have witnessed their private life, but she was not his 'only true love'. Your true love does not leave you in your times of trial, nor do they call you names or laugh and joke about your tribulations while doing interviews. She is pals with Oopsrah and that alone tells a lot of things.

All her grief for the loss is actually her guilt.

And to hear that she called the trial a "blessing", I'm like...speechless. I did not know she said that. I can't believe 'anyone' could say that, unless they were DS or DD or N Disgrace or you know who!

All I wanna say/request is-
Please close this thread mods, please.
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I choose to wait and see her interview until I make up my final opinion about her.
I agree with this thread. Some of you hate to easily sometimes. As soon as someone says something even slightly negative about Michael, they are your enemy for life.

You all need to just take a step back to analyze things properly sometimes and not let your emotions get the best of you.

I respect you for having the guts to put out a thread like this as well, against the popular opinion. I find myself going against the popular opinion quite a lot and its not easy to do.

Rep coming your way.

I promise u that Lisa has her own fan forum. And there are plenty of MJ/LMP forum.
What the who ha cares about their private life... I mean private 18 months marriage. Goddang enough is enough of this garbage.

This is not where this thread is suppose to be and it should be locked or deleted, pointless thread indeed.

This is beyond embaressing and disturbing.

Whats embarrasing and disturbing is fans like yourself being so utterly blinded by love that you cant see the other side to any story.

I get into a lot of arguements here because I go against the popular opinion quite a bit, I think some people suspect I just like to argue. But I can assure you its not that at all, I just have enough sense to weigh out both sides to every story before I form an opinion.

Before us MJ fans can be taken seriously by people, we have to come out of this bubble we live in where only Michael can do right and anybody else who may say something even slightly negative towards Michael becomes an enemy.

I dont think some of you see how we MJ fans are percieved by none fans. They see us as completely obsessive fans blinded by love for MJ, and that is why a lot of the time we arent taken seriously. They are right as well, a lot of us are like that.

It has only gotten worse after MJ's death as well. We need to be taken seriously before we can make a change.
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Agree 100% but then it goes along with 80% of all other threads that hypocritically preach hate to almost everyone that isn't Michael Jackson whilst at the same time perporting to live his message of l.o.v.e.
Agree 100% but then it goes along with 80% of all other threads that hypocritically preach hate to almost everyone that isn't Michael Jackson whilst at the same time perporting to live his message of l.o.v.e.

Exactly, no wonder we dont get taken seriously as fans.
topflux ,im one of the ones who belive this thread is needed ..and you have a kind heart ,very .. huggs to you
when you go out of your way to brag about your sex life with someone who would die of embarrassment if you brought that up. that isn't right.

But on another note.... Is this the same person who posted the "Leave Brittney Alone" video on youtube? ;)
I agree with this thread. Some of you hate to easily sometimes. As soon as someone says something even slightly negative about Michael, they are your enemy for life.

You all need to just take a step back to analyze things properly sometimes and not let your emotions get the best of you.

Before us MJ fans can be taken seriously by people, we have to come out of this bubble we live in where only Michael can do right and anybody else who may say something even slightly negative towards Michael becomes an enemy.

I dont think some of you see how we MJ fans are percieved by none fans. They see us as completely obsessive fans blinded by love for MJ, and that is why a lot of the time we arent taken seriously. They are right as well, a lot of us are like that.

It has only gotten worse after MJ's death as well. We need to be taken seriously before we can make a change.


Agree 100% but then it goes along with 80% of all other threads that hypocritically preach hate to almost everyone that isn't Michael Jackson whilst at the same time perporting to live his message of l.o.v.e.


Exactly, no wonder we dont get taken seriously as fans.


topflux ,im one of the ones who belive this thread is needed ..and you have a kind heart ,very .. huggs to you

Same here :hug:
when you go out of your way to brag about your sex life with someone who would die of embarrassment if you brought that up. that isn't right.

This, by the author of the 'Going Down' thread.
I agree with this thread. Some of you hate to easily sometimes. As soon as someone says something even slightly negative about Michael, they are your enemy for life.

You all need to just take a step back to analyze things properly sometimes and not let your emotions get the best of you.

I respect you for having the guts to put out a thread like this as well, against the popular opinion. I find myself going against the popular opinion quite a lot and its not easy to do.

Rep coming your way.

Whats embarrasing and disturbing is fans like yourself being so utterly blinded by love that you cant see the other side to any story.

I get into a lot of arguements here because I go against the popular opinion quite a bit, I think some people suspect I just like to argue. But I can assure you its not that at all, I just have enough sense to weigh out both sides to every story before I form an opinion.

Before us MJ fans can be taken seriously by people, we have to come out of this bubble we live in where only Michael can do right and anybody else who may say something even slightly negative towards Michael becomes an enemy.

I dont think some of you see how we MJ fans are percieved by none fans. They see us as completely obsessive fans blinded by love for MJ, and that is why a lot of the time we arent taken seriously. They are right as well, a lot of us are like that.

It has only gotten worse after MJ's death as well. We need to be taken seriously before we can make a change.

I am guility of what you're saying and completely own it. I do lose objectivity when it comes to MJ. Some of it is because he endured so much undue bashing and wasn't shown much objectivity at all, other than by fans. Even Aphrodite Jones who wrote the pro MJ book after the trial, has said that all during the trial she felt he was guilty. She was sitting there hearing evidence contradicting the state's case, and she still held on to the belief that MJ was guilty. It wasn't until she heard the verdict that she became let's say "objective." So MJ fans aren't the only ones who have trouble in that department. The mass public does.

I happen to believe that Lisa did love MJ deeply. Without a doubt, I also believe they both contirbuted to the failure of their marriage. What bugs me about Lisa is that she fed into the negativity about him and she certainly didn't have to. Sure, she's human and they were divorced, and she left the marriage still apparently very emotionally tied to MJ, but even with that, she didn't have to belittle him, add to his humiliation, and follow Oprah's demeaning lead. He was getting enough of that from media and everywhere else.

She comes off as someone who goes against the grain and likes having an opposing view. I wish she had shown just a lilttle of that attitude for MJ after their marriage instead of after his death.
She's really nice and doesn't want to harm anyone. If Michael was reading this board he wouldn't like what some of you think about Lisa.. Lisa was his only true love and you should respect that. And she is allowed to have her opinions too. It makes you selfish to bash someone just because you might not like her. We all have our issues, you too. Before you judge her, try hard to love her. And you'll find that love is still worthwhile...

I'm with u, Topflux)) I'm so tired of people's hate and in particular of their hate of Lisa.
Anyone who is seriously trying to get people to leave a celebrity alone should never say "leave (insert name of celebrity) alone!". Ever. I'm just saying. That phrase will never be anything other than fodder for mockery since Chris Crocker.
I'm not talking to you LTD so SHOO go away, child.

I said this thread isn't where it suppose to be. That's all ANC u know I do hate Lisa, I don't see the problem of it. But anyways it's "Lets talk Michael", not " Lets talk Lisa". I'm easily tempted to reply the thread being on this section and all, unless Mchael changed his name to Lisa.
I'm not talking to you LTD so SHOO go away, child.

If someone looked at my post then looked at this. Who do you think they would say was the child? Come on.......

Since when do we have to be directly talking to each other on a thread to reply to someone? You post something and then your open to be replied to by anyone. Dont be so ridiculous.

Anyone who is seriously trying to get people to leave a celebrity alone should never say "leave (insert name of celebrity) alone!". Ever. I'm just saying. That phrase will never be anything other than fodder for mockery since Chris Crocker.

Thats true, its like calling an MJ hater ignorant. If you call an MJ hater ignorant you just open yourself up for abuse since 'The Jeffersons' South Park episode.
I think about Michael and Lisa when I listen to fall again
"Fought in a battle, but nobody won
Left ourselves a mountain to be overcome
You can’t run away, the past is said and done
I need us to carry on"

Michael said "my father in law" about Elvis 2006
His family invited her to his funeral and she can come and visit him in Forest Lawn

Her oldest daughter said she had only good memories with Michael and her son had a MJ t-shirt on a picture last year.
She left a message for him, something like I will love you for eternity, when she left her sunflowers.
It wasn´t meant to be in the news.
She was angry with him for reasons I don´t know but I think she want to do good things for him now.
We need to stand together for Michaels legacy and remember his message about love.
I admit it´s hard to love everyone, but we can try to be nice.
Lol sure Thing, kid, whatever makes you happy, happiness is very important and if that means replying to me then by all means, do.

don't worry about me, I'd be very pleased if u don't consider me as a fan, that way it would make it easier for u to sleep at night without the thought of people not taking MJ fans seriously. Just sayin'
Lol sure Thing, kid, whatever makes you happy, happiness is very important and if that means replying to me then by all means, do.

don't worry about me, I'd be very pleased if u don't consider me as a fan, that way it would make it easier for u to sleep at night without the thought of people not taking MJ fans seriously. Just sayin'

Im at a loss as to when replying to someone on a discussion board became a big thing.

Do you have a defence or not? So far you have avoided talking to me about the actual topic at hand. Its because you cant come up with an intelligent reply, and it shows. You have to keep resorting to calling me 'kid' and 'child' to try and downplay me. Your losing more and more respect and credability with every post you make.

If you dont care that people dont take MJ fans seriously, and your ok with admitting that then thats fine. Carry on by all means.
I firmly believe that Michael truly loved Lisa Marie and vice versa. I do not feel it is anyones place to say that he did not or that she did not love him. I do not like the way some people preach about leaving Michael alone and allowing his privacy but on the other hand think it's ok to say they "know" exactly what was going on in his private life. Nobody other than Michael and Lisa Marie can possibly know the full details of their relationship and people need to accept that, however it might "look" to them.

I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I do feel that a lot of Michaels female fans were perhaps blinded by jealousy when it came to Lisa Marie. Instead of feeling happy that the man they "loved" had found love - even if it was only brief - they could only see it as she stole "their" man.
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