Lawsuit about cancelled MJ Auction moves forward


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
Man suing over canceled Michael Jackson auction

A judge ruled today that a collector suing Michael Jackson's estate and an auction house for $5 million over a canceled auction of the singer's memorabilia can take his case to trial, but trimmed some of the allegations in the complaint.

The decision by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ronald Sohigian means a jury will decide Richard LaPointe's causes of action for alleged intentional infliction of contractual relations and breach of contract against Julien's Auction House and the Jackson estate, said plaintiff's attorney Andrew Krastins. The allegations eliminated by the judge included negligent interference with contractual relations, Krastins said.

Krastins hailed the ruling, saying it means his client can seek punitive damages and that the Jackson executors may have to reveal the extent of the estate's assets.

The auction, which would have been the largest authorized sale of items associated with Jackson, was canceled in April 2009 after the singer reached a legal settlement with Julien's Auction House. Jackson died two months later at age 50.

The 1,400 items that were to be auctioned off included Jackson's large collection of antiques, decorative arts, costumes, music awards and other items that were once in his Neverland mansion in Santa Barbara County.

Lapointe filed the lawsuit in October 2009, claiming ownership of 82 items on which he bid online ahead of the auction. He was the only bidder for those items, including a replica classic automobile used by Jackson to provide transportation to celebrity guests at Neverland.

LaPointe also has one of the world's biggest collection of Beatles memorabilia.

case no : BC423284


this was the original news story

A man by the name of Richard Lapointe, the plaintiff in the case, is now suing Jackson’s estate and Julien’s Auction House for at least $5 million dollars for stopping an auction where he placed bids on at least 170 items of Michael Jackson memorabilia. Richard Lapointe stated that he is suing for being emotionally damaged and would like to be compensated for it. He also stated that $5 million dollars is what the estimated total value of the items to be auctioned.

The lawsuit was filed in the Los Angeles County Superior Court against the two parties named above. Richard Lapointe claims that he was the only bidder on at least 83 items, therefore the highest bidder when the auction was pulled by the Jackson estate and Julien’s Auction House.

The problem arose when the Jackson estate and Julien’s Auction House had difficulties in negotiations but details have not been made clear on exactly what they were having problems agreeing on.

Julian’s Auction House notified Richard Lapointe on April 11th and April 14th to let him know that he was registered and they have received his bids. The next day, Lapointe receives a letter stating that the auction would be cancelled “despite having bids” on the 170 items. However, Richard Lapointe also agreed with the terms of the auction which stated that “the auction could be canceled at any time”.


more info

Richard Lapointe v. Julien’s Auctions, MJJ Productions, et al

Another lawsuit was filed late last year by one of the bidders in the “Collection of Michael Jackson” auction, who claims to have placed bids online prior to the auction being canceled following the settlement between MJJ Productions and Julien’s Auction House.
Richard Lapointe has filed suit against Julien’s Auctions and Darren Julien (along with several aliases), MJJ Productions, Tohme R. Tohme (President of MJJ Productions), Administrators of the Estate of Michael Jackson, and 100 unnamed defendants.
Lapointe seeks the items on which he had placed online absentee bids, or $5 million dollars plus damages.
I have reviewed the First Amended Complaint, filed with the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 12/02/09 (Case No BC423284).
The Plaintiff, Lapointe, makes a number of allegations, and claims to have filed a “Creditor’s Claim” in the Jackson Probate Auction, and:
…seeks the transfer to Plaintiff of all items put up for auction, as described in detail below, for which Plaintiff was the highest bidder, or in the alternative, the sum of $5,000,000, which Plaintiff contends is their present market value and therefore, the amount in which Plaintiff has been injured.
The complaint goes on to make allegations about how the Defendants (Julien’s Auctions and MJJ Productions) “colluded among themselves” and “reached a secret agreement… to conduct a new auction at a time Defendants deem more profitable“.
In the Plaintiff’s causes of action, he claims that the Defendants “acted with malice, fraud or oppression, in conscious and intentional disregard of Plaintiff’s rights“. One of the causes of actions argues a violation of the Unfair Business Practices Act – Business & Professions Code section 17200:
Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that after Defendants scrutinizes the online and absentee bids in the No Reserve Jackson Auction, Defendants colluded to “cancel” the auction in order to reap higher anticipated profits at a later date.
Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon allege, that Defendants performed the above-mentioned acts with the intention and purpose of injuring Plaintiff in the operation of his livlihood and investments, and obtaining an illicit competitive advantage over Plaintiff.
Defendants threaten to, and unless restrained, will secret or disperse the unique Jackson items for which Plaintiff was the highest bidder and will hereby continue to interfere with business relations between Plaintiff and his customers, dealers, traders and fellow collectors, depriving Plaintiff of profits which are rightfully Plaintiff’s.
To those who monitor and participate in major auction house events, a standard disclaimer in the terms of the auction always contain a condition about having no guarantees about the execution of bids as well as reserving the discretion to pull lots from a sale. Below is an excerpt from the Julien’s Auctions website (see
Julien’s reserves the right to withdraw any property before the sale and will have no liability for doing so.
We reserve the right to accept or decline any bid. Bids must be for an entire lot and each lot constitutes a separate sale. All bids are per lot unless otherwise announced at a live sale by the auctioneer. Live auction lots will be sold in their numbered sequence unless the Auctioneer directs otherwise. It is unlawful and illegal for Bidders to collude, pool, or agree with another Bidder to pay less than the fair value for lot(s). Bidders participating in both live and online auctions acknowledge that the law provides for substantial penalties in the form of treble damages and attorneys’ fees and costs for those who violate these provisions. For live auctions the auctioneer will have final discretion in the event that any dispute should arise between bidders. The auctioneer will determine the successful bidder, cancel the sale, or re-offer and resell the lot or lots in dispute. Julien’s will have final discretion to resolve any disputes arising after the sale and in online auctions. If any dispute arises our sale record is conclusive. Julien’s will execute order or absentee bids, and accept telephone bids as a courtesy to clients who are unable to attend the live auctions. Therefore we take no responsibility for any errors or omissions in connection with this service.
Subject to fulfillment of all of the conditions set forth herein, on the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, title to the offered lot will pass to the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer.
In registering to participate in online bidding, one would presume that Julien’s Auctions had all registrants agree to these or similar terms.
I have also reviewed the “Julien Defendants’ Answer to Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint”, which was filed 01/04/10.
In this answer is a “General Denial, which states:
…Defendants deny, generally and specifically, each and every allegation in the FAC [First Amended Complaint]. The Julien Defendants further deny that Plaintiff has been damaged in any manner, amount, or sum whatsoever, by reason of any act or omission on the part of any of the Julien Defendants or on the part of any of its agents, servants or employees. The Julien Defendants further demand strict proof and evidentiary support for each and every allegation of the FAC.
The response by Julien’s Auctions makes not of California Civil Code 128.7, which involves sanctions against parties and law firms which file frivolous and/or harassing lawsuits that are without merit. The response continues by outlining 45 defenses to the lawsuit, and closes with the following:
WHEREFORE, the Julien Defendants pray for judgment as follows:
1. That Plaintiff take nothing from the Julien Defendants by reason of his FAC;
2. That the FAC against the Julien Defendants be dismissed with prejudice;
3. That the Julien Defendants be awarded costs of suit; and
4. That the Julien Defendants be awarded any othe rand further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
It will be interesting and of relevance to the hobby at large to monitor the outcome of this case, to see if indeed it is dismissed and the Plaintiff is found responsible for the legal costs of the significant number of parties named in the action.
these people seriously need to stop...really they do. The bull$hit will never end..:(
This guy filed a claim with the estate and was turned down. Whatever dude
The problem is you can sue for the most ridiculous reasons in the US as the legal system opens the door for it.

If you can 'win' millions of dollars because you're stupid enough not to know a freshly done coffee is hot then you're simply setting an example. lol

This guy is a proffessional it seems about collections of several, he'll use whatever is possible... I don't wonder a bit.
Richard Lapointe stated that he is suing for being emotionally damaged and would like to be compensated for it.

How about foot up your arse, mr Lapointe. :smack: & :fist:
Lapointe filed the lawsuit in October 2009, claiming ownership of 82 items on which he bid online ahead of the auction. He was the only bidder for those items, including a replica classic automobile used by Jackson to provide transportation to celebrity guests at Neverland.
and how does he prove that if the auction had have gone ahead he would have been the only bidder. how the hell can someone sue over an auction that is pulled. its ridiculous.they are just bidding. they have no say over the acution and if its pulled its pulled. but as we can see by his lawyers statement it s all about $ and the xtra publicity of trying to see what the estate is worth.

Richard Lapointe stated that he is suing for being emotionally damaged and would like to be compensated for it.
i suggest u get a life if thats emotionally damaging for your. 3 children are emotionally damaged fool
The judge needs one up his, too. No way should this thing be going to trial.

I agree, don't see the reason why the judge moved forward, either.
It is obvious that LaPointe is bitching that he didn't profit from MJJ misfortunes at the time.
I think, its judge' curiosity to find out what really happened between Julien's Auction House and MJJ at the time. Because I can't find any reasonable explanation why the judge would move forward the lawsuit on such ridicules grounds. :thinking:
Re:' Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that after Defendants scrutinizes the online and absentee bids in the No Reserve Jackson Auction, Defendants colluded to “cancel” the auction in order to reap higher anticipated profits at a later date.'...

I thought there was fairly massive worldwide publicity about MJ pulling the keep the items. (and paying Juliens cancellation costs.). This guy is also going to end up paying massive dollars to Juliens in legal costs / damages etc.... Those are pretty defamatory allegations.
I wonder who the 100 unnamed defendants are supposed to be.
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What a waste of time and money. I can't believe that the judge didn't just throw this out.
e:' Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that after Defendants scrutinizes the online and absentee bids in the No Reserve Jackson Auction, Defendants colluded to “cancel” the auction in order to reap higher anticipated profits at a later date.'...
so? whats wrong with that? its good business sense, anyone putting something up for auction has a right to pull it if they want.
Portions Of Michael Jackson's Memorabilia Lawsuit Settled
(CNS) Posted Monday March 21, 2011 – 1:05pm
A collector and Michael Jackson's estate announced today they settled their portions of a lawsuit concerning a canceled auction of the late singer's memorabilia.

However, a jury trial will still take place to decide Richard LaPointe's allegations of intentional interference with contractual relations and breach of contract against Julien's Auction House.

LaPointe's lawyer, Nicholas Hornberger, said the accord calls for the Jackson estate to sell to his client 64 of the 80-plus items in dispute between the three parties.

The auction, which would have been the largest authorized sale of items associated with Jackson, was canceled in April 2009 after the singer reached a separate legal settlement in his own legal dispute with Julien's. Jackson died two months later at age 50.

The items that were to be auctioned off included Jackson's large collection of antiques, decorative arts, costumes, music awards and other items that were once in his Neverland estate in Santa Barbara County.

Lapointe filed the lawsuit in October 2009, claiming ownership of items on which he bid online ahead of the auction.

He was the only bidder for those items, including a replica classic automobile used by Jackson to provide transportation to celebrity guests at Neverland.

LaPointe also has one of the world's biggest collection of Beatles memorabilia
I got the complaint document from the court. Here are the 82 items (the court document says 82 but then lists 78 items , perhaps they are counting the items listed as "pair" towards the 82 number) As you can see it's mainly statues from Neverland. I bolded the MJ related items so that you can follow more easily.

It's anyone's guess which 64 he got but perhaps the estate kept the MJ items and let him have the rest.

1. MJ Award Doll (For Bad sales in Switzerland)
2. MJ Bust (Gold painted plaster bust from Thriller era)
3. MJ Mannequin (wearing Bad outfit)
4. Walt Disney Sleeping Beauty Sericel (Silk screen print)
5. Minnie Mouse (plastic statue)
6. Plated Brass Cuirass ( a helmet from British Household Cavalry)
7. Marilyn Monroe Statue (fiberglass statue of her famous pose)
8. Bronze statue of an Native American woman nursing a baby (Lorenzo Ghiglieri 1931)
9. Kneeling angel statue
10. Parcel gift and bronze statue (Mercie 1812-1877)
11. Statue of a seated girl sewing
12. Statue of a lying boy contemplating with a pen and paper (Mark Hopkins)
13. 2 marble busts of Roman nobleman
14. Parcel gift and bronze statue (Mercie 1812-1877)
15. Cloudbuster Airlines print by Bob Byerler
16. Bronze statue of boy throwing baseball by David Ginzton
17. Marble slab - that has an original poem by MJ and Neverland emblem
18. Bronze statue of children in a tree
19. Friends in high places by Mark Hopkins ( statue of a girl watching 2 birds)
20. Painted metal bell
21. Bronze sculpture of 2 boys on a jungle gym
22. Brass garden font (4 winged features and garland swg)
23. Wood Neverland sign
24. Statue of a young girl balancing on a unseen object
25. Delights by Ramon Parmenter (statue of a girl eating ice cream and holding 3 balloons)
26. Cupid by Houdon
27. He loves me by Parmenter (statue of girl plucking dandelion petals)
28. Bronze figure of Joan of Arc in an attack by Darley 1903
29. Chinese checkers table on stand
30. Southeast Asian gilt metal model of a temple
31. marble statue of a Renaissance girl
32. Bronze figure of 4 children and a log walking across a log
33. Pair of 3 figures of dance (children dancing)
34. Bubles by Parmenter (statue of a girl blowing bubbles)
35. Bronze statue of a sailor at helm by Raphanel
36. Pair of 9 light candle holder
37. Bronze statue of cupid and psyche
38. Bronze statue of peasant boy
39. Bronze statue of crying child
40. Pinocchio model puppet
41. Large wooden ship model
42. MJ Batman figure (batman suit fitted over likeliness of MJ)
43. Resin statue of Captain Hook
44. Replica 1909 Datable Model B Roadster (side panels has MJJ monogrammed)
45. MJ NAACP award from 1972 for Male Vocal group of the year
46. 3 bronze statues of MJ by Jager
47. MJ Wax figure (lifesize wearing military jacket)
48. Bronze figure of 3 children on a bench
49. Reproduction of Horse and Sulky Weathervane
50. Statue of girl holding a stuffed animal by Muhlestein
51. Metal 7 light candelabra
52. Copper umbrella stand
53. pair of neoclassical figural tripod with decorative glass bowls
54. Bronze statue of Napoleon
55. Silver Cupid and 3 light candelabra
56. Bronze figure of boy with a dog
57. Statue of young boy playing soccer
58. Statue of boy throwing baseball
59. Bronze boy and girl statue
60. Statue of a baseball player
61. Statue of a girl in front of a wall
62. Statue of a boy playing hand chime
63. Statue of a boy playing percussion instrument
64. Statue of a boy dressed in military outfit
65. Statue of a boy playing 2 finger clappers
66. Statue of a boy playing accodian
67. Statue of a girl with chickens
68. Statue of cupid holding bow and arrow
69. Born to run by Ghiglieri
70. Bronze tiger
71. Statue of a woman in peasant dress
72. Bronze equestrian statue
73. Bronze statue of 4 children swimming
74. Bronze statue of children playing in a tree house
75. Angel holding 9 light candelabra
76. Bronze figure of a boy perched in a tree
77. Statue of musketeer
78. Bronze girl dressed a as a boy fishing
^ do we know what were the 80+ items?

Thank you Ivy.

Anyway, these are some random pieces...aside from the 1972 NAACP award.

I hope they added a clause forbidding him from selling them for the next 100 years
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marc_vivien;3306095 said:
Portions Of Michael Jackson's Memorabilia Lawsuit Settled
(CNS) Posted Monday March 21, 2011 – 1:05pm
A collector and Michael Jackson's estate announced today they settled their portions of a lawsuit concerning a canceled auction of the late singer's memorabilia.

However, a jury trial will still take place to decide Richard LaPointe's allegations of intentional interference with contractual relations and breach of contract against Julien's Auction House.

LaPointe's lawyer, Nicholas Hornberger, said the accord calls for the Jackson estate to sell to his client 64 of the 80-plus items in dispute between the three parties.

Well, hopefully they know what they are doing, those 64 items can't be that detrimental then in the grand scheme of things. I suppose this was an easier avenue to take than going to court.
^ do we know what were the 80+ items?

Thank you Ivy. Why are some items bolded?

I bolded them. They are what I consider to be Michael related items such as life size mannequins of him.
I bolded them. They are what I consider to be Michael related items such as life size mannequins of him.

Thank you for replying. I went back and edited my post after reading your intro.

Thank you again.

ETA: Lapointe should pay fair market value for these items..not necessarily what he bid
so? whats wrong with that? its good business sense, anyone putting something up for auction has a right to pull it if they want.
I don't think the auction was pulled to make more money at a later date. I think MJ was auctioning off his stuff because he just plain needed the money. It's no secret he had a large debt. The auction was pulled soon after the This Is It concert deal was made. My theory is that after MJ made some money for the THis Is It deal, he didn't need the money from the auction and decided to keep his stuff.
The auction was pulled, because Thome Thome was auctioning almost everything Neverland behind his back, including the gates, chandelliers and some Disneyana and outside statues. He filed a lawsuit to gain the belongings he never authorized for auction, and Thome got freaked out that his 'clueless' employer found out and warned Juliens Auctions that there would be a 'bloodshed' if the auction wasn't stopped, thus placing Jackson in a bad light (what else was new, most did). He would soon Fire Thome Thome because of his abusive control and his way of establishing more This Is It concert dates a week than Jackson wanted (according to DiLeo). Thoe refused to consider himself sacked, stating he is still Jackson's manager.

Jackson may have needed the money, afterall ppl were stealing from him and suing him left and right as well, and it's not like he lived for material things, but anyone would be devastated if they heard people made decisions without their consent. He also would have sold Neverland long before, he was pressured to sell it by the likes of Tom Barrack and Thome, but Michael would've sold it all if he really felt sick about it completely. Now, he's gone, and they can do whatever.