Lavelle Smith in Vegas - Wonder Why?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A close friend who travels in the LA dancing circles has told me that Lavelle Smith is in Vegas, taking meetings with MJ. Not exactly sure what for, but it has to be performace related: video, concert, tour?

Just seems like the perfect storm is a brewing....
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This is by far some of the BEST news I've heard in a long time. It could mean anything from rehearsals for a music video to choreography for upcoming performances or tours. OR, they could be just meeting for a catchup! haha, who knows..

Lavelle Smith

Here dancing during the 30th Anniversary concerts (far right).

And as a previous poster said, he's worked with Michael for agesssss :)
This is by far some of the BEST news I've heard in a long time. It could mean anything from rehearsals for a music video to choreography for upcoming performances or tours. OR, they could be just meeting for a catchup! haha, who knows..

Lavelle Smith

Here dancing during the 30th Anniversary concerts (far right).

And as a previous poster said, he's worked with Michael for agesssss :)

He has coreographed together with Michael at several World tours (bad,dangerous,history)
Thanks, that interesting and I hope its true. Anyone know how old he is?
If this is true...

HOLY CRAP. :mello::wild:!!

*craps pants*

Girl, you can say crap :giggle:

Never really knew who dude was, so nice to hear he's in Vegas. Not sure if ti has to do with Mike, but whatever...
intresting news. thanks joe.

Thanks, that interesting and I hope its true. Anyone know how old he is?

he must be in his 40's hes been around with mj since the bad tour
Yeah, who else has he worked with? He can meeting another perhaps? :unsure:
All I know is that this is not something someone would make up out of the blue.

If someone says Lavelle Smith is in Las Vegas (when it appears MJ clearly is currently living there) taking meetings with MJ, I'm inclined to believe them. MJ has worked with this guy for over 20 years on choreography for performances/tours to support each album and era. This is a new era MJ is entering, with a new album that will need to be supported with promotion, including performances. So in my opinion, it would only make sense that MJ is currently having meetings with these types of people - pre album, promotion and release.

Remember guys.. "..It's coming sooner than they think" ;) "Hold My Hand" is just the beginning.
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the again mj met with kenny ortega about 2 years ago lol
well em didn't mj get primo seats for hsm the stage show when they were in vegas? ortega's the director or whatever! lol

and's totally obvious that lavelle is in pahrump to babysit.....mj has to go clubbin' tmrw andthe kids ain't 21 yet....duh! LMAO
well em didn't mj get primo seats for hsm the stage show when they were in vegas? ortega's the director or whatever! lol

and's totally obvious that lavelle is in pahrump to babysit.....mj has to go clubbin' tmrw andthe kids ain't 21 yet....duh! LMAO

is Mike going to Christian's Audigier grand opening party?
Wow something is brewing if Lavelle has gone over. I loved him in the Dagerous Diaries with Sonya Saul
very true. used to remember seeing her alot on VH1
Can somebody please tell me the name of the song and singer that samples "Working Day and Night" in the video that showcases Lavelle's work?