Last Night's Tribeca Film Festival Screening Of Thriller

the woman salazar can follow allred, according to michael, if u know what i mean.

the parent skills question, the race question, and the 'debatable' comment about being a criminal were uncalled for.
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the woman salazar can follow allred, according to michael, if u know what i mean.

the parent skills question, the race question, and the 'debatable' comment about being a criminal were uncalled for.

Yeah, those comments were so unnecessary. A can't believe she would think they were funny.
New Yorker Magazine is semi gossip rag magazine anyway
jealousy to me. They are just amazed that after all their crap and brainwashing attempts, Mike still has fans
Yeah, those comments were so unnecessary. A can't believe she would think they were funny.

yeah...asking the parent skill question to some little kid. i guess either she thinks the kid is stupid and would not understand her, or she would hope he would say that MJ's parenting skills are 'debatable'. she thinks she is funny, but. perhaps she is trying to corrupt a minor, by asking such a young boy a very non innocent question. and, clearly, that's where she was headed, by the tone of all her questions. she's not humourous at all. she's sick.
Woot!! I'd say there were 5,000+ fans at this event last night.

I resized these because I don't want anyone having my HQ versions, but here you guys go!! (Just SOME of MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY pictures taken by me last night. :)

Ont of many huge signs. :happy:

This was while they were setting up. I thought all the Michael's looked so cool!! I also helped set up all of the chairs, etc. I can now officially say I was involved in the party more than most. ;)

Here is a close up of the Thriller 25 poster and me showing off the glove that they handed out! They let us dip out hand in glitter, so that was cool. :p However, they actually used duck tape to tape the posters on. Since my friend and I were there from 12:00PM and on, I kept harassing them about it. I asked if I could have one and they kept yelling at me. The reason I kept begging was because they said to me that they were going to destroy them after the event, but if we wanted them, we'd have to rip them off after the event was done. Well... I harassed the guy so much, he gave me 2 MINT posters before even being hung with the suck tape. Now, I have never seen these versions of the Thriller 25 promo posters, so I am assuming these are very rare. The size is bigger than 24x36, which is also another big plus!!! :D

How could I resist a good ol' picture with Pete? This was right after I got my zombie makeover. :p Pete and I actually were invited up on stage and both won an MJ Thriller Trivia contest. Our prize was the Deluxe Casebook Edition of Thriller 25. :wild:

Here is a sweet picture of my friend and I. Completely awesome. ;)

Here is what the Thriller Short Film looks like on a big screen. :D It looks a lot brighter and all, but taking a picture in that nighttime setting was difficult.


Here is a picture of Jon Landis from my front row and center seat. People still stood in front, though. Jon was reminiscing about how much he enjoyed working with Michael and his memories of Thriller. After this picture, he introduced The Making Of Thriller. :)



The wonderful and great Jon Landis with my friend and I. Jon was different than I thought he would be. He is actually very warm and happy. He's just an all around great person. I thanked him for everything he had done for Michael and told him that he needs to work with Michael again. :p

I went to the event with nothing and came home with the 2 posters, a glitter glove, a zombie makeover, a Deluxe Casebook Edition of Thriller 25 that I won in that trivia contest... AND, I had Jon Landis and Vincent Patterson (Zombie in Thriller, gang leader in Beat It and assisted in some choreography) autograph my Deluxe Casebook Edition of Thriller 25! How cool is it to have Jon Landis write MY name and autograph my Thriller 25? :p I also, came home with this cool popcorn bag... Hey, come on. It referenced Thriller and makes a wonderful addition to my collection! The best thing I came home with were the memories of my first Michael Jackson fan celebration... And what occasion? THRILLER!! And who with? JON FREAKING LANDIS!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I do have a lot of video footage of Jon up close and Jon on stage and some of the movies playing and a lot more pictures of the event, but here are the highlights for you all. Hope you enjoyed!!! I know I did...
Thanks for posting.

New York magazine is trash. They can't stand the fact that MJ still rocks and thousands of people by the loads still come to witness greatness. It makes you wonder sometimes that the people who are "popular" today will never have any of their "popular" videos shown on a film festival some 25 years after it debuted on some channel. That tells you something about Michael Jackson. The media can't stand the fact that he is still here and still important in music and in popular culture. That people, all kinds of people, love this man. Who is thinking about that loser reporter anyway? Those people came to see true entertainment. Not to talk to clowns from some elitist, shitty magazine. If they didn't like the man, why are there harassing people who do?
Thank you and it was. I am a bit bummed, though... I want more... :(
NO FAIR! I hate you all!

lol just kidding :p

Wish I could have gone though. This is so awesomeeeeee!!! I feel like I'm in 1984 or something now!!! :D
i keep looking at this thread, and those highlights..and i keep blinking..and i keep asking myself...'what year are we in?' sh!t...i can't help it...
Thanks for posting all the pictures guys and your experiences. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. Wish I was there :).
wooooooow thats amazing! great story.....a thriller25 event n New York mad the was great
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Wow - that looks so awesome! Thanks for the reports & videos :). It's so awesome to see "official" Michaelmania like that all in one place. I wish I were there!! :(