Last MJ song/video you listened to/watched before he left us?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Wellington, NZ
What was the last MJ song or video you listened to or watched before he passed away?
The reason I ask is because mine was MJ's performance of "Gone Too Soon" at Bill Clintons Presidential Inauguration in 1992 - the irony of this was not lost on me when i thought of this. I live in New Zealand so it was Friday morning when the news broke here. On Thursday evening i was watching some of the more rare MJ footage on Youtube and "Gone Too Soon" was the last song i listened to before going to bed.

For weeks now I have been listening to live performances on my Mp3. I use them to dance too and it actually creates a decent work out. I'm not one that likes to constantly lift weights and though I'm not great I find it fun and energizing to dance. Typically I would dance for at least a half hour a day.

My last song on my recently played list was a live performance of "Beat It" from the History Tour. I'm pretty sure I was doing this as all of this was going on :(. Haven't since. And I'm not sure when I will.
I was listening to BAD 30minutes before I found out about the news. I was dancing and stuff too... I haven't danced since then.
The last song I listened to before the news was Man In the Mirror, I must of listened to that song at least twice a day for the last, I don't know how many years, people used to ask me if I would ever tire from it, I would say never. Haven't managed to listen to it again since. I will try again today though.
I had been listening to Unbreakable a lot before Michael passed. Also, I had been listening to a playlist on my iPod. I called it my Fantasy MJ Setlist. I would play that and imagine that was the This Is It concert.
I believe it was Ease On Down The Road with Diana Ross from a tv special on You Tube. That was on Tuesday night or something like that.
As far as I remember it was Come Together, the day before he passed away.
On thursday I was out all morning and hadn't heard any music at all, I was just login into MJJC when the news hit so yeah, that was it.
will you be there

and my iPod stuck for 3 days. like it died whith him :(
I was at a concert on Thursday evening and I was thinking about Michael when he was about to die... :cry: I was chatting about the MJ concerts with my friend and I told her how tiny was that stage in front of us. I said: I used to huge stages and huge crowd, MJ is different. The concert was OK, I was happy when I got home and turned on my laptop, it was 0:30 am... and then... :cry:
couple of days before he died I was listening a lot to the BAD album especially the songs Liberian Girl, Just Good Friends and Leave Me Alone.
i was watching the man in the mirror performance from the bucharest dvd when i got the news. it was so ironic,becuz @ the age of 2 its that very same performance that made me a fan
the last MJ related thing i watched was the HIStory music video collection dvd...
The last thing I watched MJ related was earlier in the day, it was the film/short music video 'Ghosts', on YouTube. Loved it, it's hard to believe that we all had no idea something like this was going to happen.
^ I can't remember a whole song either.. :( I was listening the beginning of HIStory on Wednesday night before I went to sleep.
On Thursday night (when Michael passed away) I was listening to Thrillercast for a very long time, probably few hours.. but I didn't know then that he was gone.. I only found it out in the morning.. :(
I was listening to 'Who is it' and playing it alongside the youtube vid of MJ beatboxing it on Oprah. He was so talented! I said to my brother, 'there isn't enough footage of Michael doing this, I could watch hours.' I guess I was partially thinking that it needed preserving for the future, but I thought that Michael would be with us for years to come. Then I checked my twitter and saw the news of his collapse and I just lost it.

My brother and I were watching videos of him dancing, getting so excited about the concerts and talking about how incredible, almost otherworldly he is.

It's such a loss. So, so sad.
I was watching 'another part of me', the video from Paris :)

Now I cannot believe what is going on around me, I’m seem to be deaf for the news!

I’m devastated and I want to die, as I’m watching pictures from Los Angeles rehearsals!

Mike looks so happy, so energetic and ready for the shows ;) I wish this all was not true!
Michael you were, you are and you will be my best friend forever!

Rest in peace, my legend, my icon, my king ;)

Kisses for you my angel from Poland !!!
I *think* I was listening to Shout, although I'm not fully sure.
I was listening to the Ultimate collection and I think the last song I listened to that day was Beautiful Girl.
It was really strange. I was @ work on Thursday, during my lunchbreak i was on youtube on my mobile and I listened to "Will you be there" and i remember feeling emotional during the end segment.
Then after work I was on the bus home and I listened to "Heaven can wait", this is a track I hadn't listened to for years. This was the last MJ track I listened to and was approx 4-5 hours before his death. I remember thinking to myself that when the time comes he will not be able to tell the angels no, as death isn't something that we have choice over.