Larry King video clip with reporter who interviewed Latoya

So true ATLF....
t mez, mark G, lou f, miko, and even raymone said they saw no drugs and these folks were very close to michael as of recent. Now if the trial didn't do michael in then I don't know what would have, which is why this is so shocking. Tmez was around michael during his darkest time and saw nothing. I feel they are defo trying to make michael to be a drug addict. They are trying to hard and won't take anything else but this case scenario. That don't sit right with me at all. Also I don't think michael was this weak, frail, pathetic man who didn't want to do TII that he's being made out to be either. I truely believe michael passed that 5 hour physical and was hype about TII. He was involved in every thing from designing the tickets to the hair dos.
:no: All the stories coming out about all the pills MJ may have taken can't possibly be true. If Mike had taken that many of those pills, he would have been comotose years ago. No way he would have volluntarily taken them either. The chef would have had to crush them up and put them in his food or something if they were trying to control him with drugs like they're saying. I've learned to read between the lines and separate the trash from the truth for the most part. One thing I know that LaToya said that doesn't jive with what Michael said in that article is about the circumstances of Blanket's conception. Watch LWMJ to get the truth from Michael's mouth about that. The rest may have some semblance of truth to it.