Larry King video clip with reporter who interviewed Latoya


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There is another part I could'nt find but it might be for the best because Latoya goes into detail in the other half about Michael's children screaming and crying and requesting to see Michael. It's heartbreaking. She says that the heart Paris wears on her neck at the mamorial had another part that she put around Michael's rist in the casket with him during the viewing before the mamorial and vowed to never take it off. She also said at the hospital when they were screaming and crying to see Michael, when the sheet was moved from his face and they saw him they became instantly calm and began to kiss him and hold his hand and told him how much they loved him.
This is only the first part of the video Embedded video from CNN Video
Thank you for finding this. Oh this is all just driving me crazy.. I have had my strong suspicions about that Dr Murray...
Really strange to hear that he was not in his bedroom but in the Dr's room when he passed away.

Poor Michael- I hope he did not suffer and it was quick when he passed away.
Well lets not forget the Daily Mail was the tabloid that told the author that wrote a book about a conspiracy to destroy Michael (can't remember his name) that they would serialise it, then once they read it refused on the basis that it was not their policy to do positive stories about Michael.

They started the story about him wandering round France dressed as a woman complete with pictures. If La Toya wants to use them to get this out and takes money off them fair enough, but the family need to be very careful about what they are saying.

The most interesting part in this interview isn't about the "murder accusations" BUT when she said:
"Michael was isolated from his family. The family tried to intervene, they knew he was in trouble. They tried to state an intervention, and everytime they tried to get close to that house they were prevented."

This is JUST speculations from my side but I think that it was Michael himself that made him distant from the family, and not people around him. Why do I think this?
Remember that interview CNN(?!) did the other day with Michael's body guard?
The body guard stated that Michael's brothers were trying to get to talk to Michael, they were even in the lobby of the hotel they were staying at.
But when the lobby called up to Michael's body guard, Michael made sure that the body guard would tell the lobby personal to "fool" his brothers by saying that he wasn't there.
The body guard didn't know why Michael behaved this way, and thought it might have something to do with that the brothers would be all up Michael's ass about getting a reunion or something.
But I think the brothers were there to talk to Michael about other stuff.

Does this make any sense or am I just stupid?

It's just that, so many people close to Michael seem to have the same story about Michael getting all distant when you try to approach him about an addiction.

But then again, why did Miko Brando never get rejected by Michael through all these years?
1. Did Michael never have an addiction?
2. Didn't Miko care at all about Michael's addiction and didn't approach him?
3. Michael made sure that Miko never knew about his addiction?
Miko Brando is a person who has refused to go into personal details about his close friend, especially so soon after his death. One of the few with a bit of class.
Oh boy, this is going from bad to worse. I was kinda hoping LaToya hadn't done that interview at all, but it seems that it's real.

Bruce, I fully agree with you. Michael did seem to break ties with family, and that was said by a whole bunch of people. I don't know what to make of it, if it was Michael's decision or suspicious staff, but something was definitely wrong.

Why is it taking to long to get those tox results?? I'm going insane :cry:
Miko Brando is a person who has refused to go into personal details about his close friend, especially so soon after his death. One of the few with a bit of class.

Indeed a good choice of him to not speak to the public about this, but I hope he's talking with the family and police department.

But I mean, Miko was with Michael the day before he died so it isn't exactly like they had a beef or that Michael would've had pushed him away.
Oh boy, this is going from bad to worse. I was kinda hoping LaToya hadn't done that interview at all, but it seems that it's real.

Bruce, I fully agree with you. Michael did seem to break ties with family, and that was said by a whole bunch of people. I don't know what to make of it, if it was Michael's decision or suspicious staff, but something was definitely wrong.

Why is it taking to long to get those tox results?? I'm going insane :cry:

That is also one thing I'm wondering, WTF is she out there doing this interview for - and of course she got paid for it.

Yes, I'm anxious for the tox results also. - But since this whole diprivan story blossomed it will still twist our mind if the results come back clean since diprivan can be out of your system in a couple of minutes.

I mean, how "confusing" wouldn't it be if Michael was absolutely clean. - I mean it would be absolutely wonderful of course...
But the story will then blossom into, "was Michael on diprivan?", "did he just have a regular cardiac arrest?", "what was happening?", "did a bird come through his window and scare him to death?"

I'm afraid that we will never get a 100% accurate and true story if it never will come down to that the doctor goes all out and is like "Yes, I pumped diprivan in him".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the only way we ever can be 100% sure what happened if the tox comes back clean?!

I'm afraid that the doc is a slick motherfucker who knows that diprivan is out of your system in a jiffy - and he's playing the card to be all passive about this and deny that he's ever injected diprivan in Michael, because he knows that if the tox report comes out clean then he's most likely free to go.
Oh boy, this is going from bad to worse. I was kinda hoping LaToya hadn't done that interview at all, but it seems that it's real.

The interview was very much real.

There was a fan here spreading lies, saying it never took place and was "confirmed to be false". You know who you are. I don;t understand people like that. You might not like something, but you can't just say things like that... spreading lies...

Michael was subject to many lies and rumours throughout his tragically short life. Fans here condemn the people who spread such lies, but then do the same about somebody else, just because they do not like something... haven't we learned lessons from his life?
I am very diasappointed that La Toya would take money for an interview so soon after her brother's death, makes you wonder. She should be so silent cause what she did in even though MJ forgave her is inexcuseable. I don't care anything about death threats that she got, call the police or something, don't betray your brother.

And this thing about murder is a load of crap, no one wanted to kill Michael. He was worth more alive than dead.
i have mixed feelings about it. from one side i think it's good that she's trying to push for the investigation. from the other side these stories about "isolation" i remember them from La Toya's book. she wrote the same things in her book - how Michael was isolated or isolated himself from the family for a while. i don't know whether it's true or not. but there must be influences on him - like in this story with Tatiana. I have no idea what happened why they broke up but i read that it was somebody's influence again. but i know nothing of course... just her words about isolation seemed very familiar
OK this has to end..I am going to the speculate forum..I have something to get off my shoulder..wish me strength
I don't think we'll ever get to know what REALLY happened either. The Diprivan story will never be off our minds unless it's confirmed, and at this point, we can't even say for sure what room Michael was in, let alone if the doctor gave him anything :doh:

That comment about Paris saying "daddy is getting his oxygen" kinda worries me. The last thing we need is the oxygen chamber rumours again :doh: And I CAN see that happening!

Right now, I wish the tour hadn't been planned at all. I'd said it many times before - I don't care if Michael never sings a note in his entire life, I just want him healthy and happy. Instead, he's gone. And no one knows why.
Michael being isolated from the family is a bunch of crap.

Marlon said he last saw Michael at a family get-together in May 2009

They meet monthly for family re-unions. It seems Latoya wanted to see Michael more times than Michael wanted.

Everyone has a right to their space and seeing family members once a month ain't bad. Latoya needs to take a leaf from Janet and just shut up. The media are targeting her though some of these low contacts like this guy called Magic...something.

That's why Michael kept them away, because all they want to talk about is money and projects, not to hang out as family.

In any case we have photos of Joe and Katherine with Michael a few weeks back at a hotel, so that stuff of "cutting-off" is a bunch of lies.
all this crap about sleeping pills addiction is soo sided....I am so lost no-one takes a step back...
I give up
If the stuff about him not wanting to see his dad are true......mabe it's because he kept pushing him about the Jackson brothers reunion and not about any addiction.
Wow so the interview was legit from beginning to end, I never would have guessed. :S I bet the family isn't too happy about it.

PS I still want to see the second part, if anyone finds it.
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Poor baby was so murdered. I truly believe that, no matter what anybody says.
I suppose it IS possible that the doctors could face charges of manslaughter at least.

Now the only thing I really hope that Latoya didn't talk about is the paternity of the kids or that she made a mistake when she was talking to them.
How sure are we that this interview took place? Do we have audio or video of LaT doing this? As Rsw stated the family all had a family reunion a month back.the family spoke to him on the phone ect. And what kind of intervention r they talking about?This sounds like rehashed trash.
Sorry but I believe latoya when it comes to Michael being Killed. Michael had too much to live for and he was on his way back to the top. YOu think this man wanted to die knowing that he broke a record in selling out 50 shows considering what he has been through? I think not. Michael was suppose to live to be an old man but the evil of MAN caused his death, NOT GOD.
If the stuff about him not wanting to see his dad are true......mabe it's because he kept pushing him about the Jackson brothers reunion and not about any addiction.

yes they keep saying he isolated himself from his family because he refused to get help for an addiction but their problem was this so called reunion everybody knows his family was driving him insane with that, the story about an addiction is made up
and Michael did see his family this year a few times, there are even recent pictures of them together
i don't believe Latoya or the lady that larry talking with :yes:

and that doctor did something to Michael i believe that :yes:
right now I don't even care that reports say they found him with a needle in his arm....all this mudslinging, speculation and accusations won't bring him back...

I don't like the method which Latoya did this interview but you have everyone and their mother out there putting their spin on things... why not the family???

also, everyone was demanding things from Michael... all the time...24/ associates...then you have the media with the constant bashing....

I think there are a lot of variables here including the pressure of coming back big.... but I think the main culprit that killed that sensitive soul are those 2 accusers, the DA, and the media ( from the US to India...all of them)

we might never have a clear answer why he died but we have a clear answer that he is dead... no more Michael...and I can't wait for the media to let this go and let him
be in peace... for pete sake

I think Michael had servere sleep disorder and with all the pressures over the years...his sensitive soul got tired...
There is a statement the family release and most of the family signed it except for janet and randy. Someone started a thread about this. I think earthlyme (sp?) (sorry)

Anyways the statement was about the jacksons saying that they didn't know anything about michael on pills or drugs or something like that and then raymone at the end was saying michael is tired of the lies etc. So why would they release that statement a while back yet they are now saying we wanted intervention? Its so much lying going on around here its just to much.

Also like others pointed out mikes mother and father was with him coming from some meeting AND michael was at family get together for his parents anniversary. So if they were that worried shouldn't they have spoke to michael then. I wonder why latoya can't keep her mouth shut. If she feel this way its no need to alert the killers, just hire a PI and have him crack the case not go to some tab and sell yet another story then on top of that shes going into other personal details (I havent read her interview and will not). I just don't trust her. Im not even mikes family and im still grieving this. Yet she is fam and she's out giving interviews and spewing the business. I lost respect for her just like last time. This is so sad. I just wish michael coulda survived this. Im so sick of the lies and it on 24/7 seven days a week and michael can't defend himself. ugh! I don't watch the news but I do come here and it gets so annoying sometimes. Michael shouldn't be all over the media because of this. We should be on cloud 9 right now.

I don't rule out murder for a second but does latoya think michael would have wanted this, for her to give this interview and then go into other details. Her and joe just don't care, they would give anything for a camera to be in their faces.
I don't rule out murder for a second but does latoya think michael would have wanted this, for her to give this interview and then go into other details. Her and joe just don't care, they would give anything for a camera to be in their faces.

I agree completely. LaToya revealing the children's private grief to the world is just sick. Makes her worse than any of the constant media crap. You would think his own sister would respect his privacy, especially concerning his children. IMO it's a sad betrayal.
I personally don't trust Latoya.

Her and Joe are just trying to make a quick buck, in my opinion.
Mark Geragos told LK that the New York Post printed two or three stories about some of his clients that were 100% not true and they claimed to have sources. So he said he would take this LaToya story with a grain of salt.

Nevertheless, I don't see how she can say the family though MJ was on drugs and tried to do an intervention when they released a statement saying they didn't attempt no intervention and that they knew nothing about MJ being on drugs. Also, Michael was just with the family in May for the family gathering and he was just fine by most accounts. Something is just not adding up. Miko told LK he never seen Michael use drugs. Lou said Michael was not drugged when he came to him and had no marks on his arms. Something is just not right about this whole "Michael was a drug addict" angle the media is trying so hard to push.