Larry King LIVE on CNN now! 6/26/09

thanks guys, I was watching a movie tryna get my mind off this. But now there's only 8 minutes left!!!! But they'll show the same thing at midnight, right?

MJ's not here to defend himself so he feels Deepak shouldn't be talking about MJs medical issues.

(Just realized this is what upset Liza, too)

Agrees with Deepak about drug pushing doctors who overprescribe meds to celebrities.

Days before MJ's death he saw MJ eating properly, working out. He was hitting notes and dance steps. MJ looked good and was ready to go.

MJ was a good client. MJ was understandably worried at first about the trial but Mark never had problems with him.
Deepak hasn't gotten the message as yet. What is he trying to attain?

Thanks for the updates guys!!
Berry Gordy:

He knew of MJ's basic condition/issues...sometimes weak and stressed. MJ's life has been tough the past few years.

MJ's greatness was his talent. He studied and researched everyone. The J5 were on time, never had a disciplinary problem. MJ was always focused, listening, and asking questions while other kids in the studio may have been goofing off in between work.

Show is over.

You're welcome guys. It does repeat at midnight so if you missed it, it'll be back on. :flowers:
Awww.. people who love and care for MJ; Miko and Liza.
Deepak hasn't gotten the message as yet. What is he trying to attain?

Thanks for the updates guys!!

I think what he and Geragos wanted to stress is that these drug pushing doctors are violating laws and as a result enabling the deaths of celebrities who die from accidental overdose. They both say it's a common practice that's costing ppl their lives and that it needs to stop. On the flipside, if celebrities use his meditation suggestions perhaps Deepak thinks these celebrities can kick their addictions or heal their problems instead of using prescription drugs. It could be a self-serving concern on his part so I dunno. Geragos, however agreed that it's a problem.
It certainly is self-serving on Deepak's part especially when he has NO IDEA what is happening with MJ. He is being totally out of line!! There is no excuse. And he keeps going on and on about this, helping to fuel rumors etc. If he can stop thinking about himself (him and Oxman) and for a minute think about the man and his family that would be a great achievement.
Thank you for posting the updates to this. I missed it earlier. There so much stuff to watch. My head is spinning...
I feel so gutted to hear Deepak making such allegations, he's acting jus like Brian Oxman...
I feel so gutted to hear Deepak making such allegations, he's acting jus like Brian Oxman...

I agree. Goes to show you that opportunists come in all forms. I am still in disbelief of the dreck the media has pulled out to offer their twisted opinions of Michael AGAIN, and at a time where he no longer has a voice. Very few people of prominence are really out there countering the spin. You would think the public would have sense enough to dismiss these talking heads who only surface when they can feed again, which is generally when Michael makes news enough to move the universe. Shame...
LisaB and Nichelle, I was beginning to think that I was going mad with view on Deepak. As far as I am concerned people who were in Michael's past can only speak on the PAST. Those who were around Michael in the PRESENT are the people I am willing to listen to.

We do not know for a FACT that Michael was abusing his medication. Until FACTS emerge it would be fairer to Michael to leave it at that.

DANG, not even in death ...