Lady Gaga

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Re: Why Lady Gaga's " Born This Way" May Save The Music Industry

Thriller isn't the biggest selling album in the US anyway, guys.

Americano is stuck in my head. Aaaa America, Americanooo. LOL.

Yes, it is. Michael's Thriller has surpassed The Eagles album sales in the US since 2009.

Edit- Also I believe Thriller will be the first album in the US to reach 30 million in sales. :yes:
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Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

I think Gaga's new album, BTW, is her best ever. It has true artistic integrity and has a wonderful message. She mixes so many different types of music and makes it her own. I also appreciate it that she does more singing on this album than ever before. Many people don't realize just how good of a vocalist Gaga is. Girl can really sing. And did you guys know that she spent 5 hours yesterday signing albums for fans??? How awesome is that? She stayed until the very last fan. I love this woman! She's so kind.
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

Let's try to remember we can be multifaceted fans of MJ. We all have many interests, but what draws us back to this forum again and again is to celebrate and discuss MJ.
People can go to many different places - we are not with one another 24/7- but while they are here, they are apart of this community where they can discuss, however vehemently they wish, varied topics, and feel confortable doing so. And even with all of the other interests, they still come back here. Let's try to remember this when we want to question someone's motives. :flowers:
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Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

I think Gaga's new album, BTW, is her best ever. It has true artistic integrity and has a wonderful message. She mixes so many different types of music and makes it her own. I also appreciate it that she does more singing on this album than ever before. Many people don't realize just how good of a vocalist Gaga is. Girl can really sing. And did you guys know that she spent 5 hours yesterday signing albums for fans??? How awesome is that? She stayed until the very last fan. I love this woman! She's so kind.
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

That is a really nice thing for her to do. I don't really care for her music these days, but I do think she is a genuine person, but she goes too far with this I'm a freak thing.

Lady Gaga isn't trying to be a "freak". She's just playing dress up, expressing herself, and in doing so she is trying to convey the message that it's okay to look, act, feel, and be whoever it is you are. The whole image thing is just that, an image. That is not who she is as a person. She's playing with the media much in the way Madonna and MJ did. That's what's so exciting about her for me. No one has come along since MJ and Madonna that really grabbed the media and toyed with them and caused so much excitement (and I realize that the media turned on MJ in the end but in the beginning he had control). And to top it all off, Gaga has a really inspiring message of unity and love. I can't help but appreciate it.

I am appreciating her more each day! She has incredible talent and such a wide vocal range.

Lady Gaga isn't trying to be a "freak". She's just playing dress up, expressing herself, and in doing so she is trying to convey the message that it's okay to look, act, feel, and be whoever it is you are. The whole image thing is just that, an image. That is not who she is as a person. She's playing with the media much in the way Madonna and MJ did. That's what's so exciting about her for me. No one has come along since MJ and Madonna that really grabbed the media and toyed with them and caused so much excitement (and I realize that the media turned on MJ in the end but in the beginning he had control). And to top it all off, Gaga has a really inspiring message of unity and love. I can't help but appreciate it.
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

I love the album!!!

"I don't speak German but I can if you like."
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

I just finished listening to Lady Gaga new album. It's great, I really like it. :D
My favorite songs are Bad Kids, Scheibe, Black Jesus + Amen Fashion, and Judas. :)

I just seen this video of Lady Gaga eating paper. :unsure:
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Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

Ok guys Please stop arguing and attacking each other in this thread.
by all means voice your own opinion on Lady Gaga and NOT on how you feel about those voicing thier opinion.
It might be more productive for this thread if Travis and Alma STOP adressing each others posts all together becuase
the constant arguing is derailing this thread. There is no need to demean someone elses opinion to voice your own.

No need to reply to my request. Just please agree to disagree and get this thread back on track :)

Thank for your cooperation
Qbee -
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Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

^*rolls eyes*

Has anyone seen the new ad for Google chrome with Gaga?

Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

This thread has been cleaned and closed temporary for review
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

^ Thank you. :)

I have just cleaned out a few more posts.. It's ridiculous it has had to come to this but this is now a Gaga fan thread...
If you don't like her, fair enough, move on? I actually don't know how people find the energy to worry and argue over someone they don't even like? Oh well, each to their own.

Carry on guys. :)
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

^ Thank you. :)

I have just cleaned out a few more posts.. It's ridiculous it has had to come to this but this is now a Gaga fan thread...
If you don't like her, fair enough, move on? I actually don't know how people find the energy to worry and argue over someone they don't even like? Oh well, each to their own.

Carry on guys. :)

Thank you! I would love for people to be able to discuss varying opinions rationally and with kindness and understanding but that's obviously not possible for everyone.

Moving on...

Lady Gaga makes her third Rolling Stone cover in just over two years!

Re: Lady Gaga Thread - For fans

I think it's a bit exaggerated to exclude this thread from any debate about Gaga just because one or two people got into a personal disagreement. I'm not a fan of Gaga but I'm not a hater either. So am I allowed to post here or not? Or only when it's pro-Gaga? I don't see how that could possibly generate a fruitful or interesting discussion. When you are dealing with controversial artists like Gaga, there are bound to be a wide range of opinions. As long as they are expressed respectfully, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be posted on a discussion board. Just my 2 cents.

Anyway, did anyone see Gaga's interview with David Letterman a few days ago? I saw a good part of it but YT decided to take it off due to copyright issues while I was watching it so I couldn't see the whole thing :( I watched until the part she says she likes that Letterman's paper is blue cause she can lean over and read the questions or something... I missed the part above where she eats the paper. She is so crazy, lol. She was funny though.. and flirting with old Letterman, which kinda grossed me out :lol:
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

Thank you! I would love for people to be able to discuss varying opinions rationally and with kindness and understanding but that's obviously not possible for everyone.

Moving on...

Lady Gaga makes her third Rolling Stone cover in just over two years!


She is naturally pretty (imo, judging from pre-fame pictures), I don't understand why she chooses to make herself look uglier. I mean she still looks good, but look at those eyebrows for example... is there anyone who finds that attractive? It makes her nose look very big. I don't like her make-up at all either, could be so much better. But I guess she is trying to make a statement?

Edit: btw I think people who claim Gaga is into the occult have never seen documentaries or private videos about her. I have, and the first thing that struck me is how very religious she is. She was like praying and talking about God half the time. She went to a strict Catholic school (taught by nuns) and she has obvious religious themes in her music ("God makes no mistakes", "Jesus is my virtue" etc.). I don't know many other pop stars who do that nowadays. So Gaga would be the last person I'd accuse of being anti-religion, despite her obvious attempts to rile up Christian fundies, lol.
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Re: Lady Gaga Thread - For fans

Debate is fine, arguing however is not.
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - For fans

Debate is fine, arguing however is not.

But what makes you think non-fans are only out to argue (as the thread title implies)? I think by adding the tag "fans only" you keep away people that might have a valuable opinion on her but are afraid to post it here cause their opinion maybe isn't praising Gaga as her fans would. I just don't think the measure is proportionate, should two people getting into a personal disagreement really be a reason to change the rules of a thread where hundreds of active members could potentially participate in?
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - For fans

Interesting. Fans only can comment here. I presume that this applies to the other artists that have a separate thread here as well and not only Lady Gaga, right? And i would also like to ask this. If someone is a lady Gaga fan but doesn't think that whateve she does is unique, groundbreaking,loving, honest or whatever ie. someone who likes her music and her but is objective , doesn't he or she has the right to comment here?
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - For fans

Interesting. Fans only can comment here. I presume that this applies to the other artists that have a separate thread here as well and not only Lady Gaga, right? And i would also like to ask this. If someone is a lady Gaga fan but doesn't think that whateve she does is unique, groundbreaking,loving, honest or whatever ie. someone who likes her music and her but is objective , doesn't he or she has the right to comment here?

Doesn't the thread title alone pretty much explain things? Is it really that hard to grasp the concept? It seems like you guys are trying to but the mods chops whenever they are only trying to help by deeming this a safe place for Gaga fans to go without persecution. It had previously gotten out of control and the mods had to step in due to the extreme nature of accusations and prejudice against Lady Gaga and her fans. So, if someone wants to rip Gaga to shreds, this isn't the topic for you. Start another one. However, if you're a fan and would like to have rational and reasonable discussion about Gaga, her music and whatever else... feel free. Make sense? These type of topics have existed for artists since as long as I can remember... It's nothing new.

Topic = Safe haven for fans
Re: Lady Gaga Thread - All Gaga talk in here.

I just seen this video of Lady Gaga eating paper. :unsure:

I live in Japan and I heard the story that she ate the script during a talk show, and I was thinking "Oh no is she trying to be a real freak? Was she even sober when recording that talk show?"
But now that I've seen the actual scene, she's not acting as freaky as I thought. Actually it was quite funny.
It seems I was wrong trying to keep some peace on the board. :rolleyes:

This topic is now open for all discussion.. Love or hate her, post away.
Just rememeber to be respectful towards each others opinions. Thanks.
But what makes you think non-fans are only out to argue (as the thread title implies)? I think by adding the tag "fans only" you keep away people that might have a valuable opinion on her but are afraid to post it here cause their opinion maybe isn't praising Gaga as her fans would. I just don't think the measure is proportionate, should two people getting into a personal disagreement really be a reason to change the rules of a thread where hundreds of active members could potentially participate in?

Thank you for this post. ...

I'll be back once I'm done with fearing about how to post and once the stupid prejudice that those who criticize a certain someone is automatically a hater or doesn't have anything 'valuable' or 'positive' to say is overcome. People are not gonna get silenced because of others not liking what they read, due to which we're unjustly labeled as hateful, idiotic or plain stupid. We're realists, nothing more, nothing less, who so happen to be concerned for the future of our unborn children, but especially for the future of those who are already living on this earth. Which means being moral and empathetic toward innocence, say, given that it's getting trampled on and stifled and violated more and more, and kids today are far from being the kids that once were. Sorry for being so unrelaxed and serious and crazy about that, blame life. Problem with the world is that's getting more and more self-indulgent, so screw morals, screw real art, screw real missions to be followed and good, valuable influence, screw our future. Glorify the moment, the evanescent taste of sweet abandonement, the personal wants and needs.

Also, people shouldn't be challenged into arguments for the sake of that like it's happened, which is only a proof of immaturity and of shaming the interlocutor. ...

ps: We genuinely appreciate the change of the thread's title, though. Thank you for that...

ps: I really like the melody of song, "Edge Of Glory". I do. ..
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It seems I was wrong trying to keep some peace on the board. :rolleyes:

This topic is now open for all discussion.. Love or hate her, post away.
Just rememeber to be respectful towards each others opinions. Thanks.

No, I understand that your intentions were right, I just thought the measure was a bit disproportionate. Maybe it would be better to address the posters who derail the thread or argue with each other individually, rather than imposing a general ban for non-fans. I was just trying to share some input, that's all :) Thanks for changing the title back.

@ Alma, I know you are concerned about these things but I don't think it's necessary to repeat your point of view so much. I do listen, even though I don't always agree with you. I may be an optimist by nature but I really feel you are just too gloomy and negative about a lot of things. Lady Gaga is not as evil as you think she is. Have you ever seen private recordings or documentaries about her? She appears to be very sweet and down-to-earth, even though I'm not a fan of her public image (as I feel it's contrived and takes away from her musical abilities, which she does have). She is also clearly religious and is much more vocal about it than almost any other popstar I know. She is able to make millions of people, among which many agnostics and atheists, sing along to lyrics like "God makes no mistakes" and "Jesus is my virtue". How can that possibly be a bad thing from a religious perspective? She is making religion relevant again in an era when most people (at least in Western Europe) can't even remember the names of the apostles anymore. One look at the video for "Judas" provides the answer to that ;) I feel you are looking too far into her controversial public attitude when it comes to Christianity. It's obvious to me she is doing this for the sake of being controversial. She knows it will garner her loads of attention and Christian fundamentalists are one of the easiest groups to offend. And even if she damages religion, there are many scientific studies that show there is no connection whatsoever between religion and morality or crime in society. As a matter of fact, the more secular countries (such as Scandinavia and Japan) rank much better in almost any category (crime, teen pregnancies, drug abuse, etc.) than the more religious countries (such as the USA or certain Eastern European countries). People do not need religion to be good, moral citizens (but that is a whole other can of worms, lol). My point is, if you really think Gaga has any influence on any of the things you just mentioned in your post, then you are giving her way too much credit. Gaga is a good person in her own way, she just doesn't fit into your Christian perception of what is "good" or "moral".
Lady Gaga is a positive role model, love it or hate it. I've said it already twice in this thread, but to me her overall message is about loving yourself and being who you are, no matter what people think. I don't understand why people are so negative towards her or brand her message as negative. I can understand the feeling over her controversy with her outfits or behaviour, but she's still out there doing what she loves and not giving a damn what people think. I can admire that greatly in a person.
Please get back to the TOPIC
Lady Gaga not the mods decision and each other please STOP ..

This thread is open for ALL members to discus Lady gaga
Debate your points and views but not the charater of those giving
thier View .. So MOVE on please ... Thanks

Please NOTE
All members are allowed to discuss Lady GaGa
any post going off topic Will be deleted and anyone
attacking other members for thier view will be deleted
and infractions given.

If you see any post attcking another member please report it
Do not report posts becuase someone doesnt like lady gaga.

Many are attacking our decision no matter which way we go
but you were not present when we had to delete over 20
Posts and have members threatenting to leave the board
etc etc ... ENUFF ..

Please DONT derail this thread any further. Tired of Baby sitting

Thank you for you cooperation :)
If you dont wish to cooperate then please dont post in here period.
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Not sure what happened in the meantime... My post ended with a line saying I liked 'The Edge Of Glory', which I do.. What wrong did I do by that, and why my whole post got deleted - what was wrong about it, I'd like to know? .... I reported nobody on here either.

edit: now I see they're back... or I mus've been blind earlier.. :unsure:
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Alma you posts is back I deleted it by mistake. trying to remove off topic posts
Please read the post above and lets all stay on topic now.
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