Lady Gaga: New ALBUM Will Change The World

The topic title is very misleading and the media and blogs everywhere are trying to make more of this than there is to it. If you actually read the article, she isn't referring to the world as in it's entirety but rather her fans.

good point
She has a new album coming out already?

These people need to take breaks! Take a year or two out and write music, then come back with an album.

You know who does it well? Justin Timberlake. He's had two albums since he went solo in 2002. Both were great and he isnt suffering from over-exposure.

Beyonce and Gaga need to follow Justin's lead. Which was undoubtedly Michael's lead, and it worked amazingly for him.

Taking time off has nothing to do with it. Take Beyonce's 2003 album and her 2008 album, and she has still outsold Justin Timberlake both US and worldwide. You can't do that nowadays, just ask Christina Aguilera. The public might not be as receptive to you after not being around for so long.
I love her, but the best way to have a bomb, is to tell us how you're going to change our world.

I like her confidence, but she should tone it down. If she doesn't, others are going to dumb all over the album to do the toning down for her But I am anxious to hear it.
See this kind of thing is why I just can't get on board with this whole lady gaga thing. Comments like this are such a turn off. Seems like she thinks she's a whole lot more important than she is.
^^^And this is why my angel MJ was so special. Despite his great ambitions and working impossibly hard to give the world his very best, he always remained humble.

Unfortunately, Lady Gaga is going to learn that's the way to be the hard way. The backlash has already started and the album isn't even out yet.
Now she has just put herself under loads of unnecessary pressure.......

.......Not only does her album have to be a hit, but now it has to outsell all her previous albums!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking time off has nothing to do with it. Take Beyonce's 2003 album and her 2008 album, and she has still outsold Justin Timberlake both US and worldwide. You can't do that nowadays, just ask Christina Aguilera. The public might not be as receptive to you after not being around for so long.

You can still suffer from overexposure. Which Beyonce is doing and has done, and Gaga is in danger of doing.
It will 'change the world' in a sense that we'll never want to hear auto-tune again...
Again, if people read the article she never actually said what you guys are talking about. It's being taken out of context. You would think MJ fans would be more cautious and not just accept everything at face value but I guess not.
Again, if people read the article she never actually said what you guys are talking about. It's being taken out of context. You would think MJ fans would be more cautious and not just accept everything at face value but I guess not.

This is true.
Again, if people read the article she never actually said what you guys are talking about. It's being taken out of context. You would think MJ fans would be more cautious and not just accept everything at face value but I guess not.

wouldn't it drive you crazy if people spoke to you in cryptic language? people always get mad if a person isn't a straight shooter when talking. taking something out of context...clever language...two people getting two different ideas from the same article...or song, or whatever...i think fans can be forgiven for how they receive something, if such effort is going to be made to write such articles. why is it that so many people think GaGa is arrogant? are all those people stupid?

MJ fans should be given a lot of rope to work's not as if their idol was given the same plus or minus margin for error as other artists's not as if fans of other artists have been through as much as MJ fans..and it's not as if any articles about MJ were written in cryptic language that can be easily taken out of context...whatever that context may be. since this is about MJ fans, since when did MJ come out and say anything louder than his music said it? GaGa is speaking large, and we haven't heard the music yet. she used the term 'world'...whether or not, that means her fans(which may be quite a few), the term 'world' is what it is. explain to us, why the word 'world' suddenly must really have a different meaning, all of a sudden. show us the entire context, you are talking about. where in the article did you see the clues that make you draw your conclusions? i didn't notice it in any of your previous posts..maybe we just need another post, giving us a closer look.
I can only speak for myself but there are several parts in this interview that sound pretty arrogant to me. (even if I ignore the title)
Not to mention the other times I have heard her talk about herself which made her sound arrogant imo.

I don't see how as MJ fans we aren't allowed to say that these are arrogant things to say.
If some don't find this arrogant that's fine. Let's agree to disagree then.
I don't really see what is so offensive about others commenting that they do think it's arrogance and that they don't care for it.
People have different views of what they find attactive in an artist appariantly and I think people are allowed to express that here.
Or did I misunderstand the problem?

On another note,I agree with the following: If she is so confident in her music why not let the music speak for itself? That's what most great artists do,they don't need to hype themselves up to people. But I guess that's just my view on it.
I can only speak for myself but there are several parts in this interview that sound pretty arrogant to me. (even if I ignore the title)
Not to mention the other times I have heard her talk about herself which made her sound arrogant imo.

I don't see how as MJ fans we aren't allowed to say that these are arrogant things to say.
If some don't find this arrogant that's fine. Let's agree to disagree then.
I don't really see what is so offensive about others commenting that they do think it's arrogance and that they don't care for it.
People have different views of what they find attactive in an artist appariantly and I think people are allowed to express that here.
Or did I misunderstand the problem?

On another note,I agree with the following: If she is so confident in her music why not let the music speak for itself? That's what most great artists do,they don't need to hype themselves up to people. But I guess that's just my view on it.


She's only been big in the business for about 2 years......

........Imagine if Michael and his brothers were like this when they were still pretty new..........

.........They would of been put out to dry..........

.........But these days they get praised for it!!!!!!.........

.........To me it reflects the desperate times the music industry is in!!!!!

And what happened about free speech........
......this is a forum.......'ll soon get boring if everyone has the same positive opinions!!!!!
Yeah right, her album will change the world. She is better than MJ and any other..... LOL
Honestly I don't care what a person says as long as the music is good and speaks for itself.

I don't dig Gaga's music. I have tried to enjoy it, but to be frank - it sucks.