Lady Gaga: New ALBUM Will Change The World


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lady GaGa sat down to RWD magazine to talk about her new album, ‘Born This Way’, recently. The singer/songwriter revealed that record entails some of the best material that she has ever put forward and that her ideas even impressed fellow superstar Beyonce. Check out what GaGa said below:

“The album is my absolute greatest work I’ve ever done and I’m so excited about it,” she told RWD Magazine.

“The message, the melodies, the direction, the meaning, what it will mean to my fans and what it will mean in my own life – it’s utter liberation.

“I knew I had an ability to change the world when I started to receive letters from fans: ‘You saved my life…’ ‘I’m gay and my parents threw me out…’

“My fans have related to me as a human being and as a non-human being – as a super-human person that I truly am.”

The ‘Alejandro‘ star also said that she is not arrogant, insisting that music is the only thing she feels confident about.

She continued: “Everyone tells me I’m arrogant but my music’s the only
thing I’ve got, so you’ll have to let me be confident about one thing. I suppose that’s what you can expect from the album: a lot of hit records that will piss people off.

“Beyoncé said: ‘Where the f**k do you get these ideas from?’ And I was like: ‘I don’t know Bee, it was just the way I was born’.”
She shouldnt get so ahead of herself. Theres being confident and then theres.......this.

Shes doing well, but she's still got a long way to go.
She better shut up because it could fail and if it does...ouch.
^ In a recent CNN Entertainment poll, (yeah I know it's not some super research poll) The question was "Are you tired of Lady Gaga?" and I believe more than 70% said yes. I think the poll is very reflective of something, she may have some notoriety at the moment, but she doesn't have a lot of respect towards her. Wearing the meat dress didn't help :lol:
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I can't think of a truely great artist who isn't humble

read into that what you will
I think she is extremely talented....meaning her voice is good....I just don't think she is showcasing it with the right style music. IMHO...I think she would do alot better without all those goofy costumes.
She has a new album coming out already?

These people need to take breaks! Take a year or two out and write music, then come back with an album.

You know who does it well? Justin Timberlake. He's had two albums since he went solo in 2002. Both were great and he isnt suffering from over-exposure.

Beyonce and Gaga need to follow Justin's lead. Which was undoubtedly Michael's lead, and it worked amazingly for him.
who does she think she is, a modern MJ ??

I found her amusing at first, but not her attention seeking with her costumes and behaviour is just annoying the hell out of me !!
The topic title is very misleading and the media and blogs everywhere are trying to make more of this than there is to it. If you actually read the article, she isn't referring to the world as in it's entirety but rather her fans.
As long as it has a good message (I liked what she sang when he got her 8th award), then I'm happy. I don't like her attitude but music speaks volumes.
Strange that Gaga can say things like "I am superhuman" and the media celebrates her. Imagine if MJ had said things like that....

Anyway, I think Lady Gaga is overrated and overhyped.
Strange that Gaga can say things like "I am superhuman" and the media celebrates her. Imagine if MJ had said things like that....

Second this. I promised myself I wasn't gonna post in this thread but you said exactly what I was thinking so I felt I needed to comment.
Look at the backlash Kanye got from talking like that,yet now...nothing.
Arrogance is never attractive to me.(No matter who it is) It's one thing to think it no need to share it with the rest of the world. (imo)
Strange that Gaga can say things like "I am superhuman" and the media celebrates her. Imagine if MJ had said things like that....

Anyway, I think Lady Gaga is overrated and overhyped.

Why did I not think of that? :doh:

Thanks for highlighting that
i like some of her stuff, but seriously... i find her annoying now.
i hope she will soon fade away.
I despise the arrogant, especially when they are mediocre, as Gaga has proven herself to be time and time again. An artist who is truly confident about his music lets the music speak for itself. He needs not boast about how amazing it is because the truth will be self-evident.

Self-advertisement is beneath a true artist.

Moreover, I don't see how her material could possibly save anyone's life, but then again, everyone has things they are inexplicably attached to so it is not my place to comment on such personal things. I will say, however, that better artists, like t.A.T.u., supported the gays long before it became popular to do so, and their songs have relevance and meaning to the gay struggle.

If Gaga truly cares about that cause, she should show it. She should also know her place and realize that she's really nothing special. Neither is Beyonce, for that matter, so impressing her isn't really, well, impressive.

True artists have long since been scarce, and their talent shines through no matter what their endeavour is. Its splendour is evident for all to see, unquestionable and genius.

Gaga is nothing of the sort. She's a shock entertainer at best--a female Marilyn Manson with absolutely no redeeming quality. The best she can do is make catchy music that is good for clubs and working out--not work for the ages. This next album will not change the world because she's not revolutionary. She's pathetically ordinary, which is why people embrace her so dearly.
I can't think of a truely great artist who isn't humble

read into that what you will

yours is the post of the day, michael4eva.

there's only one question people have to look deep into their hearts and ask. if the music doesn't have terrestrial radio jamming it down your throat, can the music survive?