Lady GaGa: “I Have One Of The Greatest Voices In The Industry”

you forgot this...

Regarding GaGa’s comments toward lip-syncing and pelvic thrusting, it is rather amusing that she would highlight those points, especially since the most renowned such offender in Pop music today (Britney Spears) was praising her just earlier today. Hilarious.


billyworld99;3239606 said:
“ I am not going to saunter around the stage doing pelvic thrusts and lip-synching "

IS SHE REFERRING TO MJ? I hope not....she should really try to be humble (just because she writes song & sang live) there are many artist also that write songs & sang live though not famous just like her.... she's not the only one, she got talent, she's ok...i like some of here songs. But i dont like her neither hate her though just a matter of opinion.
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If she's comparing herself to Britney, Rihanna,etc. Then yes her voice is great, but compared to the likes of Christina Aguilera, Beyonce and others, no her voice is not that great.

Lady Gaga's voice is not special. Her tone isn't great or unique. There's nothing that stands out about it and she doesn't have much range. Her voice is a bit above average, but that's it.

She isn't as great as she thinks she is and her voice is really just OKAY.
Can you imagine....the biggest star that ever lived was so humble.
And she is so full of it. I don"t like it. Even if she becomes who knows what...don"t brag about yourself..just don"t.
If you are so good, the other will do it for you.
If any other artist said that then they would be crucified for it...........

But since Gaga can do no wrong..........this almost being ignored by the media!!!!
If any other artist said that then they would be crucified for it...........

But since Gaga can do no wrong..........this almost being ignored by the media!!!!

For now, anyway. Germanotta seems to be too stupid to realize, or perhaps utterly unwilling to understand for some reason unknown to us, that what goes up must go down. More importantly and specifically, the media loves to build heroes, to hype up even ordinary things like that, in due time, they can tear them down piece by piece in vicious fashion, like a rabid German shepherd does a rat. It's happened countless times, to countless seems to be the more sadistic side of human/group nature. If Germanotta has any brains, she better milk her 15 for all they're worth and get on out of there before the backlash bites her in the @$$.

There's a reason why so many incredibly talented people choose to remain private citizens, or to tread humbly across the fickle roads of fame. Geniuses like Tom Lehrer (Harvard graduate to boot!), whose wit, charm, singing/piano-playing/composing/mathematical talent are utterly peerless, know better than to act in arrogant manner. In fact, Tom was, during the height of his fame, a very private person. Who can tell us a scandal involving Tom Lehrer? He chose to disappear off the face of the planet for a reason, that one being to salvage his sanity and his chance at living something we could recognize as a life.

It's the idiots who expose themselves fully to that world, who dare to toot their own horns and place themselves upon a pedestal, who ultimately get slammed the most. No matter how good something is [or in this case, how over-hyped], everyone gets tired of it after a while, and the next thing comes...there's got to be room made for it, and this is achieved by the obliteration of its predecessor. Interesting thing, fame. This is why I've never wanted to be famous.

All I have to say to her is, "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Those who forget pasta are doomed to reheat it." :p
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Lady Gaga can sing. But does she have longevity in this business, that is the question.
I like Lady GaGa. Her voice is decent enough. Her songs are catchy. But in terms of songwriting ability she is nothing special at all.
She is indeed talented, But Arrogance is such an ugly quality, Why not take a page out of the Michael Jackson book, and be humble, Its much more attractive...
in all honesty..i think shes rubbish :girl_whistle:

Nicely said...I agree....Catchy tunes, but nothing incredibly special...I think she has a good voice, but again, nothing unique or special....
A positive thing i can say about her is that her music is alot better than some of the crap other singers are getting away with putting out now a days.
I do like lady gaga's music but do i think she has the greatest voice umm nope.

Now a female singer who does have a great voice is christina aguilera...even if she does mess up the national anthem lol
She is indeed talented, But Arrogance is such an ugly quality, Why not take a page out of the Michael Jackson book, and be humble, Its much more attractive...

That seems to be her greatest flaw, yes. That, and the delusion of originality/rebelliousness she seems to be under. If she was truly any of those things, she wouldn't have the mass appeal she does--she's just a product of the times, like most mainstream artists, and is not against the status quo because her massive popularity makes the likes of her the status quo by definition. The truly anti-status quo/revolutionary artists are rarely mainstream, because even if they have talent (Gaga does have talent, as does Ke$ha, neither one of them overwhelmingly, but it's still there) once the hit mainstream, they're forced to basically sell out and produce, for lack of a better term, generic, soul-less music which basically sounds the same no matter who's singing it...

It's no secret that the most talented artists are found outside of the Hot Billboard charts and pop music station. Try looking up the likes of Emilie Autumn--now there's some true talent--the girl can sing (and has a truly amazing voice range, from beautiful soprano to a raspy alto-ish tone,) play the piano, violin, harpsichord, writes her own material which has depth and meaning, and does music from all different genres, from metal to classical and baroque music, and is an artist as well. That's truly a priced gem right there--yet not many have heard of her. Why? Because she won't sell out like the rest, and produce things which are meant to be mass-marketed to sell singles and rake in the cash quickly.

There's a reason why mediocre artists like the ones we have today release albums in such rapid sequence--because the amount of thought and dedication that goes into them is minimal at best, as they are pressured by their record companies to come up with the next big single, ad infinitum. Gone are the days when one would have to wait three to five years to get a new album with stuff that actually sounds like some thought was put into it. Now, it's all just cold, lifeless electronic beats with auto-tuned voices, all having the same theme. It's like being on the road to nowhere--fast.