Ladies: Whats the first thing that turns you on, in a man?


But seriously, I met someone who was so freakin nice. I mean like, saintly nice. I found myself VERY attracted to this. Sometimes when you find people who have qualities that you strive for, even if you are not immediately attracted to them, you can find yourself uncontrollably attracted to them.

(It also didn't hurt that he was very cute). But he ws so nice and so mild tempered. he never got mad. It was amazing to me and bewildering. It makes me think good of people and makes me hopeful. It was very sexy!! :shifty:
Eyes and smile are the things I notice first. I like brown haired men (I don't think a blond guy would be totally out of the question if he was otherwise nice lol). And arms. Nice, muscular arms.. :blush:

Physically the looks doesn't really matter though, he just has to be somewhat in good shape but mostly it's the personality and they way he treats me/others what matters.
I know, I'm awesome. Furthermore...

Why is it that when girls are asked what kind of personality traits they look for in a man, it's always some sentimental shit like "sensitivity, kindness, good listener, blah blah blah" but the dudes who are renowned for raking in the most tail in real life aren't like that? This is why if you're a guy you should never ask a girl for advice on picking up girls. Instead of trying to legitimately help you succeed, they are prone to filling your head with lies to make themselves feel better about the gluttons for punishment that they are.
I like man who isn't very tall because I'm a shorty myself :p
Beautiful eyes, dark hair preferably not too short cut, cute smile and a nice behind ;)
Hmm, lemme think... :cheeky:
A good body (no fat!! but also not too muscular), tall (but not too tall), a nice bum, a nice smile, a gentle soul, intelligent, a bit of class, no beard or moustache, not bald, dark hair, honest (no player)...
I could go on and on! :lol:
Uhm.. nice eyes and smile and he must take care of himself properly and some sense of style might be a plus too. Not that he has to wear a suit but I don't like thorn shoes, jeans with holes and overwashed shirts. He doesn't have to have a sixpack but I don't like a beer belly either and no beard/moustache. Ohh and it would be a huge plus if he didn't smoke or drinks to much.

And ofcourse he has to have a good inside, treat me well and not be a jerk or someone who is so full of himself.
For me, it's his voice & the way he carries himslef. I like man who is strong- he doesn't take crap from anyone. A man who will be there for me.
Artistic, Somewhat Smiley, Long haired, Intelligent, Empath. :shuriken:
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I'm a girl that likes guys who are kind, would be there for me, is funny, and someone that loves me for me. I've been with my boyfriend for a year now and we have been going slow by being friends first and then we were boyfriend/girlfriend. What's the point of being with a guy that you hardly know? Get to know him!
Nice choices, ladies :clap:

I love a genuine smile and dark almond eyes :blush:

Also well build not 'overbuild' and everything in the right size :shutup:

Also intelligence, kindness and gentlemen 'flare' are on top of my list...

It's so hard to beat Michael Jackson, isn't it guys :cheeky:
Well Daryll, since you bumped this thread from last month and Wendijane bumped it from 2010,
I guess I'll respond now.

The first thing that turns me on in a man would be his approach.
If he approaches me correct then there's hope for what's next. As long as
he's not a dog and he smells good, you know, well groomed, that's a turn on.
Then if he's established, independent and employed that would be nice too. :D
lol this thread is worth to get a bump:

major turn ons for me are:
- humor
- manners
- serenity
- knowing what they want in life and going for it
- not too proud and macho to clean a toilet at times(and hey I'm not necessarily talking about mine but it wouldn't hurt!), not to stupid to cook at times, able to clean the dishes at times not imediately crying for a machine, not fearing work

major turn offs:
- treating others with disrespect, no matter whom
- no energy but most laziness, no creativity
- finding excuses instead of starting any effort
- not even able to do some eggs for himself
- not knowing how to iron his own shirts or able to buy underwear for himself
lol this thread is worth to get a bump:

major turn ons for me are:
- humor
- manners
- serenity
- knowing what they want in life and going for it
- not too proud and macho to clean a toilet at times(and hey I'm not necessarily talking about mine but it wouldn't hurt!), not to stupid to cook at times, able to clean the dishes at times not imediately crying for a machine, not fearing work

major turn offs:
- treating others with disrespect, no matter whom
- no energy but most laziness, no creativity
- finding excuses instead of starting any effort
- not even able to do some eggs for himself
- not knowing how to iron his own shirts or able to buy underwear for himself

I see you too got some 'experience' in the MEN department :cheeky:

Indeed, where can you find a man that is both gentleman and not picky enough to get his hands dirty hey :smilerolleyes:

It's also the 'little' things that turn you on... like the way they say hello to you or the way they act towards other people and even what their views are on certain topics... Ah, men hey :dont_mention_it:
Personality wise - Acts dopey / silly and cute and is very attentive to my needs.

Physically - Dark hair, smiles a lot and makes that sex face look men do :brow: (if you know what I mean).

I also like a man in a cardigan ...don't ask me why lol :swoon: