Ladies: Whats the first thing that turns you on, in a man?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok so I was thinking about something. Theres this guy friend of mine, who I just met well I'd say about 4 years ago, maybe 5 while I was working at the movies. Theres something about him that is ssooo attractive and I don't quite know yet - because he normally is not someone I would even go for anyway. lol. Hes a bit husky, tall I love tall... he has brown eyes and ladies I'm talking about the most beautiful brown eyes ; almost chocolate brown. He has long eyelashes- I effin looovve longass eyelashes... and most of all he has personality / swagger.

so I would say what turns me on in a man?? All of the above. I love tall, now don't take it the wrong way- I love big men but big muscular men. lol. I'm attracted to a man who is in shape / has a good physique.

so now I ask you ladies what is the most, the first thing in a man that you are so attracted to??
That's not possible. The most beautiful brown eyes belong to Michael. :p

Anyway, what really turns me on in a man is intelligence. The absence of a beard and mustache is a plus too. I like skinny to average-built men. I prefer my men to be older than I. I love Anderson Cooper-like silver foxes. :D

That's basically what I look for in guys who are not fictional book/anime characters or dead. :)
I probably worded that incorrectly. Of course I love intelligence.... I meant to say physically. Forget intelliegence for a second lol.
If he has humour, intellect, compassion and so forth, than I'll find him to be a turn on pretty much regardless. I liked blonde men, dark men, doesn't really matter. If the guy is THE GUY than his physique isn't what's gonna stop it. Really.

It's usually the eyes that say a lot, the way he's looking at the world, the way he carries himself.

And of course, the way he's looking AT ME. :punk::rofl:
I can't say what kind of looks would "turn me on" because it's not really about looks to me...Looks can make me turn my head and look twice but that's about it. What I love and rate very very high are a great sense of humor, good manners and being GENUINLY kind. If the guy can make me laugh and if I see he's nice to, not only me, but to EVERYONE, if I see he is helpful, isn't arrogant, if he doesn't flirt with everyone and their mother, if he's smart and interested in things and if he knows how to LISTEN when I talk...then I'm definately interested. If the guy has a good heart and is funny and smart...that's my kind of guy. I don't like arrogant machos and players who don't have manners or who aren't interested in anything intellectual. Or who constantly get into fights or tell everyone to "eff off" because they can't have an intellectual conversation or discussion with someone. And I also don't like nerds who take themselves too seriously and can't laugh at themselves or those who think joking around is "childish". I LOVE to laugh so I could never be with someone who wouldn't get my jokes and wouldn't like to joke around too.

Anyways, basically a smart, funny guy, with a heart of gold is someone who'll get me interested. :yes: And looks...well, he just has to have that "something" lookswise. What that is? Only God knows. I can't describe it better than that. There has to be "something". I'll know when I see it.
When my boo comes out the shower and i just stop and look at his body all wet up....
A pleasant, friendly smile is always nice. Expressive eyes are nice too.
Those are nice qualities:yes: Got me thinking of this one line "Now I gotta find me a man/With sensitive eyes~" from the song "Find Me A Man" by Toni Braxton.

On the real, tho, when I think of the things in men that turn me on, it's not much about physical thang (Well, I would add "hands" that look good to my eyes:D) I could only find some turn-ons in a man when I have the chance to get to know him better, like becoming good friends first. Being able to be my friend-lover-brother, truly caring about my physical and emotional well-being, to name a few...These are what turn me on, to the point where I feel I'd give my all and make him feel good. In short, I got to be deeply in love to be turned on:wub:
Well seen as this thread is what FIRST turns you on in a man, it would have to be looks. Because if you don't like the look or someone, you're not really going to get to know them are you, unless you're already friends with them.

I love to see a gorgeous smile and nice teeth :) And beautiful eyes. And then nice hands :):)
Are the guys taking notes? Hehe
When I read the first post I thought it meant what do you think is most attractive when you first spot a cute guy, not the personality you look for in the one u wanna spend your life with, so I'll answer it superficially. For me it varies and it's hard to decide because every guy has his own unique look. I like a nice smile, and I like prominent cheek bones on girls and boys (I wish mine were!). A big turn off is when they look like they're having an identity crisis (trying to act gangster for example).
Well seen as this thread is what FIRST turns you on in a man, it would have to be looks. Because if you don't like the look or someone, you're not really going to get to know them are you, unless you're already friends with them.

I love to see a gorgeous smile and nice teeth :) And beautiful eyes. And then nice hands :):)

Are the guys taking notes? Hehe
When I read the first post I thought it meant what do you think is most attractive when you first spot a cute guy, not the personality you look for in the one u wanna spend your life with, so I'll answer it superficially. For me it varies and it's hard to decide because every guy has his own unique look. I like a nice smile, and I like prominent cheek bones on girls and boys (I wish mine were!). A big turn off is when they look like they're having an identity crisis (trying to act gangster for example).

To me it's not just the looks. I thought this thread was about "what is the first thing that TURNS YOU ON" in a man. I observe the guy as a whole and his personality and how he interacts with others and based on that I decide if I wanna meet him or keep talking to him if he comes to talk to me first. Not based on looks. If the guy seems arrogant or meanspirited or like he's a player, etc., I won't be interested, no matter how hot he looks. Maybe that's just me? Besides a random guy who just has great looks doesn't TURN ME ON ...but again, maybe that's just me? A guy I have gotten to know and who has something lookswise that gives me "butterflies" (a smile, a sparkle in the eyes...whatever..just something I find cute and endearing) and who has a heart of GOLD turns me on. But apparently I'm in the minority? Not that I care though. :lol:
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To me it's not just the looks. I thought this thread was about "what is the first thing that TURNS YOU ON" in a man. I observe the guy as a whole and his personality and how he interacts with others and based on that I decide if I wanna meet him or keep talking to him if he comes to talk to me first. Not based on looks. If the guy seems arrogant or meanspirited or like he's a player, etc., I won't be interested, no matter how hot he looks. Maybe that's just me? Besides a random guy who just has great looks doesn't TURN ME ON ...but again, maybe that's just me?

Good point, that is definitely a big part of how a guy "appears" imo too. LOL you're not alone, i don't think many of us get turned on just by seeing a nice guy, that's getting a bit too excited :p
No pressure guys, you just have to be;

Have nice hands/smile/teeth/cheekbones
Not a show-off
Long eyelashes/beautiful
Be compassionate..

No pressure guys, you just have to be;

Have nice hands/smile/teeth/cheekbones
Not a show-off
Long eyelashes/beautiful
Be compassionate..


As well as....

Well groomed
Hard working
Not cheap...

stupidity & cheating never ever work.
but i wont deny the past. i will admit the love in the past that had been a truth, and the cheating only make me give up from right the moment however damages i need to bear
1. Eyes... Okay... I've been crushing on this cutie for a year now and he has a really nice pair of sparkling light brown eyes... LMAO! Seriously, I hate to sound mushy but his eyes can really melt me to a puddle. Ohh.... it does things to me, I swear... :p

2. Smile... OMG!!!!! The same guy above has such a gorgeous beautiful smile... Kyaa.....
1. Eyes... Okay... I've been crushing on this cutie for a year now and he has a really nice pair of sparkling light brown eyes... LMAO! Seriously, I hate to sound mushy but his eyes can really melt me to a puddle. Ohh.... it does things to me, I swear... :p

2. Smile... OMG!!!!! The same guy above has such a gorgeous beautiful smile... Kyaa.....
I love tall, thin but healthy physique, long eyelashes and a nice butt ...
I get initimidated by good looks though.

of course intelliegence duh but I do get intimidated by that too
No pressure guys, you just have to be;

Have nice hands/smile/teeth/cheekbones
Not a show-off
Long eyelashes/beautiful
Be compassionate..


As well as....

Well groomed
Hard working
Not cheap...


In short, "Michael Jackson." :yes: