La Toya: The truth will come out in a month or two

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Have you ever been beaten into submission and had your entire worth knocked out of you by a man, had venom spit into your mind, been cut off from your family?

Leaving those situations takes will power and a sense of self. Those two things unfortunately are what an abuser will try to take from you. It takes time to get them back and get the strength to leave... if you EVER do. LaToya is lucky to be alive after Jack Gordon.

Please, try some empathy.

There is absolutely no excuse for what she said about Michael, I don't believe all her rubbish about being forced to do it, he also forced her to pose for playboy, come on it's all very convenient that everything she regrets doing she was forced into doing it. Who is she going to blame for making her tell all the stories she's telling now which include the crap about Paris.
There is absolutely no excuse for what she said about Michael, I don't believe all her rubbish about being forced to do it, he also forced her to pose for playboy, come on it's all very convenient that everything she regrets doing she was forced into doing it. Who is she going to blame for making her tell all the stories she's telling now which include the crap about Paris.

All her "rubbish" is very true. She was a beaten and abused woman. Threatened and scared. She is LUCKY to be alive after than man.

What she says now is on her own head. But the Jack Gordon part of La Toya's life is very real and very sad. Unfortunately it happens to women everywhere, everyday.
All her "rubbish" is very true. She was a beaten and abused woman. Threatened and scared. She is LUCKY to be alive after than man.

What she says now is on her own head. But the Jack Gordon part of La Toya's life is very real and very sad. Unfortunately it happens to women everywhere, everyday.

I don't like people not taking responsibility for their own actions. I understand the seriousness of domestic violence but i actually think La Toya used this as an excuse so that her family would accept her back after her comments, i know Michael forgave her but i doubt he ever trusted her again. I never really believed her excuses and the last few months have shown me that she will say anything to get attention just like she did in the past.
i love toy. i believe toy. and if the truth won't come out via the lapd then we can be sure toy will scream it from themountaintops
someone ask toy where is the money and jewellery, the three suspects are toy, Randy or murray .
I guess talking is good, in a sense, but then "sometimes" talking too much can get you in trouble. It can make you contradict yourself, if you're not careful.

Case in point, sometimes LaToya says that the family was being kept away from Michael. Now in this piece, when the interviewer asked her if she saw Michael a lot, she said "YES, WE DID." So which is it?

Anyway, as some here have said, you gotta take what Toy says with a HUGE grain of salt, but I will give her some props, because she was the first person to say: "My brother was murdered."
I guess talking is good, in a sense, but then "sometimes" talking too much can get you in trouble. It can make you contradict yourself, if you're not careful.

Case in point, sometimes LaToya says that the family was being kept away from Michael. Now in this piece, when the interviewer asked her if she saw Michael a lot, she said "YES, WE DID." So which is it?

Anyway, as some here have said, you gotta take what Toy says with a HUGE grain of salt, but I will give her some props, because she was the first person to say: "My brother was murdered."

But can we really call it murder, i know they are calling it homicide but i see murder as being something premeditated which i don't believe this was. Manslaughter yes but until the full story comes out from the LAPD murder is just a bit too strong a word for me.
Come on and she was also forced to call Michael a pedo*****, i don't accept any of that she was old enough to make her own decisions and leave him if she had to. She is just plain dumb, everyone can she through her lame attempts to create a name for herself other than the one she already has and deserves.

That's the grudge I hold against her the most. The whole TV press/pedophile thing. It wasn't bad enough she lied about doing Playboy to her family...:rolleyes:

You really have to be out of your wits for your husband to brainwash you like that, and going by her 1984 interview with Michael at home (which is a cute interview by the way - look it up - it's on youtube) she seemd like a very strong woman who took no BS from anyone. I don't buy the "he made me do it" bit. Not at all. From what I read she was always a bit envious of Michael's success especially seeing how all her albums flopped.

Like I said, she has proven more then once to not be a believable character. She sells her niece and nephew's stories to The Sun, things that were so private, that had Michael been alive, he would have been very upset by it. This is why I take her comments with a grain of salt. :rolleyes:
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keeping in mind she hears more about what's going on with the investigation and stuff I think I believe her.
we just have to wait and see what happens
keeping in mind she hears more about what's going on with the investigation and stuff I think I believe her.
we just have to wait and see what happens

I don't think she does hear much more than the rest of us, we our following and listening to every snipet of information i doubt she is doing the same, she is to busy traveling the world trying to make a name for herself, she already said the O2 shows were back to back, shows what she knew about her brothers life.
The venom in this thread is extremely disheartening, and I truly expect better of Michael's fans. I watched the interview. LaToya came across as being sincere and careful, and her love for her brother is obvious. What she said about Michael being "controlled" fully correlates with Joseph's statements, and also those of the follower fans who said Michael's Security was keeping everone AWAY from him in those last weeks, and that the security detail TRIPLED on the night he died. No explanation has ever been given for that. We have now heard the same thing from THREE different sources, but I guess it would take a hundred for some to entertain that possibility?

I wouldn't say one ITunes song is much of an agenda for profit? She SAID all the proceeds go to one of Michael's charities, anyway.

What happened while she was in an abusive relationship has long been put-to-rest. The family accepted her back with open arms, and she has made public apologies (Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't recall Jermaine ever apologizing for "Word to the Badd?")

Judging from her body-language, her facial expressions and tone of voice, AND that she does not have a "cashing in" agenda or demeanor, I, for one, happen to believe her. Please desist with the abusiveness that has cropped up in this thread. I KNOW you guys are better than that. . . . . . It's ok to disagree, but not to be unkind at the level found here.
The venom in this thread is extremely disheartening, and I truly expect better of Michael's fans. I watched the interview. LaToya came across as being sincere and careful, and her love for her brother is obvious. What she said about Michael being "controlled" fully correlates with Joseph's statements, and also those of the follower fans who said Michael's Security was keeping everone AWAY from him in those last weeks, and that the security detail TRIPLED on the night he died. No explanation has ever been given for that. We have now heard the same thing from THREE different sources, but I guess it would take a hundred for some to entertain that possibility?

I wouldn't say one ITunes song is much of an agenda for profit? She SAID all the proceeds go to one of Michael's charities, anyway.

What happened while she was in an abusive relationship has long been put-to-rest. The family accepted her back with open arms, and she has made public apologies (Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't recall Jermaine ever apologizing for "Word to the Badd?")

Judging from her body-language, her facial expressions and tone of voice, AND that she does not have a "cashing in" agenda or demeanor, I, for one, happen to believe her. Please desist with the abusiveness that has cropped up in this thread. I KNOW you guys are better than that. . . . . . It's ok to disagree, but not to be unkind at the level found here.

I apologise if i came across as abusive to any other fans on here but i don't like La Toya or believe a word that has come out of her mouth i don't know what to think of the whole "he was being controlled thing" i would like to believe that Michael at the age of 50 was in control of himself and if people were forcing him to do things he didn't want to he just wouldn't do it. I think maybe it is easier for members of the family to believe this that to accept he may not have wanted them near him.
vic , why does she talk about the sperm and egg donors whenever Blanket is mentioned ?
why all this emphasize that mini me is not mj's kid ? I know we should not talk about the DNA , but why does she talk about it all the time especially Blanket .
what money and jewellery? how do you even know thats true?

don't we know not to believe 'news'papers

I'm pretty sure I remember reading that it was LaToya who said that $1 to $2 million dollars worth of cash and jewelry were missing from Michael's house.
vic , why does she talk about the sperm and egg donors whenever Blanket is mentioned ?
why all this emphasize that mini me is not mj's kid ? I know we should not talk about the DNA , but why does she talk about it all the time especially Blanket .

She has a right to speak about it. She is a member of the family. Obviously it is not a big secret anymore. Also, she answered the question and she seemed to be pretty honest. She said what she knows, no more and no less. How does it change the situation if MJ kids are not his biological kids? It means absolutely zero. He raised them and only this counts.
What she said about Michael being "controlled" fully correlates with Joseph's statements, and also those of the follower fans who said Michael's Security was keeping everone AWAY from him in those last weeks, and that the security detail TRIPLED on the night he died. No explanation has ever been given for that. We have now heard the same thing from THREE different sources, but I guess it would take a hundred for some to entertain that possibility?

But see, as I mentioned above, sometimes LaToya goes with the "they were keeping us away from him," but in this clip when asked if she saw Michael often, she said "YES WE DID." So which is the correct answer?

And if at any time the security guards said NO to any potential family visits, who is to say that Michael, himself, did not give instructions that he did not want to see his family at any particular time. We just don't know, but I have read on various boards, including this one, that sometimes Michael would shut his family out (for whatever reason) on his own, no prompting from the people in his camp.
I saw her in the YouTube video and she seemed sincere to me. Also, ALL proceeds of her single go to charity, which is a beautiful gesture in Michael's spirit. Some personal things had better be left unsaid, I agree, but that is not what this thread is about.
So, I believe her.
She has a right to speak about it. She is a member of the family. Obviously it is not a big secret anymore. Also, she answered the question and she seemed to be pretty honest. She said what she knows, no more and no less. How does it change the situation if MJ kids are not his biological kids? It means absolutely zero. He raised them and only this counts.

obviously you did not see lil mike Blankito -_-

she was also a family member when mj was alive , why she did not say that when he was alive ? I think she was talking about the kids to tabloids but as a "source" and not only her , many in that family were selling stories about mj to Roger and others . comes to mind Randy's pal Oxman who also focuses on lil mike Blankito.
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I'm pretty sure I remember reading that it was LaToya who said that $1 to $2 million dollars worth of cash and jewelry were missing from Michael's house.

Yeah I remember hearing this from LaToya too. Think she said that all the staff had been ordered to stop working as soon as MJ was taken to hospital. I've totally forgot who gave these orders, but think LaToya was saying that this meant the house was basically unguarded until the family arrived later and she knew MJ normally liked to keep some cash in the house but she couldn't find anything anywhere.