La Toya: The truth will come out in a month or two

Thank you. Interesting that she says that we will be surprised at what the truth is.
Oh gosh! Boy that brought tears to my eyes....again!! It hurt! LaT has such a vivid descriptive memory. Didn't you just feel her shock, surprise, unbelief and sadness of June 25th? Imagine you hearing about someone's passing, feeling so shocked, wondering who is next, and then get a call about your brother?????? Wow. Life has a funny way of sneaking upon you, doesn't it? Only God knows. While man is planning God is destroying, or man is busy trying to destroy...hey.

And MJ seemed to be grooming his children from such a young age. Imagine him telling Paris to be prepared to be a mother to her siblings. Or imagine that young girl with the presence of mind to recount all of that in the midst of grief. I know we tend to shelter kids from the gravity of life etc. but it is better to make them aware of how it is and how it should be from a young age. Josiah was king at age 8...hey.

LaT always reminded me of MJ. Sometimes i think she talks too much (funny i thought that about MJ sometimes), but I know she cares. Still, she talks a little too much, much more than MJ. Some things are too precious to be handed to swines and then trodden down.
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i take what she says with a big pinch of salt
Some things she says I certainly take with a pinch of salt; specifically the MJ being under control bit and using the no phones in the house as an example. I believe MJ said himself and to others why he doesn't like landlines.

But I know where to draw the line with LaT. But I don't know how much I must put stock into the surprise that's upcoming from the investigation since I know she can be melodramatic, but I'll just wait and see.
such a shame that people taker her views and words with a pinch of salt..She is his sister, his blud, part of his soul..I know not all brthers and sisters get along but it pains me to think michael didn't with his siblings...sigh.
Have you ever been in a family that doesn't understand you? Or even in a family that you keep in touch with but they don't know all that's going on. They are on the outside looking in on certain issues? I'm pretty close to my mom, but some of her explanations for why I do certain things etc leaves me befuddled as to how one so close could get it sooo wrong. Perception.

Doesn't it make sense that she is not privy to all that was going in MJ's circle? She showed herself up even by implying it was the circle around MJ that insisted on no phones in the house. Unless of course she can come up with solid proof for that.

Also, have you ever had disagreements in your family? What you call good, they call bad or vice versa?

Also, do you know that LaToya is a bit melodramatic?lol. She is.

So with all the above in mind, we do have to take her words with a pinch of salt.
As with everything we read, especially when it comes to family members talking, I also take it in, but leave room for conjecture. And with Latoya, grain of salt pretty much sums it up for me as well, all things considered. She may be spot on, who knows, only time will tell.
As with everything we read, especially when it comes to family members talking, I also take it in, but leave room for conjecture. And with Latoya, grain of salt pretty much sums it up for me as well, all things considered. She may be spot on, who knows, only time will tell.

I agree. When it comes to La Toya....grain of salt :rolleyes:

Time will tell. That's all I'll say.
Despite everything I think she comes across really well, and she seems really sweet. I dunno, I just can't bring myself to be annoyed with her although I can see why others are.
The truth will come out?? She keeps it up she will be next to be found seriously them people are nothing to play with I really wish she stop doing interviews and work behind the scenes so the truth can get out. The only thing I see happening is the real true getting out about Dr.Killmurray>>>>>>>>>>>>

P.S don't ask me any questions please over look what I just type
it was all great until she started plugging her single. Still cant believe Joe Jackson plugging his new company with his business partner on his first press conference after Michael pased.

this is the only criticisim I have; because who am I to judge..but surely you would be self aware enough to know what plugging something is going to look like to everyone else.
I sincerely think LaToya needs to stop now, she's said what she needs to say its appearing to be a bit monotonous now.
her new single that has the proceeds that go entirely to apla?

she's not a good actress, never was. so i think she's telling the truth
I think La Toya "needed to stop" when she sold that story to The Sun of what Paris did when she was near her father's casket. That's when she needed to stop.

Maybe her book will be re-published again...maybe she is adding something new to it. The whole thing sounds like a book plug, so help me god :rolleyes:
Is she on a press tour? What a pathetic woman.

I take EVERYTHING she says with a cup of salt...(way beyond a pinch!!).

Janet was the closest to MJ (among all the siblings) she has been mourning quietly, but Miss Playboy can't shut up for a second. She is all over the place yapping, and everytime she tells the story, she adds a bit more drama. Now MJ was prepping Paris for his death...PLEASE!!!

I think La Toya "needed to stop" when she sold that story to The Sun of what Paris did when she was near her father's casket. That's when she needed to stop.
I concur.
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Latoya and Janet always remind me of Mike. yeah, Latoya is not a good actress. i believe her. but what she said abt Paris is very sad. she is just a 11 years older girls.
Is she on a press tour? What a pathetic woman.

I take EVERYTHING she says with a cup of salt...(way beyond a pinch!!).

Janet was the closest to MJ (among all the siblings) she has been mourning quietly, but Miss Playboy can't shut up for a second. She is all over the place yapping, and everytime she tells the story, she adds a bit more drama. Now MJ was prepping Paris for his death...PLEASE!!!

I concur.

"Miss Playboy"?. She was beaten into doing that by her then husband...
I trust La Toya. I better trust what family member says than to believe some tabloids publication. I do not understand why ppl love to blame family members no matter what they say. I believe what La Toya said about blocking Michael from the family. This information is not new and it was discussed in investigative unit many times. Also La Toya did some charities to remember Michael. It is very nice of her.
The truth will come out. I'm with latoya on this one. all you haters can leave
La Toya is in the know on what is going on with investigation, if she says relevant info that will surprise people hasn't been released, I think that this is true . We'll have to wait and see what will be released. I think MJ death is one big mystery and details will dovetail in the months to come
"Miss Playboy"?. She was beaten into doing that by her then husband...

Come on and she was also forced to call Michael a pedo*****, i don't accept any of that she was old enough to make her own decisions and leave him if she had to. She is just plain dumb, everyone can she through her lame attempts to create a name for herself other than the one she already has and deserves.
Come on and she was also forced to call Michael a pedo*****, i don't accept any of that she was old enough to make her own decisions and leave him if she had to. She is just plain dumb, everyone can she through her lame attempts to create a name for herself other than the one she already has and deserves.

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Have you ever been beaten into submission and had your entire worth knocked out of you by a man, had venom spit into your mind, been cut off from your family?

Leaving those situations takes will power and a sense of self. Those two things unfortunately are what an abuser will try to take from you. It takes time to get them back and get the strength to leave... if you EVER do. LaToya is lucky to be alive after Jack Gordon.

Please, try some empathy.