La Toya in Malta.




Michael's life was exemplary. the humanitarianism. going against that shining example makes accusing him look pretty desperate. the humanitarianism can be proven. the negatives cannot be.
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Conspiracy to kill Michael Jackson - sister
Patrick Cooke

Sunday, 11th April 2010

In true Hollywood style, La Toya Jackson made journalists wait for almost an hour at her Radisson Golden Sands press conference yesterday before making a grand entrance and declaring that her brother Michael's death last June was down to a conspiracy to kill him.

In Malta to promote a hand cream and collect a lifetime achievement award on behalf of her brother from Italian label Stefano Cecchi Records, La Toya reiterated her belief that Dr Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, was not the only person involved in the superstar's death. Dr Murray has pleaded not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge.

"This was definitely a conspiracy and other people should be brought to justice. I believe Dr Conrad was simply the fall guy," she said, indicating that other people had instructed the doctor to ensure the singer eventually overdosed on the drugs he was administered.

The pop world was jolted when it learnt the 'King of Pop' died, aged 50, from an overdose of Propofol, a powerful sedative used as a general anaesthetic, while preparing for 50 concert dates at London's O2 arena.

Although La Toya was vague about who else was involved, she suggested money was the motive behind Michael's death.

"Michael was worth more dead than alive. They knew what they had planned if this were to happen. They also knew that Michael was not capable of doing 50 shows," she said, when asked by The Sunday Times.

Wearing a glittering military-style trouser suit adorned with the Union Jack, 53-year-old La Toya spoke candidly about how she has struggled to accept her brother's death.

"This year has gone by so rapidly and it is has been a struggle for everyone. It is so hard to fathom he is no longer with us. Personally, I choose to believe that he is still here because that is the way I want it for now," she said.

Asked what posthumous awards for Michael such as the one from Cecchi Records meant to the Jackson family, La Toya said they were important for keeping his legacy alive.

Jackson left behind three children and La Toya said when she received an award on his behalf, she presented them to his children "so they can see how much the world loves their dad. Now I can bring one from Malta and they will love it.

"The children are coping quite well; kids are resilient. What is helping them a great deal is that they are playing with other kids; their cousins are with them every single day," she added.

This is La Toya's second trip to Malta after performing a concert in the country in the 1990s. She admitted being surprised on her first trip that people were able to speak English and said she was looking forward to seeing more of the country.

In her personal career, La Toya's long-awaited comeback album Startin' Over should "definitely" be out sometime this year. But the agenda was firmly focused on Michael and La Toya finished by paying a moving tribute to her brother.

"The world lost something that can never be replaced. You will never, ever, ever find another Michael as long as you live on this earth. You will never find anyone as talented as him."
where have the others mentioned interventions? where are the links? for all we know, those 'interventions' could be attempts to get MJ to tour, and you might have misheard. so..i'd like to see links. and as far as Jermaine is concerned(IF Jermaine said he had a prescription problem, which i doubt, cus he said MJ didn't have one, in an interview i saw with Larry King, so anybody can come in here and claim whatever addiction they want, at MJ's expense, if that's the angle they want to take), if he said 'a prescription problem', so what. that's what Michael said, in the nineties, for pain due to scalp surgery. and that was a short lived dependency.

anybody can say that.

and as you can see, Latoya says Murray was the fall guy. and this is AFTER tyler perry's 'confirmation'. and he isn't even family.

so, the only one, we can all say we saw say that MJ had an addiction, is Janet.

so, if new members are going to come in here, and say that other Jacksons said both 'yes' and 'no', as far as addiction is concerned, without proof of a definitive claim, and then get us to believe all the sayings were claims in the 'yes' column, by the entire family, i'm not going by that.

what really bothers me, is when people come in here, and say they heard other Jacksons say both 'yes' and 'no', as far as addiction goes, and those members believe the 'yes'.

This article Tito talks on interventions in Neverland:

Tito Jackson told yesterday how he and his brothers and sisters launched a military-style raid on Neverland to confront Michael over his addiction to painkillers.

The Jackson family had become increasingly alarmed at stories that Michael was hooked on prescription drugs. But ***** was desperate to keep his worrying habit from them.

Tito said: “I never saw him on drugs. Not once. He deliberately did it away from us. He didn’t want his family to know anything about that part of him.

“He did almost everything in his power to make sure we didn’t know.”

***** even ordered his minders to stop his brothers and sisters from getting into his Neverland ranch.

But as the rumours grew, they decided to force their way past the guards. Tito, 55, said: “We had to act. It was me, my sisters Janet, Rebbie and La Toya and my brothers, Jackie and Randy.

“We bust right into the house and he was surprised to see us to say the least.

“We went into one of his private rooms and had a discussion with him. Some of us were crying.

“We kept asking him if it was true what we had heard that he was using drugs.

“He kept denying it. He said we were over-reacting. We also spoke to a doctor and he assured us it was not the situation. He said he was there to make sure Michael was healthy.”

But Tito, giving his first interview since 50-year-old Michael’s death from a heart attack three weeks ago, was far from convinced. He said: “We didn’t know what to believe. We didn’t take what Michael said as the truth.

“We talked about it again and again for hours but we just couldn’t get through to him. After that occasion we tried many times but his team of people just shut us out, they would not let us close. They literally shut us out.

“I don’t know if they were just doing their job or if it they were part of some kind of conspiracy.

“I do know that Michael would say to them ‘I don’t care who it is, don’t let anybody on my property if they haven’t called first’.”

Tito said the security staff would even set up roadblocks to keep them out.

He added: “In the first few intervention attempts his staff and security would not let us on the property.

“They would block the road into Neverland with other vehicles so we couldn’t drive in, all kinds of crazy things.

“I don’t know whose instructions those were but that’s what happened.

“I went up there twice trying to get through before we finally did.”

At the end of this article, Tito said he was NOT worried about the comeback of MJ:


The get-together was held at the Indian restaurant Chakra in Beverly Hills, one of Michael’s favourite places to eat.

Tito said: “The whole family showed up including Michael and his kids.

“He was in great spirits. He looked good. He seemed to be himself and I was not really worried about him.

“I had heard he was doing the shows and going to rehearsal and getting his whole thing back where he belonged.

“I was so proud of him. I had even made arrangements to go to England to see his performance, check him out.

“He always called me TT, never Tito.

“At the end of the night he hugged me, said, ‘Bye, TT’ and whispered, ‘I love you’ in my ear.

“I said, ‘I love you’ and gave him a hug.

“That was the last time I ever saw or spoke to him.”

The interview that the brothers did with Larry King at the time of their reality-show, is where Jermaine says that MJ had a "problem", you can see the interview on youtube or read the trancripts of

What I believe all these stories of interventions is that the siblings were being guided by RUMORS of what might be happening in Michael's life, because as Tito himself said they never saw MJ drugged and they did not believe in his word. In other words that to me also say that the siblings were not close to Michael and consequently do not know what was happening in his life.

I honestly think hard that Michael was this druggie "in denial" since the long-time before the trial and never have had at least one overdose!!

And IF he actually had a "problem" with drugs after becoming a father - what I REALLY no believe - DEFINITELY NO longer had this "problem" when he signed with AEG and was preparing his concerts as related his nurse he was HEALTHY.

His autopsy for me is the greatest proof of the state of health of MJ, he was a HEALTHY MAN!
Thread cleaned. Michael was NOT a drug addict. Please don't post those claims here. If he was, the autopsy would sure tell us that.

Anymore instances of this, please use the report feature.
Thread cleaned. Michael was NOT a drug addict. Please don't post those claims here. If he was, the autopsy would sure tell us that.

Anymore instances of this, please use the report feature.

It suits trouble making fans of another artist to come here all the time and try to hammer home the opposite!

The autopsy don't lie!
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 20:03CET
Michael Jackson Fans Greet La Toya

(In Malta)

Click on Link to See Video

Michael Jackson fans greeted his sister La Toya with enthusiasm when she called at The Point this evening. A small crowd of people of all ages waited for the singer, carrying Michael Jackson pictures and books for her to sign.

La Toya, herself a popular singer, arrived at The Point in a white limo and was shown around the newly-opened mall before posing for pictures with the fans and chatting with them, including some with whom she had already exchanged correspondence.
She was in Ireland a few days ago and said the same thing, her interview was going well but then she started the conspiracy crap, i mean it just doesn't add up, if she bother to sit down and study the facts she would realise that saying Murray is a false guy is just a crazy statement.
It just irks me to see those MJ impersonators!

is the man always with her,her b/f?

ALWAYS! don't really know what exactly his relationship is to her, even though its been said he's her manager. And anyone notice he always seems to be wearing the same outfit?LOL