La Toya in Malta.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm half Maltese by the way, and my dad noticed this news whilst browsing the Times Of Malta site..

Friday, 9th April 2010 - 14:40CET
La Toya Jackson in Malta


Photo: Rene Rossignaud/WENN

American singer and songwriter La Toya Jackson is in Malta accompanied by a Maltese national who lives in the US.
La Toya, who after a career in singing in the 1980s and 1990s, returning to music in 2004, is believed to be in Malta to receive an award from Stefano Cecchi, of Cecchi Records, on behalf of her brother Michael for his lifetime achievement in the music industry during a private Gala dinner tomorrow.
She is staying at the Radisson Blu Resort and Spa in Golden Sands.

Saturday, 10th April 2010 - 14:05CET

La Toya in Malta: 'Michael Jackson's death was a conspiracy'

Patrick Cooke

Michael Jackson's death almost a year ago was a conspiracy and more people should be facing justice, the singer's sister La Toya said during a break on her visit to Malta today.

Speaking at the Radisson Golden Sands, La Toya did not give further details but said the singer's doctor, the only man to be arraigned, was the fall guy.

La Toya arrived in Malta yesterday to promote a hand cream product. She will also collect a lifetime achievement award on behalf of her brother from music producer Stefano Cecchi of Cecchi Records.

She said it was important to keep Michael Jackson's legacy alive, adding that his children were coping well and playing with other children.
La Toya said her own new album, Startin Over, would be ready soon.
michael's death almost a year ago.. i dont believe what i'm reading if its already that long how come it feels like yesterday? how come his daughter is wearing his red bracelet ? i just dont get it
michael's death almost a year ago.. i dont believe what i'm reading if its already that long how come it feels like yesterday? how come his daughter is wearing his red bracelet ? i just dont get it

I so feel what you're saying here, it all has been so damn unbelievable!:(

Michael Jackson's death almost a year ago was a conspiracy and more people should be facing justice, the singer's sister La Toya said during a break on her visit to Malta today.

Speaking at the Radisson Golden Sands, La Toya did not give further details but said the singer's doctor, the only man to be arraigned, was the fall guy.

So, one sister is pushing the 'conspiracy' angle and another sister is pushing the 'junkie' angle, anyone see the problem here?

Anyway, it was nice hearing her say such nice words about Michael, so heartfelt. Bet you though her butt would'nt get invited to the Oprah show with those comments.

La Toya said her own new album, Startin Over, would be ready soon.

How long now as this album been in the works?LOL
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Is the video showing up? Some nice words from LaToya. Some controversial too.

She likes to pretend that it never happened and he's still here.. familiar feeling.. :(

I can't believe its been a year either. Feels just last week.

Paris wears mjs red bracelet? ooh maaan :cry:
Is the video showing up? Some nice words from LaToya. Some controversial too.

She likes to pretend that it never happened and he's still here.. familiar feeling.. :(

I can't believe its been a year either. Feels just last week.

Paris wears mjs red bracelet? ooh maaan :cry:

The lastest pics of her at Disneyland seem to indicate that she is wearing the same red bracelet MJ did.
michael's death almost a year ago.. i dont believe what i'm reading if its already that long how come it feels like yesterday? how come his daughter is wearing his red bracelet ? i just dont get it

Paris wears Michael's red bracelet? Gees that's hard to take. How I wish those kids had their daddy with them instead of his bracelet.
She could change her hairstyle, and be more "in"..., and the outfit a lá Michael is not fit for her, and... she could do something more serious than promote such an extra mega expensive hand cream...
I so feel what you're saying here, it all has been so damn unbelievable!:(

So, one sister is pushing the 'conspiracy' angle and another sister is pushing the 'junkie' angle, anyone see the problem here?

Lord l dont know how am gonna react if Janet is called as a witness for the defense team, l dont think l will ever forgive her for that..
How could two stories be so different and they are sisters. So far the only one saying the 'drug' thing is Janet because even Jermaine says Michael was no addict.
How could two stories be so different and they are sisters. So far the only one saying the 'drug' thing is Janet because even Jermaine says Michael was no addict.

In my opinion..i feel Janet thinks it will help her career if she feeds the media the meat they want against her brother.

and another thing that is different LaToya always says how wonderful of a person her brother was..........since Michael's
death .. I have yet to hear Janet do that....all she focus on is painting her brother as a druggie.....

Janet invited the media into her house to say this....incredible
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Lord l dont know how am gonna react if Janet is called as a witness for the defense team, l dont think l will ever forgive her for that..

How could two stories be so different and they are sisters. So far the only one saying the 'drug' thing is Janet because even Jermaine says Michael was no addict

I've had my say where Janet is concerned already, so won't bother going into that again, but for sure I just think family members will be used by the Defense in their bid to defend Dr. Murray. Everybody needs to be on the same page and they are not.

and another thing that is different LaToya always says how wonderful of a person her brother was..........since Michael's
death .. I have yet to hear Janet do that....all she focus on is painting her brother as a druggie.....

I thought I was the only one that noticed that.....but, to each his own I suppose.
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How could two stories be so different and they are sisters. So far the only one saying the 'drug' thing is Janet because even Jermaine says Michael was no addict.

Latoya has mentioned inteventions before, Tito has mentioned inventions before, and Jermaine has mentioned a "prescription" problem , so Janet was not the first person to mention inventions , the difference is Janet I think feels he wasn't over his problem from before, that's why she believes he was in denile. but either way the family does hold Maurry accountable.
I don't mean to laugh but baby doll hair is done :toofunny: i just can't when it comes to toya but on a serious note it is what it is when it comes to MJ personal affairs with medication. I don't want to sound harsh I will always love him always its hard to bare
Latoya has mentioned inteventions before, Tito has mentioned inventions before, and Jermaine has mentioned a "prescription" problem , so Janet was not the first person to mention inventions , the difference is Janet I think feels he wasn't over his problem from before, that's why she believes he was in denile. but either way the family does hold Maurry accountable.

Exactly! I don't understand why they act like Janet was the only that mentioned it.
In my opinion..i feel Janet thinks it will help her career if she feeds the media the meat they want against her brother.

and another thing that is different LaToya always says how wonderful of a person her brother was..........since Michael's
death .. I have yet to hear Janet do that....all she focus on is painting her brother as a druggie.....

Janet invited the media into her house to say this....incredible

and did Janet say it made him a bad person? or is it the fans that think it would make him a bad person if they felt he had a problem? cause I don't recall hearing Janet say that he was horriable/bad person person , but she just felt like he could possibaly have a problem,
and Janet has said pleantly of wondeful things about Michael read the Harpaers Bazzar interview , watch how the tribute thing came about,
Latoya has mentioned inteventions before, Tito has mentioned inventions before, and Jermaine has mentioned a "prescription" problem , so Janet was not the first person to mention inventions , the difference is Janet I think feels he wasn't over his problem from before, that's why she believes he was in denile. but either way the family does hold Maurry accountable.

where have the others mentioned interventions? where are the links? for all we know, those 'interventions' could be attempts to get MJ to tour, and you might have misheard. so..i'd like to see links. and as far as Jermaine is concerned(IF Jermaine said he had a prescription problem, which i doubt, cus he said MJ didn't have one, in an interview i saw with Larry King, so anybody can come in here and claim whatever addiction they want, at MJ's expense, if that's the angle they want to take), if he said 'a prescription problem', so what. that's what Michael said, in the nineties, for pain due to scalp surgery. and that was a short lived dependency.

anybody can say that.

and as you can see, Latoya says Murray was the fall guy. and this is AFTER tyler perry's 'confirmation'. and he isn't even family.

so, the only one, we can all say we saw say that MJ had an addiction, is Janet.

so, if new members are going to come in here, and say that other Jacksons said both 'yes' and 'no', as far as addiction is concerned, without proof of a definitive claim, and then get us to believe all the sayings were claims in the 'yes' column, by the entire family, i'm not going by that.

what really bothers me, is when people come in here, and say they heard other Jacksons say both 'yes' and 'no', as far as addiction goes, and those members believe the 'yes'.
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where have the others mentioned interventions? where are the links? for all we know, those 'interventions' could be attempts to get MJ to tour, and you might have misheard. so..i'd like to see links. and as far as Jermaine is concerned(IF Jermaine said he had a prescription problem, which i doubt, cus he said MJ didn't have one, in an interview i saw with Larry King, so anybody can come in here and claim whatever addiction they want, at MJ's expense, if that's the angle they want to take), if he said 'a prescription problem', so what. that's what Michael said, in the nineties, for pain due to scalp surgery. and that was a short lived dependency.

anybody can say that.

and as you can see, Latoya says Murray was the fall guy. and this is AFTER tyler perry's 'confirmation'. and he isn't even family.

so, the only one, we can all say we saw say that MJ had an addiction, is Janet.

so, if new members are going to come in here, and say that other Jacksons said both 'yes' and 'no', as far as addiction is concerned, without proof of a definitive claim, and then get us to believe all the sayings were claims in the 'yes' column, by the entire family, i'm not going by that.

Look who knows what the inventions really were about, the only people that truly know is Michael and the family all I saying was Janet was not the first one to mention them, yes Latoya when she was on the view bascialy said what Janet said on Oprah the family tried hard she actually said Joe tried the hardest, Tito mentioned them in his newsweek of the world interview and on entertainmet tonight . and yes Jermaine said he had a "prescription" problem and that was after Larry asked him about a "drug' problem and he correted him and said he didn't like the term drug because it was so vague, but that what Michael had was prescription problem . so he was kinda of was saying Michaeal had been
depeandent on mediaction before. and yes Michael himself has admitted this. that
s why I really don't understand why everybody is making a big deal out of it.
you call it dependencyJanet call its an addiction, alot of people use the term interchangably.
Look who knows what the inventions really were about, the only people that truly know is Michael and the family all I saying was Janet was not the first one to mention them, yes Latoya when she was on the view bascialy said what Janet said on Oprah the family tried hard she actually said Joe tried the hardest, Tito mentioned them in his newsweek of the world interview and on entertainmet tonight . and yes Jermaine said he had a "prescription" problem and that was after Larry asked him about a "drug' problem and he correted him and said he didn't like the term drug because it was so vague, but that what Michael had was prescription problem . so he was kinda of was saying Michaeal had been
depeandent on mediaction before. and yes Michael himself has admitted this. that
s why I really don't understand why everybody is making a big deal out of it.
you call it dependencyJanet call its an addiction, alot of people use the term interchangably.

you still haven't given me links. so i can't go by you just saying so. i far as the prescription for the scalp surgery, that was a dependency, because it didn't last long enough to be an addiction. it was short, and in the nineties. so that wasn't long enough for the entire family to spend a long time trying to 'intervene'. but like you said..we don't know what the 'intervention' (if there was one, according to other family members) was about. and what you say Jermaine said, and what i heard Jermaine say, are apparently, two entirely different things. what i heard, was him saying MJ wasn't addicted or dependent on anything. and what Michael doesn't matter what Jermaine said, regarding that, IF he said anything. since i already heard Michael say it. again..a SHORT term dependency, that ended wayyy before last year, so could not be connected to a demise.

and..'news of the world'?? comon...i have enough trouble believing anything coming from media, without having to worry about that illegitimate newspaper.
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I think it's interesting how all these places are giving out awards to Michael all of a sudden....and it's too bad the Jacksons fall for it and keep showing up. These places just want an excuses to have a Jackson attend so they make up an award for MJ.
I think it's interesting how all these places are giving out awards to Michael all of a sudden....and it's too bad the Jacksons fall for it and keep showing up. These places just want an excuses to have a Jackson attend so they make up an award for MJ.
They fall for it because they want facetime they are craving the spotlight and always did Michael was always right about them, Whatever he said in those Rabbi tapes turned out to be true only a million time worse. Rest in peace Michael. None of Michael's siblings are considered A list celebs with the exception of Janet, in most countries outside the United States people have trouble keeping up with their names, lol
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I am annoyed when Latoya bangs on about Michael not being up to 50 concerts, she doesn't mention it was over 9 months with a three month break in the middle and it is not doing Michael any favours to suggest that he signed up to something he couldn't do.

She must have told LAPD her consipracy theory and clearly there is no evidence of it, although I would not be surprised if others were involved. I agree taking about addiction is handing the defence a gift, we know he had an addiction to prescription painkillers, and addictions don't go away, so relapses are believable, but that was not what killed him.