L.A. County coroner's staff improperly viewed Michael Jackson's death certifica

Besides the fact that this makes me very angry, having worked in the medical field, again my first reaction is..... what about HIPAA. I seem to be asking about it a LOT lately pertaining to Michael. Do they think for some reason because it's him that it doesn't count or something?? I'd have to see how it works but even if the patient has died I believe people can't just go accessing his medical records. WTH.... Everyone who accessed it inappropriately should be fired for violating privacy laws!

Poor Michael can't even have any privacy after he dies.

I agree with you when it comes to his doctors running their mouths on TV. But HIPAA only covers medical records. Birth and death certificates don't fall under that.
::sigh:: Human nature, sad as it is. I remember when Britney was in the hospital - people got fired over accessing her records. Of course, that's because of HIPAA. Any time anything involves a celebrity, people do this. Fortunately, the death certificate really did not reveal anything. Good that they are putting more locks on the information and more precautions are taken.

I wish things like this didn't happen, and I don't think I'd ever do that. But be real people. I'd bet a ton of money that there are some fans who would look if they worked there. It is what it is.
I agree. This isn't MJ-specific. During the U.S. presidential campaign last year the State Department confirmed that some of it's employees improperly accessed the private records of the candidates. When people are curious and they have access, it's very tempting. It probably doesn't seem to them like like a quick peek will cause any harm so they have little reason to resist.

It's not hard to believe that someone who has the ability to access records would be a fan who, torn up over the loss of a person who touched his or her life, could could not resist the temptation of being able to finally come to terms with MJ's death. Remember, these are people, not evil automatons. Some of them are curious, some may want insider information, and some are merely devastated fans just like us. That doesn't make it right, but I think it is understandable.
Oh My God. I just dont know waht to say. Its SICK. SICK. I just wanna Punch Someone...Preferebly one of the employees...or the rule makers. I just hate this sooo Much. I dont know what else they're gonna do to Michael, even after his passing. I hurt right now.

I know i may seem over reacting, but really i'm not. I just dont know...
The LAPD and the Toxicology reports will be full of errors and deliberate lies.

This is only the start just wait until August 3rd. This is when they will report Jackson was a "drug addict" hooked on pain killers "who just wanted to sleep" to perfectly coincide with the hearings where the Jackson's wiil get the shame while Rowe and Branca take center stage.
Those sick...grrrr

I have never trusted the police ( since mjs trial) and never will again..

thanks for sharing and all but no, the death certificate ... no, if yall want to see it get the link from michaeljackson4ever in a PM or email. Hell, buy it from the hall of records if that is what you want.

That's Jacked! why would someone sell MJ's death Certificate? People are errrm? and they called MJ W****? Seems to me everyone else was crazy!

and why would the staff go into the records! Maybe they should all be suspended! That's not right and they know it.
I not suprised one bit. I knew somthing like this would happen.... For the record LAPD only is involved with the coroners when the cause of someone death is unknown. The LAPD had nothing to do with the employees of the coroners office looking at Michael's death certificate. Curiosity and Greed is behind it all. I know why everyone is so shocked...
Why am I not surprised. The more I read about police, doctors, and the like, the less faith I have in them