Kiss or Diss?

Kiss I just love hearing and seeing thunder and lightning. Then again I love all different kinds of storms all together. That is when I consider it a nice day outside. When it rains or storms outside.

Michael Jackson (My gorgeous sexy sweetheart)

No, you must be mixing him up with someone :p Liam Gallagher is the lead singer of Oasis :yes:

I've never tried ice tea so miss

No, you must be mixing him up with someone :p Liam Gallagher is the lead singer of Oasis :yes:

I've never tried ice tea so miss


Yeah that's right I was thinking of the actor Liam Neeson. I had totally forgotten about that band and the lead singer's name. Diss on your alcohol question. I very rarely drink alcohol. When I do drink alcohol it is usually just either champagne, wine, or chardonay.

Kiss I love dolphins. Would love them even more than tigers. If dolphins wern't known to have killed people before. I can unstand tigers killing people but dolphins no I can't. Dolphins are suppose to be like the friendliest creatures in the world. Especially towards people yet they have killed them before.

Huge, massive kiss. Elephants, dogs and tigers are my fave animals :D

Black panther? Beautiful looking animals :)