King of Pop before MJ?

I thought Elizabeth Taylor gave Michael that name KOP.
I thought Elizabeth Taylor gave Michael that name KOP.

Yeah, but the public didn't catch on before fans started to have posters with The King Of Pop on them in concerts. And in 1992 MJ was on the cover of a famous magazine. Was it Rolling Stones or something? Anyway, they wrote King Of Pop on the front page and ever since that Michael has been introduced as The King Of Pop.

After Michael was accused of you know what in 1993, MTV started to call him "The Self Proclaimed King Of Pop" and the rest of the sheep media followed.

But regardless. When you have an album that has sold over 100 million, anyone can call you whatever they like, they still have to bow down and kiss your feet, because that achievement was not supposed to be possible in the music business. Michael made it possible, once. And never again.

And then you have everything else he has done. It is like four really huge careers all smashed into one.

He never needed to make a comeback. His legacy is sealed, no matter what.
Yeah, but the public didn't catch on before fans started to have posters with The King Of Pop on them in concerts. And in 1992 MJ was on the cover of a famous magazine. Was it Rolling Stones or something? Anyway, they wrote King Of Pop on the front page and ever since that Michael has been introduced as The King Of Pop.

After Michael was accused of you know what in 1993, MTV started to call him "The Self Proclaimed King Of Pop" and the rest of the sheep media followed.
I have that issue of Rolling Stone. The article inside is about how Mike wanted the press to call him "King Of Pop" and that he had his managers send out memos to different media wanting them to refer to him as that. So it was Rolling Stone that 1st said "self proclaimed" not MTV.
It really makes me furious when anyone says "The Self-proclaimed King of Pop". MJ proclaimed nothing. Fans have been calling him The King since the Victory tour and maybe before, but when it comes to MJ, you can say anything without having to prove it as if he wasn't a person just like us. Anyway, There are kings and queens of different genres of music, but I think its only fair to say that the singers that we have recorded their careers and achievements answer to Michael as their monarch for his achievements and impact. He is the King of the Kings of Song.
ok there mite have been a king of pop before michael jackson
that we don't know aboutbut no one cares know ?
queen of pop is dinna ross i think that her name?
king of rock/roll was elvis but none cares now
queen of movies is elizabeth talour
michael jackson did for music what elvis start and could not do
who knows if there will be a new king of pop in the next 100 years
for me michael jackson is and always be the king of pop
James Cagney was a King of sorts, he was a song and dance man like Michael, and a huge box office star back in the 1930's..He was as big as they come back then.