Kenny Ortega On Stress, Debts and Integrity

I think this article will refresh some fans memory. Some ppl are just blind. Kenny Ortega is a liar, covering up something like everybody else around this contract. They pushed him to do this tour. I am the one who is not going to watch "This is It" movie.

Conspiracy To Force Jackson Into Bankruptcy

Tuesday, 08 August 2006 10:35
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.

The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”

Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate. In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.

“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years, he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests.”

can you please contact Bain and get more info about the laywers , and if Branca is one of them.
as I said before, everyone is a liar, except the people of TIIN. That's sickening for me.

I can understand when people hit on the idea that there is more than something wrong with Michael's death. But up to now we can't direct any specific accusation against somebody.

I don't understand from whom they have the order to do. And aren't they aware that they damage Michael's reputation too?
Sorry. but I actually heard Michael say he only wanted to do 10 shows, and ony signed for 10 shows and woke up to find he was doing 50. He was very upset about it and now all evidence of that has been removed from youtube. So Kenny is lying so I ask myself why?

But that's not Kenny. AFAIK Kenny had nothing to do with the contract, he was just Michael's director. I don't even think Kenny has anything to do with AEG...
well he may have done later on when he felt forced or he may not have done.

I can only say I heard him say he only wanted to do 10 shows and woke up to find he was being forced to do 50 shows. Plenty of other people heard him say it, I'm not the only one
hello, and what should that mean. Yes, Michael may have said that. But not to complain, he may have said, wow, I initially have planned to make only 10 shows, but then I woke up and could consider that I have broken every record at the cinema box office and with online sales, then I was FORCED to do more much more (he felt forced to do it in a positive way, AND hello again, may be, who is the killer now?, to satisfy my fan so that they won't be disappointed! May be in this way he could have said FORCED, yes directed to THEMSELVES!
TINI people needs to give it a rest.

Michael was a 50 year old adult. Yes he was naive in some regards but certainly was not stupid and he was not some helpless child. If he didn't want to do 50 shows, then he simply wouldn't.

And even if he was forced (and this is a big "if"), what Kenny has to do with it? Kenny was the director, he had no say in the contract.
Did Michael say he woke doing 50 shows or that he woke up being forced to do 50 shows? Sometimes we hear what we want to hear and add words in that were never even said. He may have felt obliged to do the shows for his various reasons but I am tired of every single thread on this whole board turning into something negative. My goodness! Can't we for one minute (like for the next few days while the premieres are happening) let a story be posted about this movie or MJ and it not turn into an accussatory blood bath? Please?
Did Michael say he woke doing 50 shows or that he woke up being forced to do 50 shows? Sometimes we hear what we want to hear and add words in that were never even said. He may have felt obliged to do the shows for his various reasons but I am tired of every single thread on this whole board turning into something negative. My goodness! Can't we for one minute (like for the next few days while the premieres are happening) let a story be posted about this movie or MJ and it not turn into an accussatory blood bath? Please?

I agree. For the first time in over 25 years the press is not tearing Michael down but are actually acknowledging his accomplishments and creativity and celebrating his life. When was the last time you heard them refer to him as "J***o". There has been an astonishing turn around in public and media opinion of Michael. Yes. it is sad that they didn't come to this place before he passed. But, this is a great opportunity to erase the negativity and support his legacy as the greatest entertainer ever. The entire world, media included, is finally ready to acknowlesge that. Let's just celebrate him now. There is time for sorting out everything else later.
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In another thread here Miko Brando says he was there on the rehearsals .He was a longtime friend to MJ and if something was wrong why didn´t MJ say something to his friend?

Mj was working hard and he had sleepless nights.If you are tired you can be very emotional and you can say things that you don´t mean.You can say wrong words too.Maybe he intended to say he wanted to do 31 shows but instead he said 10.

During the last rehearsals Kenny knew MJ had it, and I think I read somewhere that MJ said he thought he could do it.I think MJ meant he could do 50 shows.
You are accusing Kenny based on this?! Oh, wow..

*cough Karen Faye cough*

I haven't accusd Kenny of anything, that is exaggerating, just that he originally said Michael was healthy, top form and more recently since tini campaign changed his story and implied that he wasn't so healthy after all, and that Michael only wanted to do 10 shows not 50.

I just don't get a feeling of 100% integrity. Sorry but that is my opinion on all the information I've seen and heard
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Obviously those of you who think that Kenny Ortega and others involved in the show were somehow trying to kill Michael, will continue to believe that no matter what anyone else says.
But what does the fact that there was a cospiracy in 2006 to force Michael into bankrupty have to do with Kenny Ortega? Michael and Kenny are friends and have been friends for many years. Michael asked Kenny to be part of This Is It. The number of concerts was increased because close to 1 million people tried to get tickets. I can imagine that Michael, more than anyone else, would not have wanted to disappoint people by limiting the number of shows. Either way, Kenny Ortega had nothing to do with deciding how many concerts there would be. The fans who wanted tickets are more responsible for increasing the number of shows than Kenny. Before you malign someones character, you should know what you're talking about. Anonimity on these sites makes all of us too bold sometimes, but that is no excuse for slander.

Yeah gotta be careful what you say.