Kenny Ortega On Stress, Debts and Integrity


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Jul 25, 2011
Q&A: Michael Jackson collaborator Kenny Ortega

Film director Kenny Ortega poses for a photo in Toronto on October 24, 2009. Jennifer Roberts for The Globe and Mail

Jackson's long-time friend reveals the King of Pop's creative fuel and what to expect from his concert documentary This Is It

Brad Wheeler
From Monday's Globe and Mail Published on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2009 5:15PM EDT Last updated on Monday, Oct. 26, 2009 10:04AM EDT

‘He wanted to share what he loved with his children – and now we have this film for his children. He wanted to get out there and reconnect with his fans and sing the songs that they wanted to hear – and now they're going to hear the songs they wanted to hear.”

Kenny Ortega, the longtime creative partner of Michael Jackson and director of This Is It, a document of the preparations of the King of Pop's intended career-bowing series of 50 spectacular concerts at London's O2 Arena, talks about the motivations behind those concerts and the most anticipated big-screen event of year – a film dubbed by some as “Dead Man Moonwalking.”

Everybody's talking about This Is It, but nobody's seen it. What is it?
It celebrates the last four months of Michael, while he was invested in his last theatrical work, and going through the creative process of conceptualizing, rehearsing, interacting with all the design teams and the creative teams.

How stressful was it for Michael, preparing for the London concerts?
It wasn't stressful for him. It was something that he enjoyed. It was nourishing, it was invigorating. It was something he was very excited about, that had great purpose behind it.

How did that project come about?
For two years, Michael and I had been discussing, day-dreaming and lunching on potential ideas. And then one day I got a telephone call from him and he said “This is it, this is the one.” This was going to be his final curtain call. Together we invited artists from all around the world to join us – he inspired all of us to think outside of the box and to take the journey with him.

And how well does this film get across the idea of that journey?
You get a really good sense of it. There's much more music and staging than I ever imagined. In the beginning, I thought I was going to have more of a documentary. In the end, what I have is a sort of hybrid between documentary and concert film.

How truthful is it?
You're getting an unguarded, raw, truthful version of Michael. You're getting remnants – this is a mosaic, really stuck together, trying to do our best to give everybody a really grand-scale idea of what his dream was.

He was in the room with me the whole time helping me make decisions. [Laughs]. How I really feel about his, I mean, is that Michael wasn't there [for the making of the film]. I've done my best to channel, and to include him, and, as his friend for so many years, my best to protect his integrity.

The integrity of the concert series has been called into question. Was Michael up to it?
No one put this on Michael. Why do people have to take the integrity of Michael away now that he can't fend for himself? This was his idea, his choice. This nourished him, excited him – he was looking forward to this. Why do we want to take that away from him?

The thought is that he was pushed into it, to help clear his debt.
Isn't that a consideration for all of us in life? Why should that be any different with Michael than anybody else? Give him credit. If anything was responsible for hurting this man it wasn't his creative work. It's sickening to me that that's where the focus wants to be. He wanted to be there more than any of us.

Will this film show that?
Of course it will. Whether or not it will quiet [the salacious speculation] or not, you know, there are people out there who have an agenda – and they always will. That's just life. You can't create for everyone. That's what Michael would say. If you tried to, you wouldn't get anything accomplished.
Thank you Kenny Ortega :clapping:

This is the man who should talk about Michael :yes:
Kenny seems to me to be a very honorable good man that truly loved Michael.

Thanks for posting this Wendy2004. :)
Thank you again, Kenny, for addressing with grace and integrity, those who would run Michael down . I can see why Michael considered him a close friend.
It is so frustrating for me to see this small group of fans take up the baton from the tabloids in maligning Michaels abilities, judgement and character. The fact is they didn't know him. They followed him around like he was some sort of messiah. He spoke to them and invited them into his life because he was an incredibly gracious and compassionate person. I never understood these fans, but never really questioned it because he took it all in stride. But now, in their round about way they are saying negative things about Michaels abilities and judgement. The fact is they are people who were so obsessed with Michael that they followed him where ever he went. Think about it. These "follower fans" are obviously fixated on Michael not as a very talented human being or a friend but as the object of adulation. They are probably more emotional than most people and probably dwell on everything he said like it was gospel. I think their claims should be evaluated in the light of their actual relationship to Michael. Kenny saw him everyday. Kenny was his friend. I believe Kenny.
Thank you wendy for that article. Kenny is a great man and friend of Michael's for doing something like this to show the real Michael. Like he said hopefully this will quiet some people on speculation. I am looking forward to it more and more.

The integrity of the concert series has been called into question. Was Michael up to it?
No one put this on Michael. Why do people have to take the integrity of Michael away now that he can't fend for himself? This was his idea, his choice. This nourished him, excited him – he was looking forward to this. Why do we want to take that away from him?

The thought is that he was pushed into it, to help clear his debt.
Isn't that a consideration for all of us in life? Why should that be any different with Michael than anybody else? Give him credit. If anything was responsible for hurting this man it wasn't his creative work. It's sickening to me that that's where the focus wants to be. He wanted to be there more than any of us.

Kenny is a liar. First Michael planned only 10 concerts. Then it happened to be 50. Second. Kenny has to be aware that some ppl wanted to destroy MJ life. They tried to take him down for years.
Michael was saying about it while he was alive. Kenny has to go YouTube and do some search. Maybe it will help some fans as well to refresh a memory.
Kenny is a liar. First Michael planned only 10 concerts. Then it happened to be 50. Second. Kenny has to be aware that some ppl wanted to destroy MJ life. They tried to take him down for years.
Michael was saying about it while he was alive. Kenny has to go YouTube and do some search. Maybe it will help some fans as well to refresh a memory.

They set 10 shows out first to test the water. The original plan was to have 31 shows. Then due to overwhelming demand they pushed it up to 50. Michael wanted to take this show to other countries as well after England.
I too think that Kenny was a true friend of Michael and I love the way he talks about the entire project. I am very much looking forward to seeing This Is It, multiple times, although I expect it to be very hard/sad to watch too in a way.
Now I am really starting to count the hours until Wednesday evening....
Kenny is a liar. First Michael planned only 10 concerts. Then it happened to be 50. Second. Kenny has to be aware that some ppl wanted to destroy MJ life. They tried to take him down for years.
Michael was saying about it while he was alive. Kenny has to go YouTube and do some search. Maybe it will help some fans as well to refresh a memory.

That doesn't make Kenny a liar though, he couldn't just say "Michael, you're doing 50 shows and I don't care what you say". Michael might not have agreed with his contractors to do 50 shows but that still doesn't mean that Michael didn't enjoy doing the concerts. The concerts were his idea and his passion, as Kenny said. He was simply the director

Thanks for posting, I really like Kenny. I'd love to meet him, I bet he could talk for hours about Michael :)
I think this article will refresh some fans memory. Some ppl are just blind. Kenny Ortega is a liar, covering up something like everybody else around this contract. They pushed him to do this tour. I am the one who is not going to watch "This is It" movie.

Conspiracy To Force Jackson Into Bankruptcy

Tuesday, 08 August 2006 10:35
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.

The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”

Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate. In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.

“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years, he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests.”
mystery is a bitch, isn't it? lol. no matter what people say, there will always be that space of the unknown, where people will speculate, and judge, without matter which side you're on. the only one who knows, is Michael.
I think this article will refresh some fans memory. Some ppl are just blind. Kenny Ortega is a liar, covering up something like everybody else around this contract. They pushed him to do this tour. I am the one who is not going to watch "This is It" movie.

Conspiracy To Force Jackson Into Bankruptcy

Tuesday, 08 August 2006 10:35
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.

The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”

Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate. In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.

“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years, he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests.”

Obviously those of you who think that Kenny Ortega and others involved in the show were somehow trying to kill Michael, will continue to believe that no matter what anyone else says.
But what does the fact that there was a cospiracy in 2006 to force Michael into bankrupty have to do with Kenny Ortega? Michael and Kenny are friends and have been friends for many years. Michael asked Kenny to be part of This Is It. The number of concerts was increased because close to 1 million people tried to get tickets. I can imagine that Michael, more than anyone else, would not have wanted to disappoint people by limiting the number of shows. Either way, Kenny Ortega had nothing to do with deciding how many concerts there would be. The fans who wanted tickets are more responsible for increasing the number of shows than Kenny. Before you malign someones character, you should know what you're talking about. Anonimity on these sites makes all of us too bold sometimes, but that is no excuse for slander.
Conspiracy To Force Jackson Into Bankruptcy

Tuesday, 08 August 2006 10:35
In what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in entertainment history, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Mr. Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy.

The documents reveal that former attorneys actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to “join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.”

Mr. Jackson who, on June 27, 2006, announced sweeping organizational changes, has instructed his legal team to investigate and file claims against those responsible for conspiracy, bad faith, and self dealing. These efforts may also result in civil and/or criminal charges, where appropriate. In addition, there is a strong possibility that these documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Attorney General for review and possible involvement.

“Mr. Jackson is neither shocked or surprised by these revelations,” says Raymone K. Bain, Michael Jackson’s General Manager. “Based on the timing of events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years, he has long been suspicious that some of those whom he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests.”

I'm not sure what that has to do with Kenny though, he wasn't an advisor, associate or attorney - he was just a friend and Michael asked him to direct This Is It, nothing more. Kenny doesn't have anything to do with the contract between AEG and Michael or what goes on financially.
Well, I think saying "It wasn't stressful for him" is taking it a little too far. He should have maybe said "Well, putting a show like this together is hard work, of course he felt pressure, but it never overrode his enthusiasm." (If in fact that was the case, but I won't get into that discussion again.) I'm a performer, I love my job, I absolutely *love* what I do, but to say I don't feel immense stress and dog tired throughout the last few weeks of rehearsals would be a blatant lie - and I can speak for anyone in this field on that. =/ I'm not saying Michael wasn't happy and excited, but the two go hand in hand.
hmm I like Kenny. He's creative, like Michael and thats why the connected so well. I really believe MjJ wanted to do This Is It and make it bigger than anything else. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Well, I think saying "It wasn't stressful for him" is taking it a little too far. He should have maybe said "Well, putting a show like this together is hard work, of course he felt pressure, but it never overrode his enthusiasm." (If in fact that was the case, but I won't get into that discussion again.) I'm a performer, I love my job, I absolutely *love* what I do, but to say I don't feel immense stress and dog tired throughout the last few weeks of rehearsals would be a blatant lie - and I can speak for anyone in this field on that. =/ I'm not saying Michael wasn't happy and excited, but the two go hand in hand.

I think it depends on how you define stress, if you see it as a positive or negative stress. As I see it Kenny here defines stress in the more common way, as something negative that brings you down. But he wanted to point out that Michael was excited, that he loved very much what he was doing.

At least this is how I understand Kenny's words "It wasn't stressful for him". :scratch:
The thought is that he was pushed into it, to help clear his debt.
Isn't that a consideration for all of us in life? Why should that be any different with Michael than anybody else? Give him credit. If anything was responsible for hurting this man it wasn't his creative work. It's sickening to me that that's where the focus wants to be. He wanted to be there more than any of us.

Will this film show that?
Of course it will. Whether or not it will quiet [the salacious speculation] or not, you know, there are people out there who have an agenda – and they always will. That's just life. You can't create for everyone. That's what Michael would say. If you tried to, you wouldn't get anything accomplished.
This is the besy Kenny Ortega interview so far.
Well, said Kenny, Thanks for "Representing for Michael". :punk:
Kenny is a liar. First Michael planned only 10 concerts. Then it happened to be 50. Second. Kenny has to be aware that some ppl wanted to destroy MJ life. They tried to take him down for years.
Michael was saying about it while he was alive. Kenny has to go YouTube and do some search. Maybe it will help some fans as well to refresh a memory.

then, what if I call YOU a liar for stating something that YOU have no real hard proof of. The contract with AEG leaked weeks ago, and IT DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENT.

Why would MJ spend 24 millions$ to produce a show of such grand scale, for 10 shows?

Be logical. Think for yourself. Does it make sense Financially?

Move his kids to London for a mere 10 shows. Create 10 shorts films that cost millions for 10 shows.

Don't take my word for it... do some calculations and see how foolish this idea is.
AEG would have never agreed to it, because they couldn't have turn a profit.

MJ's BAD tour lasted over a year and a half. After over a decade of not performing, would you seriously think he would go through all the hard work for 10 measly shows?

Understand the concept of RETURN ON INVESTMENT...and you will see how ridiculous that whole "10 shows" assumption really is.

People have to stop believing bs and START THINKING FOR THEMSELVES.
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then, what if I call YOU a liar for stating something that YOU have no real hard proof of. The contract with AEG leaked weeks ago, and IT DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENT.

Why would MJ spend 24 millions$ to produce a show of such grand scale, for 10 shows?

Be logical. Think for yourself. Does it make sense Financially?

Move his kids to London for a mere 10 shows. Create 10 shorts films that cost millions for 10 shows.

Don't take my word for it... do some calculations and see how foolish this idea is.
AEG would have never agreed to it, because they couldn't have turn a profit.

MJ's BAD tour lasted over a year and a half. After over a decade of not performing, would you seriously think he would go through all the hard work for 10 measly shows?

Understand the concept of RETURN ON INVESTMENT...and you will see how ridiculous that whole "10 shows" assumption really is.

People have to stop believing bs and START THINKING FOR THEMSELVES.

Sorry. but I actually heard Michael say he only wanted to do 10 shows, and ony signed for 10 shows and woke up to find he was doing 50. He was very upset about it and now all evidence of that has been removed from youtube. So Kenny is lying so I ask myself why?
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Sorry. but I actually heard Michael say he only wanted to do 10 shows, and ony signed for 10 shows and woke up to find he was doing 50. He was very upset about it and now all evidence of that has been removed from youtube. So Kenny is lying so I ask myself why?
MJ signed a contract to do at least 31 shows.
MJ signed a contract to do at least 31 shows.

well he may have done later on when he felt forced or he may not have done.

I can only say I heard him say he only wanted to do 10 shows and woke up to find he was being forced to do 50 shows. Plenty of other people heard him say it, I'm not the only one
The follower fans say Michael told them he only wanted to do 10 shows too not 50.

and I have been a fan for 20years as an adult and I know if MJ doesnt want to do something he will not do it...He wanted to do this 50 as he wanted to go into Guiness book of world records again..the child in him always the Book of World records...if they were in the project he was in it..
so unless someone shows me a letter MJ has signed or a video where he is saying he never signed 50 I am not believing any word of it and I keep my standpoint..MJ wanted to do it and he was up for it, he loved every minute of it and I am honoured to have gotten a ticket and now to be able to relive the dream once more in the cinema...even if it is only a mosaic and very very painful dream..
some people have to face the fact which is that MICHAEL WAS AN ADULT and anything he did , he did it to himself. He was responsible for his consequences. Face it. He was 50. Not 15.